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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I radiate heat in real life. Really. I could melt your cold heart from 5ft away. We may need to keep those lock emojis handy 😄
  2. I'm not sure I understand sure what you're describing here. A home office? The ONLY true privacy is to not log in and delete your account.
  3. Is there more privacy in a Linden home? You can't use banlines and anyone can have 15 seconds of access to your home before being sent to the road outside and they can do this over and over until you ban them by name.
  4. It is not tracking or stalking you by simply existing in the same region as you. If you are so uncomfortable with having a neighbor be at home (in their home) while you are at home (in your home) in your same region of Bellisseria, then suburbia is not for you. If you use the tools available, they can't see your avatar and they can't contact you at all. Do you do this to others when you are in the same or neighboring regions? Is that why you're so concerned that others are tracking or stalking you?
  5. I look forward to seeing more pics of your fixed eyes in the photo threads! Nice!
  6. Very brave of yew!!!! I love this perspective. Tiny Hammie, giant lake monster!
  7. Just wow! I like everything about this pic ❤️
  8. @Edohandsome thank you for reaching out in world! It was nice to see your friend request when I logged in. Now we just need to find a time when we are both logged in so I can show you around a bit. In the meantime, think about some things you want to do. What kind of music do you like? Do you want to explore pretty places, play board games, or learn to build something? I admit that I am not well versed in family-style roleplay, but I'll try to find something!
  9. Well, I took the haunted tour through Millbank. I have to say I am a little concerned for our beloved moles. Perhaps someone should keep an eye on them. Ancient is doing genetic experiments, I was murdered by Dyna (twice because I couldn't believe it happened the first time), Abnor is raising demons from the watery depths, Garden is messing with the environment and liquifying the ground, Naughty trapped me in an upstairs room (is it because I broke your vase on the way in?), Adora collects weapons and creepy crawlie things. Oh, I found your little portal-of-doom hidden deep in the woods and I am just as worried for a few of the Lindens. Ummm, Vitae Linden (and many, many others), there is no shame in seeking professional help 😄 I don't want to ruin the tours for anyone, so I'll just leave this: Both tours were so fun! Everyone should use the local EEP setting and TURN ON SOUND!
  10. @Paulsianare you asking to have all the god powers that Lindens and Moles have? i bet they are not instantly given those powers on day 1 of employment because of all the ways those powers could be misused. You might really need to consider a private region just for you. You would be given powers that only region owners get. You can eject and ban every existing SL resident with a simple keystroke. As far as I know you can't hide your entire region from the map though and your green dot will still show. No one would know who the green dot is and no one has access but you. That is all the privacy you are given. SL is a public space, with tools. Go take that safety class that Animats mentioned instead of asking to give griefers more power to grief. No one is griefing you by simply existing inworld at the same time you are /me hollers "Activate privacy mode!" as sparkles erupt from an old bling ring on her finger. She presses the red X and logs out... No more green dot on the map.
  11. Definitely take the name out. No one at Linden Lab will disclose your friends personal info like age. They don't even have a way to verify it themselves. If you are concerned about adult activity and think she is under age, don't do anything adult with her. If she admits to you that she is underage in an adult area, AR her and let the Lab take it from there.
  12. Neither of these are new songs, but every so often a slower song will catch my attention. Not often mind you, but I can slow down a little bit... occasionally. Love this version by Muse
  13. Do you walk around SL using only your minimap? I have the minimap on, but I look to see where I'm going. I want to see the landscaping and other surroundings. What would you do and where would you go if you were invisible? They made entire horror movies out of this concept. Imagine sitting in som pretty region and suddenly things start moving around you. The chair you're on, the tree beside you, or a porcupine suddenly appears in your lap. No one is around, no one is on the minimap, no one tried to interact with you.
  14. I'm not sure I care about whether my green dot shows on a map, but I do wish I could hide my online status some days. On days I don't want to socialize, I use alts with no friends to do my own thing uninterrupted. I have used the auto-responses when I really wanted to be in on my main account, so I use the tools I have. I'm not sure how I'd feel if I knew there could be someone right there beside me on my platform or in my bedroom and I wouldn't know it because they decided to hide themselves from others when they logged in. I see more ways to use this as a griefing tool than a useful tool.
  15. Even though I was in full wallflower mode today, I answered the group call to go to what is apparently a regular Friday event. It was fun, local chat was active and engaging, and even though I was in on a relatively unknown alt, everyone was warm, friendly and included everyone. All sizes, shapes, and species were welcome. Now back to decorating for Halloween. I had to battle a bit of lag, but the poofers were fun and the group hug at the end was sweet.
  16. I have never given up one of my alts. I regularly use all 5 accounts for various moods. The closest I've gotten to missing one is when I log one in and then find myself in a situation that would be perfect for different account. It's okay to mourn the loss of a personality that you enjoyed playing. No matter the reason you gave her up, you can, if you want, pull a Dr Frankenstein and bring her back to life. /me tries an evil laugh and just ends up with a squeaky wheeeeeeeze.
  17. The sinkhole house there had me actually LOL'ing, but the houseboat monster is impressive!
  18. See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. Uummm do no evil? Touch no evil? Pee no evil? Buy no evil shoes? I need a little help with this one.
  19. *Joins Charalyne on her chair with my bowl of cocolate pretzels* Ummm, yeah, mens bodies... might need more photos to compare and contrast. I want to make the right decision for my male alt. (On topic now, right?)
  20. It was a small red cylinder. I didn't get a good look because it was half buried in the sand and it exploded when I touched it. Maybe a firework or a stick of dynamite.
  21. I love learning a new SL skill. Level up!!!!
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