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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Funny thing is that I have no issues with real-world gacha machines, because you fully own whatever item you get from them. Not so much in SL where in most cases, you're just allowed to look at it and contemplate on your mistakes.
  2. Alternatively the jeujeot continent has an entire bay devoted to naval warfare.
  3. You can check if you still have the permissions before trying to stop it. llGetPermissions/llGetPermissionsKey that should at least suppress the error?
  4. Not a default setting normally so I'd just blame the user for messing with something they don't understand.
  5. There is no way to prove it does, even if you are given the script, there is no guarantee that it's the script actually driving the machine. Linden Lab does not involve in resident to resident disputes. Gachas "skirt" the gambling legislation just far enough that they are unlikely to get involved. In most places i've been confronted to gachas no. You do not get to see the odds, it's not on the machine art it's not in the description, nor in the inventory of the machine. If you have access to the odds you can easily calculate the statistical price of each item you might want to get, so I understand why this might be an "issue". It looks like we don't have the same definition of "value", and the vast majority of gacha items offer no options outside of spinning the (cash) wheel to (hopefully) get a different color. Mod allows your user to get actual value from the product so they can use it in ways you may not have foreseen, tinting is the big one obviously, retexturing is another option and is a lot easier to do legally now that temporary textures are a thing, I know a lot of people just buy my things so they can pull my scripts out and put their script of choice in it because they like the way it looks but not how it works. And that's perfectly fine. And since we have to beat this dead horse again, making items nomod offers zero protection against someone who intents on ripping your models/textures. Making items mods on the other hand gives your customer a lot more options than using your product as a paperweight.
  6. That's not a bad approach @Mollymews SL can be a lot to take in if you don't know what you just got into. my first day in SL back in the days was a fairly long string of "now what?". But at the same time, I already knew what "social mmos" where back then since I migrated from there.com Speaking of there.com, they had an interesting system of "levels" back then (and I assume they still do) and it could be cool to build a little achievement hud to encourage newbies to explore and experiment with things. Give them an excuse to do their first exploration, or to try to socialize with other people.
  7. Ah back when LL was pushing forward that "creative" edge.
  8. No that was the price for basic accounts.
  9. Bitcoin very much has fees. And Linden Lab doesn't reside in a tax haven.
  10. I have several problems with gachas: They further the no-mod culture, because you can't sell colors as well if people can mod what they bought. They encourage quantity over quality, because you have to create a dozen of items, meshs for a gacha are primarily there to provide an enticing picture. Due to the low per-spin price, there is no incentive for the creator to go the extra mile per-item, so scripting will be minimal, or more often than not, inexistent, while options will be provided through separate prizes only. Now onto the gacha machine itself: There is no guarantee on odds, in fact most creators don't publish the odds. Labeling an item as "Rare" is not publishing odds. Is the machine actually random? Is it more likely to give rares if there are more people in the store? ( like some slot machine jackpots ) Is it less likely to give a rare if someone is playing in rapid succession? ( "sucker detection" ) Does it tries to detect the item you are trying to get (if you keep playing it means you haven't received it yet and it could then just feed you duplicates) Does it try to give you as many duplicates as possible? If the odds are published (like that ever happens) do they reflect the actual odds the machine is using? Those are just over the top of my head, actual gambling in SL is under a lot of scrutiny and there are laws to comply with, gachas? not so much.
  11. Whichever way the market goes affects every single SL user. We don't exist in a vacuum.
  12. There used to be ant it used to be promoted, but at some point big established RP sims started hijacking the game competitions to promote their regions rather than making a new game for the event.
  13. The consumer always has the choice, what he doesn't have a choice on is what he's actually getting for his money Digital gachas are just begging for regulation at this point, none of the odds are published, the randomness is not guaranteed, and they promote a nocopy/nomod mentality which is detrimental to consumers. I've actually considered releasing a free and open-source gacha machine implementation that offers the merchant as many ways to screw the customer as possible. As a "demonstration" of what can be done, and who knows, maybe it will force Linden Lab to take action.
  14. You forgot the "yardstick of good work". AKA: It sells well.
  15. That's basically what I do for some of my things, write tools that write the notecard for me to copy paste.
  16. For the brief time online was alive the future of PERSONAL computers looked indeed very dim. Nowadays it's the future of "Internet" versus "Internet by AWS"
  17. Have you need around the past year? premium land got doubled, and premium groups are getting raised.
  18. I've been running servers for years now and no, they have not "plummeted". They are cheaper yes, but SL has not stayed at a fixed size either, whether it's the visible part (regions) or the invisible infrastructure supporting it.
  19. Inworlds shot itself in the foot by being stupidly cheap. They did the same mistake that every opensim grid to date has done so far. You can't run a healthy grid solely on the idea of "Being much cheaper than Linden Lab"
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