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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Accept each individual exactly as they are when you meet them. Accept them again tomorrow when they change. Celebrate and encourage differences. Walk away when acceptance is not enough to overcome negativity. Hope to leave everyone a little happier than they were before you spoke to them. Smile.
  2. Wow! Where did all these people come from? /me scooches over to make room for everyone.... Hi everyone! Migraine from yesterday is gone, so I will pull out a bunch of extra smore's and hotdogs!
  3. Everyone looks great!!!! In honor of Storm's return to this epic thread, I will post a few from Ambrosia today. I took the purple haze ones (thanks Storm) and Caity took the real colors one (Thanks Caity) This one almost looks 3D. Yes, I am reaching out to grab you. Domitan correctly pegged this one. I, too, thought it looked like I was playing air guitar and I was giggling as I downloaded it. Storm's Purple Haze comment finished it. Caity can do much better graphics settings that I can. Always nice to see how I look to others.
  4. Mmmmmm... Chai - my favorite! Thanks!
  5. Awww... Thanks for the great company! We need to dance again soon! :catvery-happy:
  6. Funny enough - being a better person also means not calling other people's beliefs silly... Just sayin', Cinn
  7. Very nice, Jonna! I like the spotlight effect and shadow. It makes me wish I had a better graphics card. The shirt is great, too. Is it mesh? Just out of curiosity, are you using poses or catching moments from your AO?
  8. Kelli May wrote: Filthy habit Yeah - darn that diet coke habit, huh? Another addiction to fight....
  9. mmhmmm - that is EXACTLY the pic I was referring to. In fact, I will quote it in the reply just so I can enjoy it again.... :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Ian Undercroft wrote: Those damn PG guidelines, eh, Cinn?! I assume this is the pic to which you're referring: It's a shame really, because the uncropped version is rather good (even if I do say so myself)!
  10. This is an ongoing issue for me as well. It has been touched on several times in other posts. Try a search for related ones. Disabling http textures in one of your menus may help. ETA - I have no idea why this is posted as a reply to Dilbert....
  11. Ian Undercroft wrote: Disappoint? I've now seen the uncropped version! What a lovely flower arrangement. Coming from the King of Creative Cropping? Hahahahaha!!!!!
  12. Someone must read this forum. Threads occasionally get moved out of it, but maybe the people reading it don't have the power or inclination to give anyone a response. My personal opinion is this was created to give us a place to complain that is not in the main part of the forums. Few people read this and fewer still respond. Probably a safe bet to assume this is a useless wasteland.
  13. I see a LOT of less than a month old avatars and a LOT of more than a year or 2 old avatars. What seems to be missing are the 2 months to a year old ones. I wonder if they just give up - SL is not what they thought? The learning curve is too high? Maybe they landed in a toxic infohub and never returned? They couldn't find a group or friends to hang out with? I have no idea why this group seems so small to me, but I do wonder where they are...
  14. Madelaine McMasters wrote: There is no doubt that SL has had a lasting impact on me. Never in my life have I had the opportunity to share in the kind of joyous playfulness I find here in the company of truly intelligent and thoughtful people. It's an amazing place, Cinn. Exactly - it IS an amazing place. I nearly always logout with a smile on my face and joyous playfulness is perfect wording. Even with all the SL quirks - tp disasters, partial rezzing, crashes at inopportune times, chat lag, missing inventory. Many times the quirks add to the fun because you never see them coming. I may disappear for a while at times, but the fun always brigs me back - even with the playful threat of freefalling off highrises or possible fireballs. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  15. Randall Ahren wrote: Only the ladies have been a bad influence on Raven? According to biblical history, it was a woman that induced man to sin, resulting in humans being cast out from paradise to the east of Eden. Yeah... It is too bad men are so easily swayed into sin, huh? It is hard to imagine paradise and perfection being anything but eternally boring...
