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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I would love a log cabin theme. Something as far from tropical beach themes as possible. Mountains high enough to have a tree/snow line (especially if the snow line changed seasonally - I can dream), cliffs with views of mountain valleys, evergreens and mountain streams. I get a taste of that with the full region parks by the continental divide, but it's just surrounded by traditional box homes and manicured hedges. I want something wild!
  2. Well, apparently the post in General Discussion about why people like things actually started here. If I'd known that, I wouldn't have posted at all, but I do enjoy reading the drama. Too bad it drifted into private messages as well, though. How do I look today? I don't have a high end computer with the latest graphics card or a fiber internet connection. Depth of Field is a thing... I saw it was an option in settings. I rarely turn on ultra-graphics because it may lead to the meltdown of my laptop. I will never be able to post the quality of photos that some people can and I don't really have an artistic eye for graphic design and color. I do my best. Would I mind a "like" for encouragement? Acknowledgment of the time I did spend messing with windlight settings? Even knowing that I can't measure up to the best photos here? Not at all. If no one acknowledges the effort at all, I would still put up the occasional photo because I like it. So, here it is. I took the old alt in to explore new Bellesseria regions on her hoverboard. Here's how I looked today: I did try out Depth of Field. That must be why the background is ridiculously blurry and, hey, turned on shadows, too.
  3. I don't know who abandoned this cute little parcel bordered on 2 sides by water, but I thank you. Polly (my alt) lucked into it. I derendered one edge of hedgerows to have more access to the water and the views. I don't have any idea what other people do with their parcels, but mine is open. No banlines or security orbs will block you and you can open the doors and windows to your hearts content. If you happen upon it, come on in and sit a spell (hopefully my furniture, which is set to public as well, will cooperate) NE corner of Middle Totting.
  4. As I've mentioned before, I am a radio listener. Here are a few I am currently waiting to roll back around to my airwaves.
  5. I post if I have something to say. I've been here off and on for nearly 10 years and my post count is fairly low for that period of time. My "like" count for others is also fairly low. I don't just "like" everything that goes by and expect others to return the favor. I would hope that any reactions to the few things I do post would have meaning. What that meaning is can only be guessed at since we are only given a few choices of reactions. * scorn laughs* Please press the heart icon at the lower right and choose your reaction of choice. My ego depends on it.
  6. I definitely prefer text to voice. That way I can review what I typed out before I hit enter. I have a chance reword anything I think doesn't sounded right or may be misinterpreted. That's not a fail-safe, of course, but at least I won't blurt out something completely inappropriate. I have used my mic a few times, however. That being said, I don't mind hearing others use voice. I don't talk on the phone in real life unless I have to. The ringer isn't even on. I rewrote this short post 4 times, changed the wording and order of the sentences, fixed a spelling mistake, added another sentence, deleted a different one. It may be best if I just don't try to hold an actual conversation. πŸ˜‰
  7. The things I have learned in SL would fill a book. I had no idea what a T-girl was until I entered SL either. SL is an education if your world started out fairly small.
  8. What am I listening to today? The radio as usual - 94.7 Alternative Portland. Some of the best music I've heard though I found in this post and I listen to everything. My exposure to world music is here since the town I live in is very small. The oldest songs on the old iPod are bluegrass rerecorded from the 1800s and all the way to music I heard on the radio last week. My true love is metal, but it's all great. Last 10 songs on the radio playlist:
  9. Darn, I was going to check out what groups you are a part of, but your profile is set to private or friends only. I wonder what groups guys think they'll get lucky in. Still, you have to admire the perseverance of a phishing trip into the members of a random group. πŸ˜‚ (fellow Oregonian)
  10. /me raises her hand for the 40+ crowd. Most people I meet claim to be 40+ unless I happened to be craving the chaos of a busy infohub and stopped by to observe. Many of the people there seem to be under 25. It would appear to be unusual by the comments in this thread, but most of my friends present themselves as straight males. They are lovely and intelligent and can hold a conversation and my interest for more than a few minutes or a dance. I get very few just "Hi" messages, so I have to wonder where people teleport to have that kind of thing continuously happen to them. Is it music/dancing venues? Sandboxes? Shopping sims? Anyway, the 40+ crowd is active in SL and I enjoy it immensely ❀️
  11. I finally got a camper and had to scramble to get holiday decorations up to keep up with the neighbors. The inside didn't get the holiday treatment, but I do like this little camper.
  12. It's no surprise or secret that I have no imagination. It is also no secret that I use my real life first name. It's easy to remember and I can spell it correctly nearly every time. I might have been more creative with a name if I had known what I was getting into, but I had no idea what to expect and just jumped in.
