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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. I'll have a go at trying to explain what LOD is. Things in SL are made from meshes - even the prims are made from mesh (and don't let anti-prim snobs tell you they aren't, because they really are mesh!) In fact "prim" is short for Primative Mesh, a primative version of mesh that LL invented as basic ready-made mesh building blocks which the SL user could link together, twist, cut, hollow, shrink, enlarge, texture, recolour etc - to make the inworld objects in SL. Why primative mesh instead of actual mesh? Because way way back in 2002, the average home PC's used in SL were not yet sufficiently capable of supporting proper mesh objects - until around 2010/11, when uploading mesh objects to SL first became possible. Meshes are made from triangles, sometimes called polygons. The more triangles or polygons there are in a mesh, the higher the land impact. But the higher the land impact, the laggier a sim region becomes and the quantity of objects allowed in the sim decreases too. And back in those earlier years of SL, sim region capacity was also lower than it is now. Which is why primative meshes were invented, as low LI building blocks, instead of full mesh. Since the introduction of mesh uploading to SL, these meshes can be created and uploaded with various quantities of triangles/polygons in them and when uploaded to SL they can appear solid at specific viewing distances. Do not get this confused with Draw Distance, because its not the same and is a totally different thing. Meshes can be uploaded to SL with a high Level of Detail (LOD) or a low one. Usually, High LOD meshes have more triangles/polygons in them than low LOD triangle/polygon meshes do. Higher LOD meshes have higher Land Impact (LI) and remain stable at longer viewing distances, while low LOD meshes appear to disintegrate at shorter distances, but have lower LI. Uploading a low triangle/polygon mesh will be cheaper than uploading a higher triangle/polygon mesh too. In the viewer preferences, the viewer LOD settings can be adjusted to boost the appearance of low LOD objects to make them appear and remain stable at further visual distances. Again, do not get this confused with Draw Distance, its not the same thing. Increasing the viewers LOD setting is said to increase viewer lag, although in my entire 14+ years in SL, I've never experienced that. Avatar Complexity wholely concerns the triangle/polygon count of other avatars in SL, an avatar wearing lots of high polygon meshes or complex prim objects will have a higher, laggier complexity. Thankfully, most viewers now have Avatar Complexity settings in their preferences which allows the viewer user to decide whether these very high complex avatars can be fully rezzed or not.
  2. I used to run my SL viewer LOD continuously at 20.0 (via Show Debug Settings, RenderVolumeLODFactor, 20.0) for over ten years and I never experienced any slowdown, lag, graphical glitching, or GPU/CPU/PSU thermal issues. Various people advised me not to increase the LOD settings, but this was back in the olden days of 10 metre prims, gigantic megaprims, sculpties and early mesh, when high LOD settings were a necessity, not an extravagance. At the time, I heard lots of nonsense from overzealous people telling me not to do this as it "would fry my PC", but these people generated more hot air than my PC's power supply, CPU or GPU ever did. Eventually, Window XP's demise caused me to retire that faithful old PC, which I still keep maintained offline and occasionally use for nostalgic retro gaming. It still has it's original GPU, CPU and PSU and proves the high LOD naysayers were wrong. My present PC is far more capable than my retired one and I run SL with the LOD permanently set to the viewer's maximum setting, a measly 4.0!
  3. Xstreet used to be free. Then came a 5% LL Marketplace tax. Now Marketplace has a 10% LL tax.... see a pattern?
  4. What will Linden Lab do with the long lists of Caspertech's content creators, content and content purchases? Will all this data remain 100% private, or will it be sold to marketing companies for advertising revenue? I predict an inworld sales tax is highly inevitable with an LL owned Caspertech, there is no other possible reason for LL to purchase Caspertech, as they will certainly not keep it "free" forever. This is a disgusting and disturbing move by LL which will further increase costs that will have to be passed on inworld to residents and creators, as well as increase fears of data sharing, ads and privacy.
  5. As a monarchist, an English national and as a British subject of the United Kingdom, I do not want Linden Labs to commercially exploit my country's proud 1000+ year history and traditions for tasteless tacky money-making gimmicks, such as selling royal names or imaginary royal title names to undeserving people in Second Life for short-term trends or attention-seeking bandwagoning purposes. Linden Labs already strictly forbids the Linden name being used by Residents in SL, so they should not even consider allowing British royal names or titles to be used in SL, especially at this most difficult time in our country's recent history. For LL to do otherwise would be in the worst possible taste. So please do not do this.
  6. Oops. I mistook the Radeon RX6800S GPU for the RX6800.... so the NVIDIA RTX 3060 is the better one. Better CPU = Laptop Two Better GPU = Laptop Two* Bigger SSD = Laptop One I would agree with @LittleMe Jewell, go for the second Intel based laptop, BUT you should definitely upgrade the SSD to at least 1TB, preferably a Western Digital (WD) or a Samsung.
