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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Dresden wrote: Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: I figure they must have actual creativity in their makeup :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: I have tons of creativity in my makeup... Especially the blush. ...Dres (It wouldn't have been the same without the blush.) Mmmmmmm sexy look! The blush really does add to the overall artistic expression, but that lighter than air tutu is the icing on the cake. You had a Rez Day a week and a half ago and I forgot to toss glitter and feathers all over your feed. Happy Rez Day (late) Dres!
  2. There are several ages you can find looks for in SL 15, 25, 60, and 80. There isn't much available for the 35-55 aged crowd. This happens to be the age I find most attractive in RL - imperfections and all. I seem to see more mens skins available in that age range than I do women's skins, unfortunately. Clothes are the same way. When I first discovered SL I tried many different looks all in the 25 year old age range. As time has gone by (and I found many more interesting shops) I tend to dress my avatar more like the real life me - rather conservative with little skin showing. I will put on a character when out exploring RP sims, dress sexy for a night out dancing, or if I am going to a themed party, but in general my avatar dresses much more maturely than 5 years ago when she first rezzed. Finding the right parts to age my avatar has not been easy and I still look for items to age her correctly. Skins are perfect, unblemished, clothes fit perfect 20 year old bodies. Tattoo wrinkles and aged skins look too old, angry and unnatural, so I have tweaked my shape bit by bit over the years. I've worn and modified the same shape for 5 years. The profile picture I have here in the forums is 5 years old and looks younger that the more current profile picture inworld. I suppose I am just more comfortable being me, but I do envy those that can become characters very different than their real life selves, those who can immerse in their RPs. I figure they must have actual creativity in their makeup :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  3. /me runs in and screams HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Looks at the calendar... *sigh* I may be a bit late, but I have leftovers to share. Dig in! 
  4. theappleguySL Resident or theappleguySL.resident
  5. Ignore him and block/mute him. If an alt comes back, block that one, too. Do NOT interact with him. Do NOT respond in any way. If you are not fun to harass, he will find someone else. I don't know how many times I have given out this advice. It works. Do not respond no matter what idiotic title you are given. If the harasser is muted, you won't be able to read anything he says in public chat and you will not receive any private messages from him either. Make yourself boring - really boring. I am going to repeat the advice one more time - Do not respond in any way. Block. Ignore. You lose if you ignore once and respond the next time an alt logs in. Just roll your eyes and block the alt. If you want this post to stay, you will need to remove his name from your original post. It is against community standards to name and shame. Enjoy your second life.
  6. What a beautiful city Paris is! Thank you for sharing photos of that beauty. My thoughts are with all who are touched by the violence. :-(
  7. Oooooooh *makes strange noises* Time to pop some popcorn and wait for The Karen Show. :-D
  8. Empty your notification folder occasionally. Check your received items folder. Ask for redelivery if you need to. Have fun shopping on Marketplace. You can turn off notifications (so the notification folder doesn't fill up) and turn on automatic delivery (so they never pass through the notification folder) in preferences and in group profiles. No refund is needed and you can still get your stuff.
  9. I may not be understanding what the issue is, but the applier applies the skin texture to the mesh body only. Your standard system body head still needs to wear the skin to match it. 1 wear the skin 2 use the applier to put the matching skin on the mesh body There are 2 places that need to be covered - both body (applier) and head (system skin layer)
  10. Perhaps if you asked this question over in the answers section...
  11. Have you tried any fitmesh? It should work with some of the sliders. I am not sure how far out the stomach will go and you may not get actual man-boobs, but it might be worth a try. Check out the demos first! ETA: I am not sure what kind of old guy you want to be, but old guy golf pants? (no demo) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RGDW-Cargo-Pants-for-Aesthetic-Fitmesh-Brown-Tartan/7645895 Matching shirt (maybe you can get some curly gray chest hair to stick out of the shirt) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AS-Aesthetic-Polo-DEMO-BAG/7530098 (this is the demo - you can get it in a plaid to match the pants) Thus demo buttons up to the neck so no chest hair needed https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GAS-Long-Sleeve-MESH-Shirt-New-Orleans-11-colors-wHUD-Demo/7211536 Old guy sweatshirt jacket? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DEMO-LQMesh-PoloJacket-REDGRAVE/5324351
  12. Oh shoot... I forgot if this is the same person who asks for help and then doesn't follow any of the advice. I should read the forums more often.