  13. SL things to be grateful for: The chaos of an infohub Slow rezzing clothing after others teleports The ability to meet people from other places I will never travel to see Live music My partner Sosumi Antigravity skirts I can do a handstand in The ability to learn something new each time I log in The chance to find fancy clothes that look good on my avatar Physics that always make me laugh I can fall out of the sky without a parachute and not get hurt Dancing animations so I don't trip over my own feet
  14. /me taps her foot to the rhythm of all the manly music and adds her own contribution to the stereotypes even if it doesn't attract more men to SL
  15. I read the criteria that the women here think should be in a Manliest Man contest. It's all good stuff, I wonder what the guys here think a manly man should be. What do men think is manly? I see quite a few men inworld with the big arms, small head, tattoos look. I also see the ones who dress impeccably in 3 piece suits, nice shoes, perfect hair. There are plaid donning , boot wearing, manicured facial hair hipsters. I figure that is what they each consider the ideal man physically. SL is a very visual platform, but I find my idea of the manliest men criteria is in their personalities and temperament. I'm not sure there is a way to have a personality contest, but I'm willing to take a look at all the photos that the men see fit to post. 😁
  16. I picked a few comments out because they stood out to me. Our opinions are based on our experiences. I've met very few men who only came here to have sexual relations with real life women, but I'm sure there are a few. The vast majority of people I've met are here to experiment with something other than what they are. They're here to live a different life. Do you really think the only way to attract more men is to take that anonymity away? That alienates the men that are here to try something else. You've just lost all those men. SL would shrink. I suppose the Lab could make a new marketing scheme where they advertise "SecondLife! Where you can only be a man if you have proven you are one in Real Life" or "SecondLife! Where you can only play as a woman if you are one in Real Life". I don't think that will attract more men. What about the vampires, elves, furries, tinies? What about Roleplay? Sorry, you can only play as what you are. Everyone else has to leave. SL shrinks. If SL required gender/species verification to play, just so a few men lacking confidence could know they were talking up a real life woman, men would actually leave. Women would leave, too. Not much of a world left. No imagination. No creativity in appearance. SL shrinks. Better to just create a small group for them where you can only join if your gender is verified. Maybe it will attract just those few men who are scared of accidentally running into a man playing a woman. Edited to add: Was the question How to Make SL more welcoming to cis/het men?
  17. I've tipped a store if some time was spent on making a great environment. If I spend time outdoors taking pics or enjoying the scenery and I didn't buy anything, I'll leave a tip for the entertainment value.
  18. He (or she) is not invited indoors, but I do enjoy the company. I think I'll make a warm box house for the winter. πŸ”¨πŸšοΈ πŸ€
  19. I have a possum, that visits me almost every night as I sit on my deck. He (or she) has been coming for years between 10pm and midnight. I choose to believe it is the same possum. The last 3 weeks he (or she) has gotten a fallen apple from my orchard and crawled under the fence to sit about 10 feet away keeping me company. He (or she) loudly smacks his (or her) lips as he (or she) makes rude eating noises blocking out all the forest I sounds I usually enjoy. I had no idea possums were such loud eaters. Coincidentally, I lost my indoor/outdoor kitty about 3 weeks ago. I guess I have a new cat. 😸
  20. So if I want anyone to be able to teleport anyone (my lands have always been public), I need to create and experience? The teleporters I've seen on marketplace, the ones where you climb in a hole or go through a doorway to teleport, are different than what I need? I guess it's time to learn a new skill and see how experiences work. Thanks πŸ‘
  21. Yes, I always wear underwear every SL day and every SL night. Even if I alpha out the body part I still cover up. I only use tattoo layers and appliers though. Now bras are a different thing. If they don't show, I'll wear it, but many women's tops are just too revealing to bother. So, I'll wear a bra if it doesn't show. Huh? Oh, well. We all have our 'things' I need to try out BOM. I'm pretty sure it was made just for me.
  22. I've been looking for a teleporter that works from one SIM to another. All the ones I've seen (on Marketplace) only work on the same SIM. That seems pointless since I can just walk/run/fly on the same SIM. Is there a way to connect my lands on 2 different SIMs?
  23. This is my experience as well. It is rare that I run into a full kink situation and I rarely get propositioned. I often hear people complain about the adult content, but I go to clubs, live events, role play sims, stores and Adult rated places and hardly ever see anything overtly sexual and even more rarely do I see sex acts. Where do people go to see these things? I see skimpy clothes all over, but in SL where you can have your perfect body, I figure people want their perfect wardrobe, too.
  24. Update: The alt was not able to delete the URL and leave it blank. Each time she opened up the land window again, the URL was back and the music continued. I tried both a bad URL and http:// and both of them worked to stop the parcel stream. Thanks! Sorry it took so long to get back.
  25. Disturbed is playing in the background because some days you just need to scream
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