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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. I'll add that you don't have to apply for some kits as they are available to anyone. Ex: Avatar 2.0/Kemono/M3/M4.
  2. Oh you THOUGHT seriously I was talking about my work? I have no expectations for my work It was a rethorical set piece, thank you for playing though. Well I suppose that's your opinion, and I suppose it fits the type of person you presented yourself as over the course of this thread. I'm not even sure where to begin with this assumption... but I'm going to try: Take a second to think about the thread we are in, and why this thread exists at all? Not SecondLife as a whole really, just the part you happen to care about. The rest of secondlife and the art within it is surviving just fine.
  3. I wouldn't mind a language that supports references, just for the memory saved.
  4. Sorry to make a slight correction but what you actually mean is "we support art we like". Vincent van Gogh's work was only recognized after his death.
  5. thats why i think they blanket ban commercial activity for non-profit regions, no "issues" to deal with, most NPOs that have sl presence typically get funded from outside SL anyway
  6. Its not entirely clear to me either, I mean the limits imposed by NPOs ensure that no one is gonna get rich from what their NPO pays them, but if you are fine with living on minimum wage and dont mind re-investing everything in more SL things? This feels like something very possible for a dedicated SL user/group of users to me. Doesn't mean it's right however, an art focused NPO that ONLY promotes your OWN art is a bit weird to say the least. But you could make a case that you participate to the betterment of SL and the life of its residents
  7. Precisely my point. On top of this NPOs can pay their members (to a point) and contractors they hire, I did the research and if the amount of red tape wasn't so off putting, i could probably turn my SL activities into an NPO. (I'm french too by the way so whatever works for hangars liquides would work for me too) But on the other hand...that still feels really slimey, And don't mind paying taxes that much.
  8. Standard sizing was a mess because rather than designing reference shapes that had artistic merit, they decided to make statistical averages. Its an example of how, in an effort to please everyone, you satisfy no one.
  9. Well 'lil stab' here but the SL market has clearly demonstrated that your skill and eperience as a creator is vastly irrelevant, as long as it looks good in the picture.
  10. I'm still on the fence in that regard, i somtimes wonder if some customizations even matter if they are barely noticeable.
  11. To go back on the zero sum thing, it kinda is, in a way, creators don't magically get more time to rig/fit to the ever growing range of mesh bodies. In tend to mesh my rigged stuff for a single body (the one I always use) because adapting to different geometry typically doesnt work well for my models (far too aggressive with optimization), but sometimes if i notice that its 'close' to fitting another body i'll "loosen" things a little to help.
  12. I wonder if the market could bear a new body that doesnt use fitmesh? "One size fits perfectly" basically.
  13. I hoped linden lab would have stepped in long before it would become a problem, but I doubt they ever will now. A universal body will never happen again. The biggest issue to me is that body wise not all options are equal, many of those body devkits come with pretty heavy strings attached, this gives a tremendous amount of power to their creators to manipulate the market. This is probably why I'm terrible at marketing, but, as a creator, just focus on bodies you actually like and use, rather than what the majority uses.
  14. I said no such thing. But if you want a simple analogy, in order to build a house, you start by laying down the foundations on which the entire structure will sit, painting the walls comes much later.
  15. Thanks, ... and I'm afraid that I don't see more informations .
  16. clear up your log, try the upload again, and reopen your log, the end of the log should more or less stop at the last thing that happened, aka the upload.
  17. Degenerate triangles usually mean that you have somewhere one, or more very thin triangles that the uploader is choking on, it can happen that those triangles end up simplified improperly. (I can't remember the exact details of why) Double check your model for any stray vertices/faces that might be sitting somewhere in the model. "Remove doubles" can help too. As the error message suggests, a more "detailed" explanation about the error is in your SecondLife.log file. It's not always very readable, but it might give you (or us here on the forum) a better idea of what is going on.
  18. Being able to deownload a model doesn't mean you are allowed to upload it to SecondLife, Valve provides a lot of assets for free to the Hal-Life modding community, but you can only use them for Half-Life mods and source engine projects. I can't vouch for neurolabs or anyone else but reproducing a design is a much more "gray" area of the law than straight ripping the original model. Ultimately it is irrelevant, "someone else might be doing it" is not a valid defence. This makes me very sad you have no idea. (sarcasm)
  19. Lets see. 4 Homestead surrounding a Full region (non profit). Following the indiegogo compain, that's 16 rentals per homestead, is that considered "low density rental?" If all the prims where available for the rentals that would be a little more than 300 per rental. To be fair, the idea of for-profit regions grafted to a non profit doesn't sit well with me, the presence of the non profit region, after all, greatly improve the perceived value of the rentals. If this ends up flying under the "non profit" pricing rules, i expect our dear land barons to jump on the opportunity.
  20. The property of a good lod model is that it is unnoticeable at the distance it is going to switch at. Triangle messes typically aren't that. With some objects, getting them to lod gracefully means that no, it can't be considered good AND also cost only 1LI.
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