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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Why would segregation be required when we already have THREE (formerly two) region ratings? You can't completely rubberwall a multi user platform and we really need to get out of this silly fear of sex "oh sex must be kept completely separate". This isn't the 1800 anymore.
  2. What do you mean by this? The L$ you buy from the Lindex come from other users. The only time you buy from supply linden is if for some reason L$ became so rare that it hits a certain value, at which supply linden will sell at, but it is not put in action as long as there is a steady flow of cheap L$. 2004, before Linden Labs took over currency exchange was plagued with a much higher L$ volatility. It was bad for everyone excepted the traders.
  3. Well this is my observation from the Steam forums, but there is always going to be at least one person trying to haggle a price down, regardless of the price. It's not even out of malice or being cheap, it just doesn't cost anything to try.
  4. What people also don't realize is the pressure it puts on the L$ supply. The system would eventually self adjust, with a much lower valued L$ and higher inworld prices. EDIT: I don't know if this is widespread but I (and other old creators I assume?) used to and still do index prices using the premium stipend as a baseline.
  5. First of all, I had an account before this one that survived a grand total or a single play session. Why? Because I did not realise that last names changed over time and I forgot what I used. I do remember making myself a makeshift "dress" thing from library textures and system clothe cuts. And there also was some kind of mess of prims where I was. Oh yeah also water had waves back then, which annoyed a lot of people with waterfront properties. I also remember that my first plot of land was a glorious 128sqm piece of sand in Minna (I had a 512 sqm land allowance but back then there was almost no land available.)
  6. Lets do the math then: 1000L$ every week, that's 52 stipends per year so 52000L$. A premium account will cost you 99$. At its current value, 52000L$ will net you 199.93$ ... Do you see the problem?
  7. It's not that different from any other self-employed situation. Personally I believe they should fully embrace it. The SL userbase is very diverse and what little advertisement Linden Lab does doesn't really capitalize on the massive amount of creativity within SecondLife. After ~15 years looking at them dancing around the topic I'm starting to assume there must be some sort of implied hill in the USA where companies that promote lewds are sent to die on. So yeah they should absolutely advertise the "seedier" side of SL because it's simply better at it than the competition. But they should also advertise: The boating/flight/sailing capabilities of SL, which despite the lag can be a very chill entertainment form. The fact there is a ton of amazing combat related content, and while it will never beat your typical FPS game, it's functional and fun, which is all that matter. They should advertise to anime/manga fans. They really really need to put the fact you can build and script anything you want, right where you stand, back into the spotlight because that's what the early adopters came for and newer users sometimes barely know those tools exist.
  8. Yeah but the reason companies offer discounts on longer engagement is because it's more cash upfront for them and also because it makes their pocketbook a lot more predictable.
  9. I can see problems with that from a scripting perspective...
  10. I don't want to sound like a jerk but... That's called planning... If you plan ahead you're not "missing" those 72 (or 99) because you've had a whole year to put it aside little by little.
  11. If anything texture upload should reflect the size of the texture and not be a flat fee for everything from 16x16 to 1024x1024, there is a big difference on how quickly a location loads up and textures participate a lot to it.
  12. It's a balancing act. Too big and it's too many objects and too many avatars for a single server to handle. Too small and it generates too many region crossings. 256 as a number also has many memory optimization advantages.
  13. Yes it is, splitting space into bite sized units is a very scalable architecture. Everything has a limit, but it is usually not user facing. I actually think it's a feature despite being wasteful, there is a lot more to SL than avatars, objects can be scripted in fairly extensive ways to interact with eachother with or without avatar presence. SL is a virtual world, not just a chatroom. I don't really get this part, should we go the Sansar approach instead where you have to download the entire "region" first and have to re-download it again if the creator changed anything? How do you propose to handle travels? Continents?
  14. I know, but neither did SecondLife when I jumped ship from one to the other. I'm just looking at what they did, despite failing horribly to try to entice users into a subscription. There is a limit to what LL can offer that has a direct monetary value because it's essentially asking them to charge us less, reduce their margin, or well... expect them to pay us to be here. So premium perks have to be something that is more in the realm of "features". And that's something that has always more or less been added to all accounts regardless of their subscription status. Experiences are a very good premium perk, and I really wish Linden Labs promoted the scripting side of SL more. LSL has limitations, but it is great as a "practical" language that goes pretty much hand in hand with primitives as far as rapid prototyping is concerned. there.com was the sole "world designer" and I suppose Bellisaria is sort-of closer to the kind of things there.com would provide as a perk, I think it's fine for LL to provide more controlled spaces, given that it's something that most rental companies have essentially avoided doing. Barons where given an entire continent with regions to develop and neighborhoods to create, and they never bothered doing so.