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! /me stops to breathe HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I imagine that was quite the experience, Maddy. It seems to have had a lasting impact on all future time you've spent in world. Heck it may have made you the woman you are today. I am guilty of tp'ing my friends while standing at the edge of a drop off too. Ahhh - many enjoyable moments to be relived in SL. Cinn
  17. An Easter or bunny theme? That is not something in my inventory (neither was the kimono). Maybe I can twist a photo to match that theme. Will rising from the dead match an Easter theme well enough? This was taken at the info hub I rezz at. I have been a premium member since I joined, I just never bothered to take the land that was included. I will have to think about whether I can wear a cute little cottonball tail and ears. One more group shot with crappy graphics to share because of what I thought about when I saw it. Lexxi the stage kitty, Lillie the songbird, the always fashionable Dee, down to earth beauty Katt, rarely dressed up me,the nefarious Maddy, pixie Pannie the club owner, new friend Auntie and club host and bouncer Scottis. We sing along to the same song, laugh at the same joke, dance the same dance in unison in the same virtual club at the same time. It absolutely amazes me how very different we all are - each an individual, each with a story and history of our own, different ages, different locations, different cultures, different.... We are all still able to make a connection and celebrate the things that make us the same and the things that make us different. *This is the reason I seek a new dance partner every time I am in SL*This is the reason I am famous for "picking up strays"* So here is the crappy picture with the crappy graphics setting that means so much to me:
  18. I am not sure if these pics are actually 'vanity thread' material. Everywhere I went over the last 24 hours was so packed, I had to have all my graphics set to low just to move. Oh well - we will call these Adventures in SL instead of Vanity. Great time last night at Occupy SL. We all decided to occupy the stage (thanks for the tradition Lillie and the use of your barn. I will muck out a stall for you if you like) and then had a little hoe down in the barn. Yeehawwww!!! Good tunes, good friends, a lot of laughs... Today - back to Ambrosia to listen to Venus' set again. More great tunes. It took at least 1/2 hour to get a dance partner this time and when I did a MONSTER of a guy rezzed right in the middle of the dancing (gotta love newbies) we figured he would eventually move so we just danced on. 20 minutes later he was still standing there immobile. Maybe he was so transfixed by the sight of the woman in front of him... Maybe he was lost in IM's or still rezzing... Maybe he just couldn't find the dance ball... My dance partner and I were laughing hysterically as we just danced right through him. Venus and Sy eventually figured it out. He had been dancing locally instead of inworld with his own animation. As far as he knew he had smooth moves... I think I must have done that 10 times when I was a newb before someone told me I was standing still. HAHA - once he got moving he DID have smooth moves. Sy took one of these pics - thanks!
  19. I am working for the weekend Hippie... And now I have an earworm to deal with while I do it. Happy Saturday - I want to get out to one of your beginners building classes, but I work every other Saturday. Is it a series of classes or can I jump in anywhere and make a mess?
  20. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Don't remove me or I will have to stalk you. You wouldn't want that, would you? Cinn Quickly open friends list..and checks. Whew. I'm safe from Cinn's stalk....errr.....Cinn's attention. That's right, Celestial - feel safe and secure. You can leave your windows open and your doors unlocked. Feel free to leave the key to your diary right where you left it under your mattress... Not that I would know about that or anything. I don't know anything about that special detour you take to work everyday or the fact that you feed your cat Friskies. That's right, you are safe and secure. Cinn
  21. Jesica Dragovar wrote: excuse me Stewardess, I speak jive HAHAHAHA!!! I needed that quote just now. Classic! @ Hippie - The Spaceport is one of the friendliest places I have ever been. Someone is always there to say hi, offer a tour or give advice. It is a living example of parts of my profile. ALL are welcome, no prerequisites. Kisses, Cinn
  22. I think it is just a mixup in terminology. The feed is part of your profile so I would assume that 'posting to your profile' is the same as 'posting to your feed'
  23. Followers are people following you that are NOT your friends. It is a completely separate list. All of your friends are automatically following you unless they manually unfollow you or you manually unfollow them. Also - unfriending someone just moves them to you 'followers list. You still need to remove them from followers AND unfriend them. Confused yet? I am. Don't remove me or I will have to stalk you. You wouldn't want that, would you? Cinn ETA If you block/mute someone you need to remove them as followers before you do that. I hope I got this all correct...
  24. Sorry, Dres. I used up all the fuel and broke the incinerator of sins. She may need to rebuild.
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