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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Maybe i'm stupid but... Why do you care about what shows up on your CC bill?
  2. No. The "avatar follow mouse" thing is very simple, your viewer essentially broadcasts to the server a vector that represent the point you are looking at. And then your (and everyone else's) viewer use this information to drive the eyes/head/torso bones (if no animation prevents it from happening).
  3. Yeah but that's fine, if you sync everything on the unix time you can have 1 part do a certain thing every even beats and another do one every odd beat, and so on. And even if it's more complex, have everything starting on the same unix beat should keep everything in sync, for example: Part 1: Blink1, Blink 2 Part 2: Sleep, Sleep, Blink3, Blink4 Part 3: Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, Blink5, Blink6
  4. Nonono you don't need to make them talk to eachothers when you can synchronise them on unix time.
  5. That's the type of data they are unlikely to give us willingly.
  6. It IS the only pose you're ever gonna need.
  7. It is, but it's not the most used animation in SL anymore
  8. There should at least be something along the line of "region pool" vs "visitor pool" or some way to decide which one takes priority.
  9. You are either delusional, or very stupid if you believe that this is even remotely relevant.
  10. As CoffeeDujour mentioned, this is inherent to floating point numbers. The problem is that the two points are rounded at a different location because within your data, they are NOT at the same location once you factor in errors. One way to mitigate this that i can think of is to force both objects to share the share an identical bounding box, because while it won't solve the issue, it will make both objects more likely to error at the same time. Not sure how to explain it better.
  11. I remember we used to have weekly 'show and tell', we would come together and show what we created lately, or anything we wanted to show to others. It was good fun.
  12. 2003? Or a game from 2019, or even the (distant) 2030.
  13. Rating... Which unfortunately was quickly socially subverted since it affected your weekly stipend.
  14. Two possibilities: Are both halves yours? If not it is possible that what you where given is (un)intentionally inaccurate. How high are you, at high altitude floating point error accumulates and vertex positions become inaccurate.
  15. But what is being sold affects all of us @Parhelion Palou whether you buy anything or not, other people will, and unlike the real world, what people do around us in SL affects us. Business imperatives greatly impact creativity.
  16. Well these are my two cents, I love mesh, since I've been a 3D modeler for most of my life, so don't theorize that I hate mesh or something like that Prims strongly encouraged texture recycling, which is a good thing and is almost completely ignored today. I suspect there might be a trend to see it as low quality or inferior, but it's also that, for a beginner it's simpler not to take that in consideration. Most of the mesh creators I see are in this weird place where they know enough to cause a lot of damage, but what little they know is geared towards producing a profitable result as quickly as possible, rather than producing content suitable for a realtime platform. There was very few ways to "cheat" with prims, (with the exception of avatars), level of detail was non-negociable and all the prims you used where accounted for. The quest to "more fidelity for less LI" has generally led secondlife towards a very uncertain path, which is still keeping a lot of people locked out of Advanced lighting despite current graphic cards being 20 to 40 times faster than what was available when advanced lighting was introduced. The promise that mesh content would lead to better performances in SecondLife did not pan out because the vast majority of current conte t creators only care about improving their skills so long as it goes towards more unit sales, high performance content is still a market externality. Because it is even harder to audit content, users are even more in the dark than before when it comes to judging what they buy or use, outside of very superficial considerations. The ever growing selection of mesh bodies makes it exceptionally hard on new creators, add to this sometimes arcane requirements to even be "allowed" to compete. Ironically, the more bodies we have, the more likely it is that creators will simply latch to whichever is the most popular and ignore everything else. It moved a huge chunk of the creation process offline, and with it, concurrency and a lot of what makes SL a truly unique platform (I still remember my first couple of months in Cordova, can you?). It magnified the copyright violation problem, back in the days, ripping sounds and textures from games was rampant because people where desperate to have "something" to play with. You would recognize a lot of it, but most of the time you didn't, prims are a very transformative medium, because you can't just copy something from a game directly, even when you try, it comes out as different.
  17. Pretty much, I have relatives that sit on worthless pieces of land IRL rather than selling them (what are you going to do with a 4x80m piece of land in a non-constructible area?)
  18. I'm fine with mentors, I like the idea that SL is this cozy little mountain village.
  19. Yeah it's not possible to dynamically refer to a variable in LSL; we heavily use lists and json because of this.
  20. It is a bannable offence to impersonate an official position within SecondLife I believe.
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