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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. Hallo Anita Ich benutze dazu ein kostenloses programm - paint.net. Mit der Magic Wand kann ich Portionen des Bilds entfernen und transparent machen. Ich hoffe, dass hilft dir. Mfg Emma
  2. I would like to make a 1 bit .png file to avoid the alpha sorting problem when using images.
  3. Thank you Rolig! I had managed to do it by changing the alpha value to 1.0 - I was too scared to go removing lines from a script! Hehehe - your help might turn me into a scripter yet...
  4. Thank you Rolig! I have found this very useful!! The pose stand disappears when first sat on - I preferred to have it visible until I finished choosing an animation to use in my picture and only then making the stand disappear.
  5. @ Ishtara: much impressed - I'd love that set up!
  6. Free hair: weekly at least 2 female hairs (male hair about 2 a month) from Alli and Ali plus an mm board - join the group instore for lots of stuff incl hair: the fabfree headquarters im me in world for landmarks
  7. Oh yes, please bring back the forum threads on the dashboard. (The only time I was really put off that was when there was that awful spam.)
  8. thanks to suella and venus for the help with profile pics and badges
  9. oh that's gorgeous! lovely pic too :smileyhappy:
  10. /me drags a half-eaten sandwich from her pocket and offers it round.
  11. /me arrives by the fire, hands Hippie a bottle of red wine and sits down, much relieved to have found the place. /me looks around: " Oh I missed you all - who else is coming???"
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