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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. SL As a whole is big collaborative piece of performance art, every part of it is ephemeral. That's what makes it special.
  2. Humility is not really your strong suit is it? Frankly I would have dropped the topic a long time ago if each and every rebuke you posted didn't just perspire of arrogance and a feeling of superiority. It's the kind of things that motivates a lot of people to just keep digging. A question remains: Why not tier down back to a single region? That is what many people do when they have to dial down on what they can effectively financially support. Constraints are rarely an issue for artists, they are an opportunity to flourish.
  3. A friend of mine uses a windlight setting that seem to burn everything into a weird "fullbright" look that kills any and all nuances and I fail to understand how they see it as "better"... I suppose it gets rid of that dreaded nose shadow...
  4. There is also the Annie May mall but it's more geared toward anime avatars.
  5. I typically stick to the region day cycle but I'm probably a minority.
  6. texture count texture size number of separate faces whether materials are used or not triangle count glow transparency There is no such thing as a free lunch The big issue on wearables is typically texture size, count, and triangle count, the rest is rarely pushed to the point where it is actually a problem.
  7. And I assume we are supposed to blindly trust your judgement... because? I'm not sure what is the point of blaming Linden Lab here, from day 1 all region owners are fully aware that the day they stop paying for their region is the day they go kaput. Hangars Liquides decided that it was worth renting their first full region and an extra homestead in 2008 and then added two more homesteads in early 2010. They don't sound like they care that much about saving their work if they won't even bother making a backup.
  8. No one is terminating anything, the region owner is free to keep paying for the regions, that's what everyone running a region in SL does. This is not my fault, your fault or Linden Labs fault, everyone knew in advance what was involved. But that's the thing, when you are under the umbrella of a non profit org, there are rules to follow, this is not the same as private funding or running a for-profit company. There are very real considerations there.
  9. I'm also not sure how this goes with their status as a French non-profit organisation (W642000508). I'm reading that it's a common "approach" for music groups to register as a non profit and then pay their expenses, without the tax burden of running a normal company. Oh absolutely! However, asking for special treatment after you broke the rules is not the best way to go about it.
  10. I think they just equate "disagreeing in the need for preferencial treatment" as mud throwing.
  11. You might even argue that by running a commercial venue on a non profit region, the Hangar Liquide creator essentially defrauded Linden Lab of money. I addition, I can't find the article anymore but a region to even qualify for preservation must be free of commercial activity for several years before application.
  12. @Mattie Morgan It's a bit like saying that kids who die from electrocution deserve it.
  13. Oh yeah, after all those giant privacy screens only inconvenience the neighbors on the OTHER side of your parcel.
  14. No need to derender it, this type of toxic behavior is against the Term of Service. But on a side not it might be worth opening dialog with your neighbor and figure out an arrangement to tolerate eachothers. Most Neighbor grievances originate in a misunderstanding.
  15. I've always believed that LL should axe the old non-material rendering system and fix the material one to support a wider range of hardware but i always get a big NOPE from LL about this.
  16. The arrogance and sense of entitlement of the Hangars Liquides fans is a work of art too, should we ask LL to preserve them as a frozen piece of SecondLife history too? If your region is a commercial venue, you are not eligible for the non-profit discount, plain and simple. The creator most likely knew it but decided to do it anyway.
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