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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. No, they don't. That very document says nothing whatsoever concerning an actual L$ value that triggers the requirement. It in fact states In other words: The L$ balance is not what is being taxed. At all. In world/MP transactions are done in L$ - even when you choose to use a linked card/PayPal account directly (the USD amount is converted into L$ and that resulting balance is used). This is what they are talking about when referencing L$ sales values. So no, the IRS doesn't care about your unconverted tokens - tokens which you cannot actually use anywhere (that matters) in the Real World. Now, if you'd like to continue to contest it - find an actual Tax Attorney and get their opinion on the matter. ETA: Yes, I am rather serious on that as the only users that I have seen mention having had to file with the IRS were "cashing out" - using the Lindex system to convert their tokens into USD to be moved elsewhere.
  2. Until they start taxing L$ directly and not your USD balance, L$ have a value of .... exactly nothing whatsoever outside of Second Life. As far as the Gatcha part of this goes? I've made my views known across several related threads in the past.
  3. How to look like a teen? That is simple enough: Don't bother trying. Don't focus on outward appearance (beyond general shape/height), don't bother following some rather arbitrary rules concerning social etiquette/interests and simply put the relevant information somewhere that can be read. Yes, I am being quite serious here. See, you're looking to present as a Teenager without stating which era's general Teen feel you are going for. That criteria is incredibly important - at least, for the more detail oriented. When it comes to far more generalized thinking people? it is enough to have the overall size and shape of a "Teenager". As a personal anecdote to the above: When I was in Middle School (Grade 6-8, US) my Mom had to come and pick me up one day (I forget exactly why) and was stopped in the halls by a member of the Faculty that has not met her in any way before to ask her why she was out of class and if she had a Hall Pass and would not let up until Mom produced her ID and one of the Faculty that had met her had passed by, greeting her. My Mom is barely five feet tall, fairly thin (even to this day) and "small chested" - if it were not for her hair and the age lines that are only now showing up, she could still be mistaken for a Middle School age girl. And I would be in a similar boat if I ever shaved off my beard and mustache - worse if I ever decide to embrace a more Femme look and remove the darker body hair I have (good luck at that point in figuring out if I am male or female, until I speak anyway)!
  4. ah yep, gonna second this and add in that I use specific behaviors/mannerisms and physical traits to denote when the avatar is meant to be a more full out Character than some representation of the Inner Me. For the former I generally stick to a singular Character - Atra (a nickname of sorts) - with specific traits and behaviors that are his pretty much alone. Now mind that there is some crossover as I will sometimes use Atra as a vehicle to let some of my darker traits and such run free, though once play is done those go right back into their box. ETA: For an example of a physical trait that belongs to Atra - one that I try to carry across forms and updates - see my forum Avatar image and note the eyes in particular. Almost every version of Atra has Red/Gold, solid Red or solid "Gold" eyes. For the latter I have incredibly specific Human, Hybrid and Anthropomorphic Avatar forms I use as representation with the first two types having a host of physical traits that I too have (hair, eye and skin coloration for example) while taking liberties with others (mixing in the body type I had years ago, stylized to be a bit healthier and making allowances for height in SL). The Anthropomorphic one is an incredibly specific Fox Mod color by Okaie/Whisk with the only other alterations there being head and overall body shape - reflecting my mood/mental state at the time in a way not too dissimilar to what I do for the Character, Atra and his varied form/color changes. Bit convoluted? Meh - I hope not but I know it might seem so for some.
  5. Um .... I suppose I'm one of the few that can remember who I have blocked?
  6. No, what annoys me is the endless complaining about a "lack of information" when there is no information to be given. What annoys me is this expectation some (not just you) seem to have with regard to what amounts to getting an empty "update" on routine maintenance. What annoys me is this seeming inability for said routine to be .... routine/predictable. I could go on but rest assured ... it's just coincidence coupled with general exasperation. ETA: To be clear, not trying to be an arse and being somewhat honest the above list of annoyances was written with a slight chuckle.
  7. You are rather right in there being a bit of confusion. First, if there is no change to report, no post needs to be made. No, really - making a forum post to report a battery of restarts wherein no change is being made nor to attempt to correct an issue is rather pointless in my opinion. I'd much rather see posts notifying of actual updates - things more important than "We're turning the system off and back on again, as we do regularly." If you want reports on Restarts in general, this is where you go. Second (and a rather different issue), is the apparent failure for some Regions to be Restarted on the originally stated schedule. That needs to be looked into. So there's no misunderstanding on something here: Yes, seeing/getting announcements through fora, social media and such for other things (such as routine restarts/server maintenance) for some other things (such as games with Online functionality or MMOs) does, in fact, annoy me. If there is a centralized spot already in place for such information that will be unaffected by said restarts/maintenance .... there really isn't any need (or shouldn't be anyway) to plaster it elsewhere. If it happens on a regular schedule - same day of the week, same time ranges and such - there is even less reason for it! Making an actual change? Sure, make a post and spread it around. Just doing a regular cycle to maintain efficiency/optimal operation? Especially if done on a set schedule? No, just no. And that is my biggest gripe where the restarts are concerned: Unless there's some good reason I am missing, these should not be being executed at arbitrary times.
  8. Unless my primary Home is behind, here's the current Main Channel Server Version. In other words - there was no change to report.
  9. I somewhat hope such is the case though to be somewhat honest I really don't see the purpose of adding Mesh Rendering to the Map. Not in much detail at any rate. The existing system never showed all that much detail to begin with - as far as non-mesh objects are concerned - which made its usefulness/utility beyond general orientation rather questionable. Without - needlessly mind you - adding in some way to have more than a simple Top Down view .... Yeah, not much point really, just one more thing the system has to crunch. Sure, it's no longer their own dedicated hardware doing it but that point remains.