  13. Awwww, but you're such a cute little egg - nice even shell tone and everything. What have you tried? Character test? Changing outfits? Changing group tags? Texture refreshing? Clearing cache? These seem to be the most common methods to try first. ETA: I got all these results when I searched "I'm an egg" https://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?filter=labels%2Clocation&location=category%3AForums&q=I%27m+an+egg
  14. Madelaine McMasters wrote: When I see things like this I wonder what the hell people are thinking when they say that humans share no ancestry with other animals, that we're something apart from the rest of nature. I feel a great sense of kinship when I see Butch (in my childhood, he was Barney) frolicking in the leaves, and I'm happy for him (and the countless children who do the same), because he's feeling a simple joy that so many of us have "outgrown". Rather than suppress those little evolutionary pings of my subconscious, I revel in them. The world is a wondrous and magical place and I'm grateful I get to play in it. I'm just wrapping up the reconstruction of my brick patio, after which I'll fire up the blower and tackle more than an acre of maple leaves. You can bet I'll fling myself into them, burrow under, and peer out through a tiny hole to spy on the unsuspecting world that, for a fleeting moment, is all mine. This is lovely! Happy ummm whatever day it is (Monday? Tuesday?) everyone!
  15. *Looks for Maddie, Josephine, Val, Parhelion and others for the snuggle pile* Is this a naked cuddle or do we all need to look for fur coats?
  16. Rhonda Huntress wrote: It's cloudy and rainy here. It would be a good day to stay home and snuggle. Aawwwwww I need a snuggle! *makes some hot chocolate* Happy Thursday everyone!
  17. SL is not a game it is an open ended platform to do what you want. There is no winning. That being said, my approach to SL has always been like a game. For every new skill I level up. In the beginning walking without falling off cliffs and bridges was a good level up (I do still occasionally walk off a cliff - thank goodness for unlimited lives). Opening a box - level up. Build my first candlestick - level up. Get a mesh body and figure out the applier HUDs - level up. Try flying a spaceship - level up (or not since I failed miserably after the spaceship derendered midflight and I fell from the sky). Jumped on a SLex pose ball once. Yes, once. Felt creepy, jumped off - didn't level up. I am not competing against anyone, just acquiring new skills. So, no it's not really a game, but my approached is the same as if I was playng one.
  18. I like Jo's "not quite out the back window" picture. So I walked out back of my house to see what I could see, but the only thing there was crabby Maura reminding me that the food bowl was only 3/4 full (to which I reminder HER that there were moles in the yard, mice in the orchard and those darn stellar's jays screeching at the back window). Happy Thursday!
  19. Parhelion Palou wrote: Happy Saturday! :smileywink: (getting the thread caught up) Was Hippie slacking? I thought maybe I put too much "special" in the special brownies. I see he is back though. Monday!!! Yay!
