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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. That's not what I'm talking about, I'm saying that for a while it was popular for multiple people to pool tier for a large piece of land, where not necessarily all the contributors of the group are handing the land purchase/sales.
  2. Well I assume they wanted it or they would simply have made it a ToS violation to sublease. As far as I remember land barony didn't quite start right away, group tier contribution was more popular for a while.
  3. This is going to get me absolutely lynched but i suspect that the prevalence of rentals in SL might play a large role on the low premium adoption.
  4. Any company you depend on in a critical fashion can shut down or cut you out, it's not exclusive to SL. The adult industry has a recurring problem with payment processors cutting them out from processing payment from their customers.
  5. I got lucky with CLICK_ACTION_NONE I'm not sure why it went through so quickly.
  6. Or when it's more or less a one liner. But it's also a mentality issue, everytime I ask more power through scripting I get some very vocal opposition from some people... I still remember the person who was asking for a list of toggle switches for experiences so that they could join an experience, yet grant to it no permissions (AKA: "how dare you condition access to your build to an experience!").
  7. The big issue i've seen is that most of the extensive games/simulations I've seen rely completely on a steady stream of microtransactions. This is telling me that there might be a market issue where people would love to play games but absolutely refuse to pay what they are worth. Making big games is hard, and SL makes it just a bit harder because a lot of the "control" you might need on particpants to get the game working is kept away from the scripter to prevent griefing.
  8. All the more reasons in my opinion to keep making premium more interesting. Premium brings up a little more money to Linden Lab. But there is always "that guy" pointing out that it's more profitable (and sometimes they even say it's deserved) to try to "shaft" the company who runs the service we all depend on. Unfortunately LL olst many good opportunities to gate new features to premium accounts and now removing them after giving them for what, a decade, is going to cause an outrage. Out of the top of my head, things that could have been premium perks (but are never going to be): Mesh upload (hell it would have helped the DMCA process a little) Marketplace sales (someone else suggested this, another good thing to make merchants more accountable?) Voice chat (but who uses voice nowadays when everyone is humping Discord, the company with no business model) Event submission (could even cut down a lot of that event spam, I don't know.)
  9. I believe charter member stipend might be even higher, the 500L$ stipend is for all accounts before september 2006.
  10. I wasn't refering to the command volume being sent but the specific command clients use to get the extended data from objects. You could most likely throttle it on the server. The server should protect itself from potentially rogue clients whenever it can.
  11. It sounds like the horrible stuff I used to do back when I was trying to code bots. Give new camera angle to the server. Get a bunch of new object data. For each of those objects request the full data. SL was designed as a visual experience, the server only sends you as little as it can to represent objects in-world. It doesn't even send their names, until you right click that object. (On the subject of bots, it ended up being easier to make bots look for hidden hovertexts than a specific object name)
  12. I actually like this one. "All premium members get a grace period of X seconds to llEjectFromLand/llTeleportAgentHome when on the mainland and participating estates (estate management panel tickbox)"
  13. It's not a question of camera control, a lot of my scripts do proximity checks for example before allowing interaction.
  14. Yeah but you shouldn't need experiences for some mild control over your land. Eject/Send home is a bit like having an arsenal that only provides nukes. This too! I've had to shut down my system when I tried to kick someone home... And it turned out they had somehow set home in the region. The scripts had nowhere to send them to.
  15. Condescending much? At 72$/year Linden Labs was literally PAYING US to be on the grid and we just got upgraded from 512 sqm to 1024sqm. So you say nothing when the deal gets sweeter but if it gets a little bit sour you're leaving?
  16. Less maybe but it's still a proverbial "kick in the butt", where a much simpler option would be to "move" the offending avatar back to a legit position or something like that.
  17. And that's a problem, I wish, as a scripter that there would be less extreme options available to us, but that's literally all we have available on the scripted end of things.
  18. That's not how harassment work! Online harassment is all about hurting someone for what they did/said in public, in the comfort of anonimity.
  19. But you have to understand that from a scripting standpoint anytime a viewer renders a built-in feature useless, there is a workaround using scripts. The problem is that the only thing i can effectively do with the information is a swift kick back home. And trust me I'd love to have less drastic options because that's kind of ... unpleasant to say the least.
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