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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. There is a famous SecondLife Troll video where the troll has a verbal exchange with a group of SL bikers who kept telling him to get his camera out of their face. It was like a weird episode of tv show that would be called "Sons of Secondlife".
  2. I hope my.secondlife.com will still exist in some shape or form, I know a few people who use profile feeds a lot.
  3. There are valid reasons for many many things that unfortunately have to be emulated through scripts in a "comply or be sent home" fashion. Why don't you ask Linden Labs why they had this parcel flag since so long that I'm pretty sure it was already there before I even joined SL?
  4. Really? So the number one request is "how do I hide my look at but show everyone else's" ? That's... pathetic? Nowadays my reply to Ims from people going "ho ho ho I see you looking at me" tend to be in the lines of "Should I care?"
  5. How does permission on a purchase has anything to do with guest rights? And this isn't a discussion about me. Am I a bad person for liking the snap-on icons i can put on all my screen edges? :3
  6. Well reselling your stipend was never guaranteed...
  7. Some places are intented to be explored from a ground perspective, roleplay or not.
  8. Oh i see so this is because the two layers aren't completely synced?
  9. No, there are a lot of other reasons to disable flying and the honor system doesn't work because there is literally no honor system when it comes to SL.
  10. Don't know if this fits the modeling section, but hey it's about modeling and texturing... So I've slowly been considering work on a new project, and started gathering reference material and fabrics to study. There is something that I can't quite understand: (this example is some 65/35 poly/cotton blend I think) This is something you see on a lot of fabrics, mostly jeans and other cotton-type fabrics that have a certain stiffness. I'd like to reproduce this but to do so I need to understand why it is happening : Why does the fabric ends up with these little creases on the hem? Is it caused by the stitching being tighter than the fabric it is holding? Is it something else? If you know, please enlighten me.
  11. Then we should ask then to fix it, they haven't touched the IK system in 15 years. Likewise, why can't we actually use it as an animation mask to altern animations based on floor/terrain orientation. All those features that are on the stock animations but can't be used at all.
  12. SL was actually praised for how expressive its avatars where back in the days, and the fact that eyes, and heads followed chat speakers and selection hints was a big part of it. It was never intented as a way to know what others are looking at, they are inverted kinematic targets. I use an AO that doesn't animate the head and neck specifically because it is more natural to have your avatar follow what you are doing instead of staring into the distance like a zombie.
  13. It actually was possible, but that was avery long time ago when SL had maybe a few thousand users.
  14. I'm not entirely sure to be honest, it could be related to the old accounts? I currently have about 3 accounts that are still elegible for the 500L$ stipend.
  15. The only thing I really have against some TPVs is the prevalence of "client side bypasses" that are touted as "features". Not everything can be 100% server enforced, it doesn't mean it's fine to just ignore it. I DO understand the reasoning and that there is a demand for those features, I just don't think they are ethical choices as "guests" to the SecondLife platform. Bypassing no-fly zones. Always fly after teleporting (I'm not entirely sure how it's achieved but I assume it is also to bypass no fly zones) Not sending look at targets Displaying look at targets (no legitimate use other than motivating people to disable look at targets) Configurable permission revocation (permissions should be a standard behavior across all viewers so scripters know what to expect)
  16. The problem I can see here is that this essentially translates to: "I only care about perk X, so it should be cheaper" That's not really how this can work in a profitable manner, most perks are not there necessarily because they cost money to implement, but as "further incentives" to make you tier up.
  17. I love it when the tricount is so far from the complexity. When you use SL default settings you almost never get a complexity that is below your tri count. So we all know what's going on here at the lowest lod.
  18. This has always baffled me, literally no opensim grid is giving itself the financial capabilities to sustain some real infrastructure... they all seem to conside region ownership as the only edge they have.
  19. Which features are those? I do like some of Firestorm's copy paste functions and maybe a handful of preferences but firestorm is hardly a "simple" viewer for someone joining SL.
  20. I can't remember who wrote this but I'll still quote it: "It's easy not to go wrong when you're not doing anything."
  21. Back then LL couldn't exactly afford to get rid of her, and It's safe to assume that it is still the case.
  22. But neither do creators owe an income to LL, "not such a long time ago" the Chungs where toying with the idea of running their own parallele currency and store.
  23. Not so long ago steam added a tickbox to show or hide adult content. Those people where screaming that having both contents in the same store was unacceptable.
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