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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Ah yes, baking shadows for a rendering engine that has supported shadows for at least ten years... If only you didn't also add ways for users to bypass/ignore those new features and gave land owners/estate owner actual control over their (very expensive) virtual land. There is nothing more stubborn than SL users when it comes to resisting change. Which is why everyone still insists on baking lighting/shadows into textures as if this was 1995.
  2. My theory is that they secretly hate having customers and try to do whatever they can to discourage people from purchasing their products.
  3. You should actually "shade smooth" the entire object and use "sharp edges + autosmooth" to define your hard edges instead, the problem with shade flat is that all the resulting triangles will have their vertices duplicated to create that "flat" look, even if they are coplanar. Shade flat is mostly useful when sculpting as it magnifies curvature changes.
  4. Problems like this can be hard to diagnose, it all depends on whether you "think" the behavior is correct, or incorrect, the normal map demonstration highlights "the consequences" of something that might otherwise not be obvious to the naked eye.
  5. Baking AO, and baking in general can be very useful, but do keep in mind they bloat your texture usage and should be avoided if you intent on using texture repeats.
  6. Personally I prefer blaming people's inability to search and experiment.
  7. Use less alpha basically, areas where nothing will show through do not need to be alpha.
  8. There is always the ability to export prims to mesh but so far, outside the few people who use that for making mockups, it appears to do more harm than good because it gives yet another excuse to "avoid" learning the important parts. That being said i've been hoping to find (or make) a toolkit for blender that would allow to to speed up some simple UVmapping operations (flat projections & tiling specifically) but no luck so far.
  9. Additionally you can use the special viewer URI namespace: llSay(0, "secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string)llDetectedKey(0) + "/about touched the box");
  10. It's almost like rendering lighting differently would lead to different results isn't it?
  11. I thought I would aff to this topic something I said in another ones. We aren't trying to gatekeep people out of creating in SL, personally I want nothing more than seeing more people create for SL, but even if this is just a hobby for you, you need good bases! Sketchup, Marvelous Designer, mudbox, Zbrush, there is NOTHING WRONG with having any of these tools in your workflow. But the number one reason people use those is that they do not want to learn traditional modeling, and the goal of these tools is to abstract away the geometry itself to let you focus on design and design only. SL is like any video game out there: it is designed to render pre-optimized assets, and to do so as quickly as possible. If you are modeling for SL, at some point you are gonna need to "pop the hood open" to speak of and work at the individual polygon level, either because you need to build a good collider, because you need to fine-tune your LOD models, to rebuild something more efficiently or simply to bring your polygon count to something acceptable for real-time rendering. All those "efforts" to avoid traditional modeling are ultimately in vain because they leave you completely helpless when SL chokes on your model, or when the uploader simply rejects it. If you want to do a decent job, you will have to get down to it eventually. It is my opinion that polygon modeling, and vertex level editing should be the very first thing people learn when they start modeling. It is a lot better to learn lowpoly modeling and progressively go for more and more complex models, than to generate incredibly complex models and to be stuck because you now need a skill that you've been avoiding to learn. If as a beginner you want to become "stronger" as a modeler, this is the kind of thing that is excellent to practice doing. And sure, this is probably not marketable in SL but who cares! You are trying to learn! What it will teach you howeher, is strong polygon editing skills that will be invaluable in all your projects. And it will also teach you how to separate what is essential from what is superfluous, you will learn how much you can "get away with". Challenge yourself with seemingly absurd restrictions: What can you make with only 300 triangles.
  12. Just had a go at it and it APPEARS to produce a simmilar result, but with 2.8 I couldn't get it to show me the corner normals properly. I don't have the time to test upload right now but so far you are right. That being said I wouldn't say it "replaces" the method, but it is certainly a valid (and fast!) way to do it on objects that only need one bevel type.
  13. Long story short, this is the bottom edge of your texture. because textures repeat and are smoothed from pixel to pixel, what you see there is essentially the top row of your texture blending with the bottom row.
  14. Sketchup, MD, mudbox, Zbrush, the big appeal of all these tools is that they abstract away the geometry itself to let you focus on design and design only. The problem with this is that, if you are modeling for SL, at some point you are gonna need to "pop the hood open" to speak of and work at the individual polygon level, either because you need to build a good collider, or because you need to fine-tune your LOD models, or simply bring your polygon count to something acceptable for real-time rendering. So all those "efforts" to avoid traditional modeling are ultimately in vain because if you want to do a decent job, you will have to get down to it eventually.
  15. You want a step by step list or something?
  16. Another thing to keep in mind is that despite the appearance, it is still a particle and still counts for the total scene particles, so easy on the particle count. You also cannot prevent it to "flow" the way it does.
  17. That sounds extremely specific. You can find all the avsitter code & examples here -> https://github.com/AVsitter/AVsitter/
  18. This probably doesn't help but since you have a perfectly good looking plank texture and you are already repeating it... why are you baking it? I mean... at equal resolution you'll always get more detail out of a repeating texture than from a baked texture.
  19. All i'm saying is that codecs designed for optimal broadcasting of voice don't really sound good with music.
  20. That's assuming they don't want to steer people to use that mainland.
  21. You have to think about intent tho, I don't think LL's intent was to offer openspace/homesteads to anyone but region owners looking to "extend" their estate without ponny-ing up for a full region. Land tier is still the intented path to land ownership below full region. I believe Linden Labs does not want to extend concierge support to just about anyone. They don't want to depend on a handful of too powerful land barons, but that doesn't mean they want to deal with everyone either.
  22. Yeah but that's for everything, there is nothing they can do to motivate basics to tier up because many of them have no intention to ever do so.
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