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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. Have you rebooted your router? Good luck getting back in sl!
  2. It may be that you are trying to rez an item on a mesh. This often results in such a message. Place a prim on the floor first, then drag your object onto that.
  3. thank you rowan ! Very confusing and a silly mistake to make - and one wonders whether unintended by The Shops... and did i mention i hate paying for demos...?
  4. so my alt just got the legacy meshbody ( [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4) ) - i paid L$1 and just got a demo... ("banlines" all over it) (i hate being asked to pay for demos!) so i wonder is the usuable body that cost L$1 and could be made BOM still available please?
  5. I hate them too - but will do it if requested as preferred method of contact. However, these days - with IMs going to email - what's the problem with capping? Surely you're more likely to lose notecards sent that way....? Also you can't read notecards on your phone or offline - that is why personally I prefer an IM myself - although I let customers choose THEIR preferred option.
  6. Picture please? I'd love to see how you changed since the OP picture.
  7. in order of importance to me: Tier free 1024 sqm L$ 300 stipend extra groups - I think it's 70, not 60 premium sandboxes priority access
  8. I had occasion to update a popular item and did just that. Not one complaint. Many thanks were expressed by polite (and possibly grateful) customers. It wasn't Marketplace but I may have once made a major error (props not transferring to guests) on a hunt item. Hundreds of people took that... Not one appeared upset about the redelivery of the fixed item.
  9. I appreciate what Lil and Arduenn have said here... and of course, creators would prefer this way. However, - and I say this as a small fish on Marketplace myself - if there is a problem with the item you bought, such as the bookcase - and you have tried reading the notecards, etc ect, there is NO obligation on you as a customer to contact the merchant before leaving a review. A review warns other people there is a potential problem with an item. A merchant is able to respond via commenting on the review, clearing up misunderstandings, showing what was done to solve the problem etc. The customer has paid their money in good faith, believing they would receive the item as advertised. If that hasn't happened, they are entitled to leave a review. The onus is on the merchant to sell merchandise as advertised - it is not for the customer to try and sort it out with the merchant first before leaving a review.
  10. Perhaps someone would write a script for them that makes it non-phantom only when walked on... with a little collision prim at top and bottom of stairs etc it could be done... but then who wants to sail through docks! Better idea, enforce the covenant!
  11. Wow! I really can't think why someone would do that...
  12. How nice of you to let me know Pamela And how lovely to hear how excited your customer was!
  13. Maybe they rezzed the dock not realising or forgetting that one part of the dock could have been a walk-on prim (to allow walking on the dock - usually seen with structures made from sculpts set to phantom). Then took the dock back, leaving the invisible walk-on prim?
  14. Having got that off my chest.... I am a German living in the UK, in Wales, with an English husband... my loyalties are somewhat conflicted. For everyone who loves football, may the best team win tonight - and I hope everyone will delight in the game play, regardless which country the team are from... Oh... ahhhh.... the teams are rather international already!!!! Let's celebrate sportsmanship and human agility and stuff like that
  15. Just saw some of the pre-match coverage on BBC. Masses of people congregating without masks or social distancing - and no comment on that from the BBC. At a time when daily new infections have almost reached the highest levels seen in the pandemic in the UK... Sometimes I wonder whether I am the crazy one.
  16. I've had similar messages when I have been in a lagged sim - it seemed like it took time for the contents to register. (I don't believe the 0,0 applies to opening boxes - I think it's to do with restore to position.)
  17. The fix for me has been to detach a body part that allegedly still attached (bold text in INVENTORY when you check WORN, or CURRENT ATTACHMENTS). Seconds later "I" pop back into view... As to why... I am presuming my connection glitched.
  18. Subscriber nonsense rant never -to my best recollection- joined group nor subscriber requested to be removed from list when received ad (nicely!) store owner: "put request on a notecard and drop it in mailbox at the store" no, not a joke... sigh UPDATE: IM from store owner: "name removed from list but can't stop the ad going out in the next few days" WHAT?!!!
  19. Haha sorry! I should learn to read You were quite clear!
  20. Since it's birds I wonder if one of the words used may rhyme with "twit".
  21. It is indeed disappointing when a customer posts a bad review and does not respond to offers to help / fix things. You have done what you can under the circumstances. Your next step may be to make a comment under the customer's review, sympathizing with their disappointment AND pointing out that you are more than willing to help and have offered to do so. If I see such a comment in response to a bad review - without further comment from the customer, I would take what the customer said with a healthy dose of salt. And please do remove the customer's name from your post - it is against forum rules.
  22. Thank you so much, Whirly and animats Stopping these processes brought the performance on the viewer and my pc back to normal. I am using Windows 10, any thoughts on what happens on exiting the viewer that prevents these processes being stopped?
  23. Googling dullahan_host.exe brought me here... Not using Firestorm, but I am seeing 12 dullahan_host.exe on task manager each consuming almost 9 percent of CPU. And I haven't even got SL running right now. My system is SLOW and running SL is like walking in treacle. Is this connected to this topic? Does anyone have advice for me please? Emma
  24. I tried to do the sums - please correct if my math and rotation challenged brain messed up here 2048 tier = $13 / month = $156 /year --- 2 premium alts = $99 each = $198 for 2 per year save up stipend - L$300 / week / alt = L$31,200 / year for 2 exchange to dollars @ L$250 / $ = $124.80 from deduct this from premium cost - $198 - 124.80 = $73.20 --- (I am ignoring the L$1000 bonus as it's only paid out the first year of premium) So, to my mind that makes sense - caveats: if you have the money up front, and are sure you will use the land for a full year... I'd welcome corrections and comments. Emma
  25. Just a thought - in no way to bolster up the tier level jumps. If you had bought that 2048 with an alt and paid tier on just that (or 2 using the free premium tier) and had them join a land group, it could have been yours?
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