  20. You can try this tattoo or try to make one yourself. You will need to be able to color/tint it to match your skin. It's not perfect, but it helps a bit. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/mTru-Thigh-Fix-Now-with-Appliers/4507888
  21. It looks sort of like this womens hair: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Maitreya-Green-Blacks-Pack/1494394
  22. GreenLantern Excelsior wrote: Muletta wrote: GreenLantern Excelsior wrote: There's some fairly extreme disrespect and cruelty in this thread toward a new resident who just wants to help people. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Hi GreenLantern - please try to forgive and to see things from the other point of view ... Some of us care a lot about the welfare of SecondLife, and when someone is trying to act in the name of Linden Lab, it is not unfair to be a little sceptical, I think. I met officalnickiminaj in the Arapaima Adult Infohub the day she started this message thread. She was (surprise, surprise) asking in local chat if anyone needed help. We talked in IM for a while, and I have no doubt that she is really trying to help new residents. There are plenty of zero-day-old residents who come through there, and even though a fair number of them are griefers and trolls, there are some genuine newbies who would love it if someone would help them get started. I can't help but admire someone who makes an effort to assist others, expecting nothing in return. She's not asking for money or fame or power. She just wants to help. Imagine what Second Life would be like if we all did that. You TP into a region and see someone who's 2 days old. You send them an IM and say "Hi, welcome to Second Life. I see you are new here. Would you like some help getting started?" And then you post about it in the SL forums, and get called a bad person for writing your post in gray text. So no, I'm not going to forgive that kind of trolling, especially when the disrespectful posts come from people who don't know the OP in the first place. It is nice that you are in here to defend her and to try the shame the rest. I stand by my post. She didn't come in here asking who wanted to help new residents. She came in here and announced she wanted to form a group, that she would be in charge of to moderate the forums (yes, I saw that she said she could not moderate officially) and police certain areas of Second Life to make sure people are being nice. She implied by the name choice that it would be in cooperation with The Lab. She implied that her group members might have certain powers and she ignored the fact that there are already groups who help new residents both inworld and here in the forums. I don't think anyone here has a problem with a person wanting to help new residents. Most of us help new users all the time. You cannot tell tone of voice from type, but to me her posted sounded presumptuous (and the other post she started). To be part of her club of her helpful people we have to fill out an application? She will review our previous posts to see if we are worthy? We get a tag that might trick someone into thinking we are a LL employee? (She is using a celebrity name as well) She wants to give out "friendly reminders" when she feels people are being rude? Sounds like she wants to get groups of avatars together to have AR parties on people they think are being inconsiderate (why else would you need a group)? Based on whose idea of inconsiderate or rude? There are places for friendly, knowledgeable people to help and they would love to have an enthusiastic member join them or be helpful on your own. Click on over to the answers section. People need help over there everyday. There are many new resident friendly areas that have helpful people in them. They can always use more helpers. If she joins an existing group, she won't have absolute control though which may or may not be the problem. The forums ARE moderated heavily almost to the point of being completely useless. There are other ways to start a group: I love SL and I love to help people. Do you? Anyone want to get together and tp to various new-comer areas and offer help to new residents? Maybe we could form a group and split up into smaller sets of 2 or 3 people and cover more ground. We can create notecards with helpful websites, Landmarks to good freebie areas and point out where to find tutorials on how to open boxes. Who's in? To me it sounds way better than lets become the SL etiquette police. IM me to find out if I think you're nice enough.
  23. *presents my best, pleading, puppy dog eyes to Karen and waits for coffee*  *waits with a sad, wistful expression, imploringly peering out from under expressive eyebrows* "just one sip? Just a little lick out of your cup? I promise not to drool."  *falls on the floor and plays dead*
  24. MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote: Here's a news flash for some of you. It's sometimes not what people seem like, it's what in their hearts. Angels have a way of seeing beyond the avatar and the fluff. Many of you we just feel past the computer screen. Like with Drake. No, he's not THE fallen one. Not even close. But actions can sometimes shape results. And Maddy, sorry I blew your cover. Carry on...... God Bless Cher :smileyvery-happy: I knew angels had a sense of humor. Cinn PS Have fun with your Second Life mission. I just hope you and all the other "angels" are very careful with the mental well being of others. I still think you are playing a dangerous game if others are truly needing professional help. There are some fairly insane people inworld and I am sure they are not all attached to reality. PSS There are many churches in SL that hold services. Maybe one of them will take you guys in and give you a "home" and legitimacy to work from.
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