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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Please don't do this, voice chat is optimized for voice, not music.
  2. I kind of agree, but at the same time, unless LL really puts the LOW in polygon and actually start to push creators towards that, creations are only going to get more complex. Even during the prim days there was some absolute monstruosities made due to a lack of real "limits". And I know this isn't a topic about optimization, but there is a reason why videogame modding became a thing, the bar was pretty low.
  3. In my opinion, it would be "nice" if they changed upload fees to take in account the size of the texture, but I CANNOT expect them to do something intelligent like that.
  4. I believe I was told a long time ago something in the lines of "Only avatars are able to create new assets."
  5. I'm bracing myself before someone yells "FAKE NEWS".
  6. To be fair SL didn't really look like a triple digit investment in 2004. Hindsight is 20-20.
  7. Damn @OptimoMaximo i thought you were in my team! You just lost at least 10 kyrah respect points! You do know that a common practice with creators is to simply have an extra "box of backups" with every purchase right?
  8. To me this is an exercise in futility. Folks looking for some kind of placebo that will make them feel safer. Funny enough, the most concerned citizens tend to be those that have very little to protect.
  9. Your solution ASSUMES that the original uploader not only has the right to upload that texture, but holds the copyright on said texture. There is a reason why the DMCA requires the copyright holder to file the notification themselves: We cannot assume that it is an illegitimate use until the copyright holder has stated that it is. And that's just stupid, there is no reason to force people to duplicate textures/assets that are identical. People who use textures from free texture sites do not own the copyright on those textures and therefore have no right to dictate the usage for the copy they uploaded in SL. It's not the act of copying SL content that is the problem, it is copying content without the permission of its creator. The tool isn't the problem, the intent is. If someone use a modified client to export from SL content they made, they are within their right to do so, even if they aren't the original uploader.
  10. If you care more about smoothness than precision llTargetOmega is a good choice to rotate a child prim around its own origin. EDIT: Nevermind it seem precision is important here. I'd recommend to use a spherical lerp between the min/max position and to factor in the length of time that passed since the last update.
  11. Would it? A tech solution cannot guess licensing subtleties. For example, many people who are using "manuel bastioni lab" (MB lab) and MakeHuman disregard the fact that all models outputed by it are dual licensed under AGPL and a CC license. Both those licenses allow copying by 3rd parties, and therefore, copying content made with MB Lab/Makehuman is (potentially) legal, regardless of what the person who uploaded it claims. Some creators (that I will not name) just want a simple way to fuel their shopping habits and their idea of 'original work' involves downloading other people's freebies, from turbosquid, the unity store, or deviantart, putting them in SL and slapping a price on it. You can't really claim ownership of this kind of work can you?
  12. Point is, there is always a "better" place to send people to than "some random parcel adjacent to mine". The goal isn't to make it worse but to make it better. Eject people on the road side, rather than the inland border for instance.
  13. For sharp edges, alpha mask is your friend, but obviously it works best with horizontal/vertical lines.
  14. Put your logo in there while you're at it, it always look cool and trippy.
  15. A much desired function that still to this day hasn't been delivered.
  16. Make sure that you applied object scale before exporting, that can result in squished normals too because those are calculated based on the unscaled version. Nice model by the way.
  17. No but MD is more of an "intermediary" design tool. What it produces is more suitable for highpoly still renders, and as a normal mapping source model. Models out of MD typically have to be re-modeled to get a topology more suitable for realtime rendering and animation (simpler, and with joints taken in account). MD is more of a design and draping tool, it will not teach you how to make 3D models. To support my example, this is an outfit I made a while ago with MD, yes the geometry could be worse, but it only cares about the structure of the fabric "panels" that compose it and completely ignores the outfit as a whole. It's also full of unimportant backfaces and seams that don't even need to be modeled. And yes, I could have used a much lower density, but density is only one of the problems really, beside, I used this as my normal map source, so why not keep all that draping. This was mid-way during re-meshing, now, with the exception of a handful of areas, this is much cleaner, much easier to animate, and the edges flow nicely so the lighting should be fairly smooth.
  18. My recommendation then would be to leave MD aside and to first learn how to produce meshs that work well with rigging within Blender, before attempting to incorporate MD into your workflow.
  19. This is something I've been wondering about since I saw Wulfie's most recent script contribution. Is there a "cheap" way to perform a "volumetric raycast" That is, figure out what objects are inside (or partially inside) a volume projected from the avatar's bounding box in an arbitrary direction and "depth". EDIT: Added a visual aid.
  20. There can be a lot of factors involved: Are you using avastar? Is it rigged to the volume/fitmesh bones? Have you tried with a different shape? A few pictures are worth a thousand words. How proficient are you at modeling withing Blender?
  21. Additionally, tutorials specifically geared toward making game assets will typically fit the SL restrictions. I second @HunniHope's point, this is a journey that can span for years.
  22. Are you baking from a smooth shaded mesh? cause this kinda looks like flat shading getting baked in.
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