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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. The language concerning multiple accounts has been that way for many years now - yes even the now altered wording. It has yet to be enforced.
  2. Same page, just with far less being said in my own explanations.
  3. Paul, I am talking about what is, not about potential laws. That is a wholly different discussion - one which seeks to look ahead at What Could Be/Change.
  4. Erm, to nitpick a bit: The IRS says the end result (USD) of that conversion is taxable which essentially means that there are no conditions under which L$s have a monetary value as far as they are concerned. That conversion within Linden Lab's systems does not impart any sort of value to the tokens - not any meaningful one as far as taxes are concerned. General response below: At this point it is a back and forth over semantics - something which I simply am not interested in. If someone wants to believe L$ have monetary value, that is on them. If people wish to discuss the "value" of the L$ Token, fine and dandy. Such a discussion should be wholly divested from the issue of taxation outside discussions on potential regulation of such tokens by the IRS and similar bodies.
  5. That value exists at present solely within the confines of Linden Lab's own servers. No where else. Further that value only exists thanks to the efforts of Linden Lab. No, that "agreed upon value" within their own system does not at all mean that the tokens have any real value. Their "value" begins and ends within Linden Lab's servers. Any legislation attempting to change such ought to be fought tooth and nail as well.
  6. Yes, I am quite sure. Doubly so after reading the linked wiki page which - going by what it directly says - concerns USD amounts resulting from converting L$ to USD, exclusively. This - under the current systems/regulations - makes L$ themselves worth exactly nothing. No one is presently being taxed over some imaginary value for the L$, they are being taxed exclusively on their USD balances. Put another way: You are suggesting that the token itself is taxable - based on your wording. Their documentation makes it rather clear that it is not the token that falls under present regulations. Now I am well aware that some want to change this and quite frankly I am rather against such a change if it is not very carefully crafted. And yes, I am being incredibly exacting here. The IRS doesn't care what arbitrary value is placed on the L$ by we users or by Linden Lab, they care about the end result. There is a difference between the "value" we/Linden Lab assigns those tokens and their actual value. Until L$ are used in exactly the same manner as Crypto and other purely electronic "currencies" in a rather vast number of places or the laws regarding such tokens are changed .... They will continue to have exactly no value as far as the IRS is concerned. For the purposes of discussing taxes, that latter is all that matters.
  7. Unfortunately some region closures are simply inevitable, made worse by marrying a shop or club of some sort to the region in some attempt to recoup the cost of maintaining it. Even in the early days (the ones i was present for - 2006 onward) this was the case. We've lost a large number of creators with very good potential - and products - over the years thanks to all of that. I have little doubt that if there had been a similar system to the MP in place from the very beginning, a fair few more merchants from that era might still be around.
  8. Except that such creators not only manage to remain in business, they tend to grow thanks to the other half of that equation - the ever increasing number of buyers who pay more attention to vapid popularity and such. Which creates a feedback loop. Sadly, such is the way of things.
  9. Thing of it is, Luna, the MP is little more than a purchased and repurposed version of two older, third party marketplaces. One of which had very few actual users/customers. Like it or not, Linden Lab actually made a sound business decision in acquiring them.
  10. Some of my purchases follow a not too dissimilar order of operations - it is how I ended up with a few of the form bases for my RP Character, Atra. Some of those ended up replaced with better ones as time went on as well.
  11. It's ... right there, in text. I'll try to make it a bit clearer though: If you're more concerned with remaining popular at the expense of build quality (among other attributes) then you're the sort I was talking about where Merchants are concerned. Same for the purchaser end - the concern with popularity over actual quality is a cancer (of sorts) as far as my views go.
  12. Which in essence means that your response - and this one - were unneeded as nowhere did i say anything close to what you seem to think i did.
  13. The answer to that is .... It Depends. It varies from person to person and even then that variance is further complicated by use cases! If I do not feel like going anywhere on a particular day, I'll peruse the Marketplace (usually poking at shops/merchants I have bought from in the past) to see if they have anything new. I have also started using it more thanks to the redelivery options that Linden Lab added in - it saves me a trip to an in world location to boop either a CasperVend system or, in the case of one anthro vendor i rarely use these days, their in store, custom system (which looks for and attempts to redeliver all of your prior purchases).
  14. Breaking my usual rules here and directly quoting you .... Read what I wrote a bit more carefully and you'll see I was talking about the average, modern person/user and not the merchant when talking about "popularity". I will however have to vehemently disagree as the more you emphasize/try to cash in on that reaction to such, the less attention is paid to more important details - this happen so frequently that it is practically a rule these days. There are certainly merchants who manage to be an exception and I personally tend to gravitate to them. I - personally - don't care how trendy your items are or what meaningless buzzwords you use in your descriptions or even what types/styles of items as a whole you tend to sell, I'll pay far more attention to the item itself (assembly, options, compatibility (for clothing/attachments) and such) when deciding on purchasing or not ... or even to bother much with your store as a whole.
  15. Now see, this is what I was talking about in an earlier post! Things like this are what should be done with Bots/Scripted Agents and such!
  16. Again Luna .... That's nice. You're operating a business and so of course you're going to pay attention to trends and other such things to try and maximize your potential profits. Unfortunately in the end, such a tactic when applied across society as a whole results in exactly what I have described: People who are more concerned with "popularity" (appearance over substance/usefulness).
  17. Answering the question first: Pretty much, I am afraid. I make no attempts to disguise my disdain for such a way of doing things - as rather clearly evidenced in this very thread - and marvel at how casually people just ... roll with such trends. That last bit in your above post is - truthfully - the best use for such scripted agents and likely another part of why Linden Lab treats them the way they do. They should be treated the exact same way as that type of NPC! That is even part of the intent behind Animesh "objects" that resemble and behave like people/avatars! I dearly wish more would actually use both Bots/Scripted agents and Animesh "objects" as such.
  18. That's nice Luna. Such tests simply confirm that people - in general - are becoming more and more easily led around by the nose/enamored with absolutely irrelevant/trivial things.
  19. I'll occasionally do that coloring trick when responding to a post that has several questions within it - both when I remember to and when those questions are related to each other in some way. Despite severe visual impairment, I find doing such is a neat method for organizing responses to such questions.
  20. Much the same and such a use is one of the incredibly few use cases for Traffic as any sort of useful metric. As stated earlier in the thread, I'll look at the Place name and Description before even so much as glancing at the Traffic - a step I only take if looking for some new place to shop.
  21. One would think/hope so. Personally .... I don't. If a user cannot be arsed to do more than look at an arbitrary number to determine a potential place to visit, that is on them. Which is - pretty much - also a summary of my own posts/reactions in this thread.
  22. Summary: It skews the Traffic numbers - a metric that nerfed into uselessness in the (currently broken) web Search and absolutely useless/irrelevant in the Legacy Search system (but still included as that system is almost hard coded - so it seems - to have it as the primary sort value).
  23. Likely the same place they get their information regarding the monetary value of the L$.
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