  15. Oh no LL is not perfect, but it's pretty clear that the people who built the system initially where a lot better at it than any of those planners and meeters that line up the graveyard of failed SecondLife contenders.
  16. That's where you are wrong. All of them where poorly designed and mismanaged, SL as it is is a true technological feat, There is simply no one who dared to build something so ambitious. Every single close that tried to compete went for an ultra simplified and stripped down architecture and failed. Hell even Sansar is striding head strong on this path. But just because SL is already a feat doesn't mean it doesn't have its share of problems that could and should be fixed.
  17. And suffer the bad reviews? "This stuff gets returned constantly, do not buy!" I'm not even sure how you can say that, have you been there? It's like it was made by people with nowhere the abilities the original SL dev team had. The only thing advertising does it prop up those willing to spend the most. It doesn't prop up good products or consumer friendly practices. It's just rewarding money with more money.
  18. These are the current there.com member perks: Customizable 3D Avatar Yes (???) Text Chat, IM, Buddy List Yes (That seem a bit hardcore) Shop in Catalog Yes (ditto) Listen to Streamed Radio Yes (not exactly a selling point in 2019, but there.com 's music system was way better than parcel streaming audio) Skills and Rewards Full (not relevant to SL) Clubs Host and Rent Clubs (There.com has a bunch of social spaces you can rent, this might not be bad as a complement to Bellisaria) ThereVoice (VOIP voice chat with friends) Yes (I'm not a fan of voice chat anyway, but that would certainly anger some people) Bookmark Favorite Places Yes (stupid) Auctions Shop & List and offer items for sale (Other people suggested merchants should be premium, why not, I could also see a Marketplace auction system being popular with some people) Club Privileges Join up to 100 Clubs (That's basically group limits) Events Can Attend and Host (That would certainly declutter the event calendar) Developer Yes (Kinda goes with my idea about mesh upload) Neighborhoods Own and rent (that's basically land tier) ThereIM Yes (just... no)
  19. That's not a bad argument at all, maybe some form of limited trial, and when it expires you can decide to pony up, or lose the region? I can see a lot of potential for abuse of such a feature, but if it's done well it could be a good thing. I don't know how much LL rely on impulse region purchase. In the same vein, a trial premium could possibly give a "taste", once you start filling those groups, you might find it easier to just "tier up" rather than removing them :3 I need to dig into the archives of there.com they had a pretty crazy membership system back in the days. Maybe there are a few lessons to get from it.
  20. Animesh did some good in this regard, make rigged meshs lod like everything else, pay for the highest lod, and pay for each lod that goes over target. Then creators are the only ones responsible for bad lods, every polygon is accounted for, and people who make lods better than you do can compete on quality without a higher rendering cost. I agree that the server side nature of sl is never going to make things "snappy" but the client choking on half the content we have today is certainly not letting you actually see that limit here, smaller asset does reduce rezzing time, and that has a direct impact on travel. SL's experience condition it's usage just as much as the usage conditions the experience. (Sidenote, the server centric nature of SL could be mitigated with the addition of a new type of client-only script, which can perform a limited set of operation and can communicate with regular scripts within the same object, but that's a discussion for another day)
  21. It's an interesting idea but that's something estate owners would want regardless. I'm still of the opinion that the target for region ownership shouldn't be individual users. People constantly claim that land is too expensive but that's usually because they are shooting straight for region ownership, which was never priced to be personal space anyway. That's what the premium 1024 sqm allotment is for, and it's pretty cheap in comparison.
  22. And it can't, a stipend covering more than your subscription fee would only lead to a devaluation of the L$. Can't really happen because some form of throttling has to be put in place to the growth of the asset server. If anything larger textures should cost more to reflect their impact on rendering and rez time. Absolutely devil's advocate here, but you could get rid of a lot of copyright related problems by making mesh upload premium only >_>
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