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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I guess this is temporarily the curtains thread. In real life I hate bright light and sunshine with a passion. During the day I use lightblocking shades and make my house a cave. At night I open everything up for fresh air and lights in the house are off or dimmed. I don't live in a crowded, crime infested, gross, dirty, overpopulated city. The most likely thing to sneak into my house at night is a raccoon. In SL I have all windows open, no blinds, no curtains. I have control of the windlight settings so it's always foggy or night time in my perfect world. I don't sit on my virtual couch in my underwear and I change clothes in a skybox. I'm not an exhibitionist in either world. Who needs to close things up at night?
  2. I personally like the log cabin theme. I hope the release is when I'm not at work. But, yes, it would be nice to see some stone or brickwork or stucco. There are so many choices for the future - jungles, swamps, deserts, space, city. We'll all have 20 alts 🀣
  3. I think so, too. Flood the new vics on the market all at once. There are several regions that appear to be ready.
  4. I did some shopping yesterday and I think I'm in love the rigged necklaces. I foresee a bit of money being dropped into the local SL economy. I also found an RLV collar that has modify rights and that simple lace collar is really versatile. I liked the scarves, but I only see wearing them with certain outfits, so I'll tuck a couple away in my inventory. Thanks for the ideas everyone!
  5. A failed experiment. I came to SL for a lot of reasons. One reason was to try to be someone other than myself. Wouldn't it be fun to be more confident, say whatever crosses your mind, wear clothes you'd never dare to wear in real life? I have tried to experiment with different personalities, genders, and species and I make a new alt for each thing I want to try. I have 5 accounts and none of them are secret. Zerrine (the blonde) is probably the best known. I made her to see if I could be mean. People sit around at home in anonymity and say all kinds of terrible things to each other and never seem to feel badly for doing it. Why couldn't I? What would it be like to say anything to anyone with no real repercussions? It worked. A few years ago I unleashed Zerrine inworld. She said things and did things that Cinn would never do, but instead of feeling freedom she/I felt terrible. I ended up coming clean and apologizing to the people I had hurt. Today Zerrine isn't any different than Cinn is. She just dresses a bit sexier. I also discovered that I am so uncomfortable in a male body that I never log my malt Mike in anymore. Anyway, the mirrored poses are on purpose. I just can't escape myself.
  6. I'll give those places a look! I need to give the rigged ones a try. I hadn't considered scarves, but I like the idea. I will check out some demos and see how it looks I could. I even considered just removing the naughty scripts. There are some nice looking ones out there that don't have the obvious padlocks or scream" TOUCH MY COLLAR AND USE ME" I'll give them another look.
  7. I am searching for jewelry , a choker, or another strategy to hide a neck seam. Something that will cross over different windlights and still hide the line or gap. Do you have any go to items you use? If it's jewelry, I am a bit picky. I want something understated that can be dressed up or down, no religious symbols , no skulls, no rlv collars, no giant clunky beads, or bling. If a necklace says it is rigged for Maitreya, does that mean when my avatar moves her head it won't cut into the neck? I am a simple gal with simple needs. I am hoping for a simple fix.
  8. Took my alt Z in knowing how much she loves it when I dress her cutsie. After she threatened a neighbor with shoving her wand into a dark crevasse I quickly took the pic and logged her out. She's up for a dance btw. She doesn't own bunny ears
  9. Yeah, about that.... The answer is, of course, no. What money? Anyone quarantined or sick is, well, sick. Any money or savings they had is oaid to the hospital and they are not working to make more. So. pocket money for that mesh body is out. I can reach really far and say it's an opportunity for those at the The Lab to profit from feeling good about themselves for providing a platform for escape. It wouldn't be monetary unless people inworld want to donate.
  10. How about this: "could coronavirus be a good opportunity for sl" Maybe, but could it be an opportunity for the sick? Absolutely!
  11. I just don't see the post as hoping a bunch of people fall ill so they'll sign up. No one appears to be glorifying infection. Should kids sick with cancer be prevented from escapist fun because they might die in a few months or are they encouraged to keep themselves active even if they are stuck in bed? Can we talk about options or is it in bad taste because someone thinks we are indifferent to the suffering of others by even talking about it. They should just suffer in silence and wait to die after all. We could sweep the mental well being of the sick or dying into an unseen corner and offer people nothing instead of even talking about it, I suppose. That doesn't seem like a good option. Perhaps it was the mention that SL could make money that was focused on. I chose to focus on something different after reading the replies. What would you offer the suffering? Might have taken that too far - apologies if I did. I promise, it's not an attack
  12. I don't think there is anything wrong with having a thought project in General Discussion. A what-if discussion doesn't necessarily mean someone is completely uncaring or disconnected from the realities of a deadly disease. No one wants people to die so SL can grow. People discuss having fun escape-type games in hospitals all the time. I don't see this as any different. In my opinion it is nothing to attack the OP over.
  13. I have no desire to revisit this again. I know I didn't read all of it then. Some of that was by choice. As much as I love reading the drama of others, that time was not fun or entertaining. I stayed out it the best I could knowing there is ALWAYS more to a story than can be known. Blocking and ignoring DOES work. It takes time and distance which is difficult when you are the one going through it. I am glad things are better for you now. Hop out of the mud and don't wallow in it. You are a new and different person today and you will be again tomorrow. Enjoy your SL creativity.
  14. I also chose an AO with crossed arms. Looks more natural on an avatar that I identify with
  15. In addition, there is also the fact that mesh heads can only show so much emotion. you can get a nice frozen look for a photo that shows emotion, but in world most heads have that resting ***** face look of clay. Turning on expressive animations helps a bit, but looks fake. You can't even get a good smile. This comes from someone who has resting ***** face in rl. You just can't read that for social clues.
  16. YOU have a log cabin. All the romance dripping off that frilly pillowed bench makes me feel a bit ill. Sincerely, The least romantic person in SL
  17. I've looked at several of the houseboat areas and most of them are awful. Too close, no privacy, you can only derender so much before you realize you may as well not have neighbors. Anyone who visits will not have things derendered. You can't block everything ugly, so I just avoid getting one.
  18. Staying home seems to be a trend. lnstead of going out, people stay home and stream shows on their TVs. Instead of going and spending an hour in a restaurant they just get takeout and eat at home. Shopping malls are closing all over because we would rather shop from home. I could even let someone else do my grocery shopping and just pull up to the curb to load it in. If SL is going to get a boost from staying home, it may already have happened. Perhaps quarantine facilities could supply laptops with SL preloaded.
  19. M&Ms come in caramel now? The healthcare system in the US leaves a lot to be desired. I do know some families near me that ended up homeless due to medical debt from accidents even after crowd funding for help. I'm glad an alternative was found for you. That has to be some kind of relief. I won't question your vibrator purchase since we all celebrate in different ways 🍌 <- Banana tie in?
  20. Mmmmmm /me smooths her gown (overalls really) and dons her heels (tennis shoes) *tosses out 10L to Scylla and 10L to Maddie * I am sure someone in SL made a 3 person dance animation that isn't a ballet or a cheer routine. I brought drinks 🍺🍸🍷 Do you think we could tempt Rhonda to join? Please don't call my bluff. I will chicken out.
  21. IHOP is the International House of Pancakes - They better have someone else's version of pancakes
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