  7. Better CPU = Laptop Two Better GPU = Laptop One Bigger SSD = Laptop One (EDIT: I mistook RX6800S for RX6800)
  8. Is the Gen X body only for people born between 1965 and 1980?
  9. ^ 2003 ^ 2005 ^ 2006 ^ 2009 ^ 2011 ^ 2012 ^ 2014 ^ 2015
  10. @Prokofy Neva A minimum of 59 new regions would be needed to reach the 64 TSL regions from Furball in Satori. So not very economical or ever likely. The shortest route possible (42 regions) from Dahl is also very unlikely. 😜
  11. British Member of Parliament Penny Mourdant on ITV's "Splash" in 2014!
  12. Fifteen new Stilt Home regions have appeared on the map today. They are named: SSPOrillas Nuevas, SSPTombolo, SSPEpharisto, SSPSwashbuckle, SSPPilates Cove, SSPGood Terns, SSPNaughty Gulls, SSPWhite Crane Bayou, SSPPearl Strand, SSPOysterParade, SSPSluefoot Slough, SSPLeeward Channel, SSPWhite Cliffs, SSPEarly Light, SSPSturmhafen
  13. Fifteen new Stilt Home regions have appeared on the map today. They are named: SSPOrillas Nuevas, SSPTombolo, SSPEpharisto, SSPSwashbuckle, SSPPilates Cove, SSPGood Terns, SSPNaughty Gulls, SSPWhite Crane Bayou, SSPPearl Strand, SSPOysterParade, SSPSluefoot Slough, SSPLeeward Channel, SSPWhite Cliffs, SSPEarly Light, SSPSturmhafen
  14. Go for a minimum of an Nvidia GTX 1660 Super. Easily enough for SL and also for 1080p PC gaming. For higher resolutions and gaming with ray traced lighting, go RTX 3000 series instead. Found some data that shows the most popular GPU used for PC gaming is the Nvidia GTX 1060, a six year old GPU! I find it interesting that the current generation of new GPU's barely make the top ten of the list.
  15. I think two different and separate questions need to be asked. 1. Which of the LH themes has the most demand by Residents, according to official LL statistics? 2. Which single theme is the most favoured by Residents?
  16. All of the Eyrie Community Centre's bridge prim physics/collision objects are still there. So you can still walk across it, bump into it etc. Then I did an Area Search for objects named "bridge" in the region, I expected the total to be three (including the two usual smaller low-level bridges to the east and west of this larger Community Centre one). But only two were found. One was missing. So then I looked for signs of a hidden mesh bridge by using the Wireframe view.... But I found no mesh bridge wireframe there. So I would say the visible mesh part of the Community Centre bridge is missing from Eyrie region. @Ancient Mole @Garden Mole @Abnor Mole
  17. Just finished sailing all of Satori continent's available coastline by boat, starting at Furball at the southern tip of Satori. I sailed an MLCC "Oceanic" yacht clockwise around Satori via Newbrooke/Stromberg, then east via Bingo Strait & Blake Sea, then down Satori's east coast ending at Ptesanwi, where there are literally no more protected boat channels to progress any further. It was a spontaneous thing, so I didn't log/count the number of sims crossed, I started at 10:54 SLT and ended at 12:27 SLT, so 1h:33m.
  18. I just noticed that Willowtail Airport has gone and large areas of Willowtail and Graybar are abandoned. Both regions are in south west Satori and very close to the coast. However, access to open water is still blocked by Imelza region. I would hope LL Maintenance adds protected boat channels where relevant!
  19. Thanks to @Oz Spade's excellent history records, I found out today that Natoma was the Welcome Area of Second Life for only a relatively short time. I had been wondering for exactly how long Natoma had been given the role for. Oz's history records state that the Natoma's Welcome Area (with its "Noob Corral") opened "around 21st November, 2002". Natoma's Welcome Area was moved to nearby Ritch in "mid-January, 2003". So Natoma was Welcome Area for approximately two months. Far shorter than I had imagined, and surprising too. A new Welcome Area then was built at "the border of Ahern and Morris" and was opened on 31st March 2003. "Sometime around June 18th 2003 the Ritch welcome area was gone from the map." The Natoma freebie shop "Avatar Central" was deleted from Natoma when Luna Oaks Mall was opened on 18th December 2003. Luna Oaks was built at Luna region, which had previously been used as one of the "LindenWorld" themepark sims and had been moved south from where Grignano is now. "On March 14, 2005 the Ahern/Morris welcome area was ceremoniously blown up by Ben Linden to clear the old welcome area for renovation."
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