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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I realized the other day that I not only do I NOT take many pics in SL, but I haven't changed my profile pictures in years. So here is a new one. I figured if I put up a seasonal pic, I might remember to change it before the winter holidays arrive. (don't hold your breath). I can log back in and look at what I'm wearing if anyone wants to know.
  2. *runs through and waves to everyone* Wait... *sneaks a dark chocolate square off Clover's desk*
  3. Even with all the annoying parts of SL, we continue to login over and over. We know (and sometimes celebrate) the naughty fantasies, the crashing, the failed sim crossings, the upgrades, and new features. Still we log in. We persist in this world despite what we consider the crude behavior of others and the calls for "teh secks" from random people. We celebrate or or denounce the drama that some people live for and try to thrust upon others forming teams of angry residents with like minds. */me types in her password and enters the fray*. We play our characters regardless of what SL throws at us. Judgements form in our mind of the intent of others and whether our LL overlords care about our individual peace of mind and we curse the technology. We still log in.
  4. You guys are all so very good at this vanity thing. I am in awe of your creativity every time I check in. I took an alt in the other day to take a Topless Tuesday pic (because Cinnamon would never do that) Wearing - nothing Hair - some new VIP gift from Truth Skin - ? Head - System head Windlight - something that didn't match the skin on my head to my maitreya body Editing skills are all Cinnamon
  5. I know you didn't get the answer and support you were hoping for, but your answer is in your title Is this a griefer No or just plain idoit? Yes You are in control of your Secondlife. Just mute/block/derender the idiot and enjoy your time inworld. Comparing an idiot blowing pretend flames at you in a pixel world to a real life rape victim will not help your cause. Someone flicking a pretend booger at you is not the same as someone shooting you with a real life bullet. I am sorry you had to deal with an idiot inworld. I wish it didn't happen. It does and a good way to deal with it is to just make them disappear.
  6. You could try asking your question in the Answers section of the forums. There are tabs at the top of the page (at bottom of the picture of people at a restaurant) Click the Answers tab and choose a section to ask your question in. "Technical" might be a good one to choose. People there will ask you about your computer, your connection, and which viewer you use. Good luck.
  7. Just out of curiosity, where would I find those security questions? It's been 7 years since I joined and I have no idea what the questions are/were. I don't remember any questions when I created my alts.
  8. I live on the side of a mountain in Oregon, USA and my SL partner is Dutch (a more than 5000 mile distance closed over an internet connection)
  9. The thing with emotions is that any of these can be positive or negative depending on the context. Love, awe, and ecstasy can be destructive in some circumstances. Rage, fear, and disgust can keep you alive. I don't have a favorite color or food either.
  10. Just bumping this pic up as a remembrance to a great guy with a great sense of humor passing too soon. For those of you who knew Sir Ian, his passing was announced here https://my.secondlife.com/keira.colclough/posts/5907e16e3ce38a08cf000001
  11. First Aid and CPR trained for humans, but I've never had to use the CPR part on a person. I have used it on many animals over the years and is part of my professional training... Except those 2 years as an aquarist with the octopuses (they have 3 hearts anyway so which one would I work on?). The best medicine practiced for those 2 years were injections in goldfish and anesthesia for an eel operation.
  12. You will be able to find answers to your request for help more easily if all the responses are in one thread, so don't start another new one. Are you using the official Secondlife viewer? What are you trying to detach or add? Individual clothing items? Hair? Shape? Skin? Have you tried changing to a default SL avatar? Tell us a bit about your computer specs and what kind of internet connection you have. We would love to help, but we need a little more info.
  13. There is a creation Forum with Building and Texturing and Mesh subforums. I bet that is a great spot for your more technical questions. The people there are a great resources. Welcome to Second Life.
  14. Are you using your old shoes from 7 years ago? I believe the old masking system using invisiprims is broken. The new masking system uses alphas to make areas of the body invisible. There might be a way to update your old shoes, but it might be fun to just go shopping and find new stuffs. @Rhonda Huntress you're our resident shoe hound. Can she update old shoes?
  15. I dont use the official viewer, but the one I do use has a "move lock" button as an option. I have incidentally clicked it and spent ages trying to figure out why I wasn't walking, running, flying even after a relog. Perhaps you have the option as well.
  16. Try searching for "public sandbox" either inworld with your viewer or here on the website from your dashboard. You will get a nice long list to choose from.
  17. If you bought them off the Marketplace, they will be in your "Received Items" folder. If you bought them inworld, they are probably in your "Objects" folder. If you still can't find your purchase, try using the search bar at the top of your inventory and search for the name of the item you bought. There are tutorials for opening your boxes when you find them.
  18. Usually simple is best. Easy. Predictable. Point A to point B on the straightest path possible. Get things done with the least amount of drama. But I'd be lying if I said I don't occasionally revel in absolute chaos. The excitement of it, anticipation, puzzling out and untangling the threads of turmoil and bedlam - just getting right in the disarray and bedlam and rolling in it until I'm enveloped. So, I would live simplicity and visit complexity, but I am much more passionate about the chaos. How's that for a non-answer?
  19. I'll pop in, but it will be later 6 or 7SLT Is it come as you are or is there a theme?
  20. Just get your script lagging breedables off my lawn already! Your baby shoes are crapping (or wiping their soles) all over my yard! I have never understood the draw of breedables (is it like a gacha where you pay money and hope for that rare baby shoe to arrive?). Then again I never understood having prim/mesh babies and SL pregnancy either, but whatever an individual likes is fine for them. I've seen worms, horses, dogs, that meeroo thing that happened a few years ago, but shoes? Really? Okay, done being a judgemental meanie now.
  21. Or, if you are talking about your own personal alt accounts, you can have 5 per email address. Not sure which one you are asking about.
  22. Over the years I tried many different kinds of housing - space station, barn, suburban style house with bedrooms bathroom, kitchen, floating island, futuristic metal building, dystopian styles. I had fun decorating them all, but I find my SL style mirrors my RL style more and more. I am most comfortable in a simple, cluttered, comfortable room surrounded by the Pacific Northwest forests. I love looking at the gorgeous, perfect, museum showcase, quality settings,but even in SL I don't want to live in one. So here is my humble abode with used/vintage eclectic furniture and decorations collected fro all over SL and a pic of the landscaping outside (minus the long grasses that will no longer properly rez for me and was recently removed - I miss that grass). It is like my real life house. I seem to have lost some of my imagination the longer I am inworld. I still have more than 100 unused prims... perhaps a skybox? I could sit on this porch and watch the sunset every day.
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