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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Reasons that usually don't correlate with your conclusions. I might even consider applying as mentor, education is a good way to "be" the change.
  2. Another funny thing is that when you require an experience the first reflex of people is to find a way "around" it. In my zone they typically try to glitch through the experience gate, only to get booted by the experience checked 4 meters later. There is an interesting "culture" in SL where people are very very resistant to giving up their (perceived) rights when visiting a place as a guest.
  3. Well they also banned Hatred just based on the hype train.
  4. Game content is curated, studios have a reputation to uphold so there is some guarantees. In SL? It's pretty much anything goes. Also twitch is pretty lenient on what you stream, between the art and social eating sections.
  5. I think they go on the guideline that since SL is 100% user generated, there is literally zero guarantee that the content will abid to... well anything.
  6. Twitch doesn't want to police their platform manually so they will ban any game that could go against their term of service. Use something else than twitch. I recall mixer was fine with it.
  7. Oh I see, it's one of "those" necks.
  8. Rigid objects like that typically don't need to be rigged.
  9. I was just giving a very simple logic check example, vehicles can normally be used by anyone code wise, there is little difference between the owner or anyone else. What they typically do however is "refuse" to accept someone who is not their owner.
  10. Time to file a support ticket I'm afraid, something definitely seem to be broken.
  11. Are you the actual parcel owner or are you renting?
  12. Or if you want to make it configurable Private: If( id == llGetOwner()) Public/Private: if(public || id == llGetOwner())
  13. I also have the feeling that a lot of the really talented scripters have moved on from SL years ago. I see way too much "mushing stuff together" together than i'd like.
  14. You know who else rushes broken things to market? People making unoptimized content.
  15. I'd like to point out that the cabinet @Chic Aeon linked, while it does use a single UV map and uses the space very nicely, is probably not what I would call the "best" example of minimizing texture usage. Not the topic, I know.
  16. I love nothing more than trying to cross into a new region and getting disconnected because the guy running it can't configure his server box properly.
  17. Just because OSGrid does it doesn't mean it's a good idea... For the sake of argument lets re adjust all SL fees to better reflect costs: All accounts now have a monthly subscription based on bandwidth usage, inventory size, content and current avatar ( averaged over time). All asset uploads are free, but come with a monthly storage fee that has to be paid for the asset to remain inworld. Regions and land are now free but have a variable monthly fee for bandwidth, cpu usage, storage and asset server transit. Marketplace listings have a monthly listing fee.
  18. The issue I have with this picture, and well, most pictures LL use for their front page is that they convey an idea of secondlife that is not real. The flickr/facebook culture of SL conveys images that do not correspond to what SL is either. Unless I'm wrong and you where actually having an actual road trip and not just posing for a pretty picture (I do have road trips, GTFO for the win, but it's rarely smooth). I think it might also be one of our issues with user retension... newcomers might feel they are being lied to.
  19. There is a much easier solution, don't read people who obviously don't want to be read.
  20. Well everyone is a critic, it's easy.
  21. I don't see them advertise places like tulagi or the jeujeot gulf, and frankly this ***** should be on the front page: "Hey there are people having FUN sinking battleships here!"
  22. Here is my two cents: LL has made a bit of a habit of marketing SL without looking too hard at what SL actually is about. They know what their platform does at a technical level, but I don't think they spend enough time inworld anymore to have "good ideas" on who to market it to. They also have always carefully tiptoed around that adult audience that they cannot bring themselves to publicly aknowledge or promote. I see no furries, cyborgs or anime avatars anywhere on the main page. I also see no "fantasy" it is politically correct, aseptised, ...lifeless. A lot of the public image they cultivate for secondlife reminds me of "the sims"(the game), but that it's a pretty terrible analogy for SecondLife.
  23. Check that you don't have some weird wacky profile loaded in photoshop too
  24. It's really down to how much it will annoy your legitimate customers IMHO, because you can't inconvenience "illegitimate" users that much.
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