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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. I don't think it's unreasonable to require creators (and why not sellers?) to be premium.
  2. On the subject of text, if you alpha mask your text, depending of the font, you can get some pretty sharp lines at a very low resolution. If you focus too much on tiny unimportant surface details (like fabric weave) you will never feel like you have enough pixels to go around. In addition, if the mesh you are texturing makes poor use of the texture space, you end up with most of it wasted.
  3. You made your point, for what it is worth. Now can stop derailing my topic and leave?
  4. And as I wrote before, yet you seem to consistently ignore it, premium subscriptions are predictable income for the lab.
  5. I agree, I just don't like working with png when i'm not doing web stuff.
  6. You're gonna have to cite source on these numbers. Maybe so but they aren't paying for the service the lab provide, they are paying for services provided by other residents. Can you see the problem?
  7. Using a lossy format on upload means that you are losing informations twice instead of once.
  8. Well the freemium format is a souble edged sword, yes it does grow your userbase, but not with people who are likely to tier up. And before someone come screaming, I know that basic accounts contribute to Linden Lab indirectly. But that's through buying things and services other residents are making. What I mean is that the vast majority of SL users don't believe the service LL provides, on its own, is worth a cent.
  9. I was only talking about the upload of mesh not their use, THAT would be truly ridiculous.
  10. I don't hold a weird hatred for basic accounts. If there are no reasons to upgrade, then why would anyone do so? And unless you want to own mainland or need an experience key there is currently no compelling reason to tier up. If most people don't care about any of the premium perks, it just means that they are bad perks. There is a very fine line between adding benefits to premiums and punishing basics, and funny enough it's usually when the benefit is a must have (which they all should be or what would be the point?)
  11. You absolutely can but png is designed for the web, not as an interchange format.
  12. A healthy number of yearly renewed subscriptions is good for the safety of the business as a whole, it's predictable income for LL. That's the thing, the next killer feature they add should probably be gated to premium accounts. Mesh was the last one and they really missed an opportunity there (they missed a lot of things when they introduced mesh but well...)
  13. Title pretty much sums it up, how do you feel about the whole basic vs premium thing? Should Linden Lab be more aggressive in getting basic users to upgrade?
  14. Yeah use TGA it doesn't do lossy compression like jpeg does.
  15. Don't upload textures as PNG unless you want them to have transparency. In general don't use PNG really, save as TGA 24bit for opaque textures, 32 bit for transparent textures.
  16. Too small when it comes to colliders is the same as "too complex". Objects don't check for collision with every single object in the region at a time, there is a lot of optimization going on to reduce the number of collision polygons to check against at any given time, but it is typically related to the distance between objects. Size doesn't really matter in 3D, excepted for collisions, physics engines typically run on a fixed scale.
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