  10. Oh for .... And people wonder why I take a very dim view of offering "improvement suggestions" when a feature is in need of repair ... Order of operation should be Fix Broken Thing then Figure Out How to Add Feature. So for those simultaneously griping that it has been broken so long and offering such "suggestions for improvement" .... Sit down for the remainder of the time it takes.
  11. Oh for - I am well aware of the history of the Search system. I was there. That entire "response" is absolutely meaningless and an attempt to alter the history. As usual.
  12. Wili, like it or not no matter how "logical" your arguments may seem to you ...... they are utterly irrelevant as far as I am concerned. I have stated why this is, repeatedly now. You're not changing my mind. You're welcome to keep "countering" what I have said but do understand that on this I am not looking for nor engaging in a debate on the matter. Do try to accept that - contrary to your belief - not everyone finds it a useful metric.
  13. Quoting yourself trying to justify an utterly useless metric as though it is some sort of "answer" to another user's remarks does not change anything, Wili. "Popularity" is useless and irrelevant. Traffic is just as useless and irrelevant. There is nothing whatsoever you can say or point to, to change that as far as I am concerned. I will always put more weight on what a place states is there/puts as a description than the Traffic count. This has not changed since my first day within Second Life. And yes, I would be utterly ecstatic if they removed Traffic as a metric - or at least its display - from the Legacy and Web Search systems entirely.
  14. In the interest - and assumption - that you might have missed something in my response: I am saying that Legacy Search can sort by more than just Traffic. Not by much more mind but the option is there. As for the attraction that those high numbers possess ... It's an ingrained/learned behavior, fostered by several external, larger scale Search Engines and Schoolyard behaviors. We're taught that "popularity" is meaningful. To each their own I suppose .... I just wish people would stop pretending that particular metric carries some greater meaning/weight. Heck, some of the best places I've found in my time using Second Life were found by perusing the Search results and actually reading the descriptions - a behavior that never changed through the time between when what we now call Legacy Search was the only Search and now. I have pretty much never used the Web Search in the way some seem to think it is "useful" for. Which brings me to my own gripe on Search ... Entries where the Description/Information field contains nothing but a comma separated list of keywords. With very few exceptions, such places are just not worth a second glance.
  15. Firestorm has two, wholly different Search systems: The "modern" Web Search system and the Legacy Search system (shown as individual tabs for each main category). It is the Web Search that is - apparently - suffering. Furthermore the Legacy system defaults to being sorted by Traffic - highest to lowest. It can also be sorted by Name/Title in Ascending or Descending order. Traffic count has long been an utterly irrelevant metric and by all rights should have been nuked from the entire system (in terms of being sortable), though such would defeat part of the purpose of having the Legacy system in the first place: Allowing users who grew used to the original system the ability to continue to use it. It being seemingly unaffected by the latest kerfluffle is little more than a happy, circumstantial accident. Frankly if you are paying more attention to the Traffic count given by the Search results as opposed to the Name/Title and Description ... you're doing it quite wrong. Traffic tells you nothing useful whatsoever - no, not even so called "popularity".
  16. Last I knew, they can't file a JIRA - all thanks to acting in the same manner there as we see here. You'd think that such an action - with others included (if I recall they were once banned from the forum during a time when such bans were not connected to the primary/in world account) - would have been a bit of a wake up call.
  17. "We" - in English - is often taken as an all encompassing word choice. That is why you've gotten the reaction you have. That has nothing to do with arguing semantics - that is, simply, what is. What you mean and what is said/comes across are not always in line.
  18. Wili, the language used does not impart what you think it does. The question/title should have been "Why do some of us hide behind our avatars?"
  19. Second Life is not the main World Wide Web, your response is - thus - irrelevant. They changed the way the system calculates Search Relevance quite some time ago and seriously nerfed the influence Traffic has on the results - this is a simple fact, just like Traffic not being a useful metric for Second Life searches. You can argue all you'd like - including pulling out more irrelevancies - and it won't change the reality.
  20. Bots marked/flagged as Scripted Agents do not count. Unflagged? They are treated like a normal account.
  21. No. Traffic is not a useful metric. Legacy Search is about the only thing that still uses Traffic as a major metric. Unfortunately with the Web Search currently a bit borked, users are having to relearn how to use Legacy Search effectively. This is also a topic that has been covered - in varied forms - repeatedly over the years.
  22. Wasn't my Region - I cannot afford the current setup or upkeep costs they have now, let alone the much more expensive costs they had back then. Numbakulla was on the Grid for several years, though I do not remember the exact time frame.
  23. And did either of you happen to notice that in one of the images tat was posted to this thread that the option to use the Dynamic Texture Memory system was checked but wholly grayed out for this user? So yes, it is presently capped for them at 2048. The question ought - now - to be why is that option and relevant settings disabled?
  24. There are no "servers" in the sense you're meaning - not with Second Life. There are Regions, each costing over a hundred dollars a month to keep running (or in the case of "Mainland" Regions, to keep "ownership" of the parcels/Regions). I don't bother much with dedicated "gaming" or RP Regions these days as very few allow enough freedom for me to use the character (and his variants) I developed expressly for Second Life. I've experimented with bringing older characters from my chat/text only days into Second life and did not like the results - nor did any of them feel "right" for what Second Life as a whole embodies. On top of all of that there seems to - sadly - not be much of a market these days for the sort of experience that drew me to give Numbakulla a try.
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