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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. "The LDCW (Linden Department of Cornfield Workers) volunteer gang, hard at work digging a new protected southern coastline for the continent of Satori." " 'Volunteers', carefully selected from the SL Cornfield, are granted free accommodation, meals, clothing and laundry services for life! And for their service to Second Life, volunteers are gifted some attractive heavy-duty ankle jewelry!" ^ Only imaginary, but I quite like the idea of "LDCW Volunteer Gangs". 😜
  2. Having a Schengen land border with Germany has clearly influenced and affected the present-day Dutch population's ability to interpret some fairly obvious and deliberately over- jingoistic English humour which was clearly lost on you. You have my sincere condolences for your country's "member state's" loss... 😜
  3. Peeve: Written abbreviations that take longer to say aloud than instead of saying the full longhand version aloud! As an example, the James Webb Space Telescope is shortened to just "J.W.S.T." in it's abbreviated written form. "J.W.S.T" is a written abbreviation to save space on a page of paper or on a screen. However, actually saying "J.W.S.T." aloud (Jay-doubleyoo-ess-tee) compared to "James Webb Space Telescope" saves absolutely no time at all and arguably "J.W.S.T." has more verbal syllables in it than actually saying the full longhand "James Webb Space Telescope" instead! Try it yourself! Peeve2: The people who continually use these abbreviations in normal speech thinking they're saving themselves time.
  4. I hate EEP so much that I permanantly deactivated it in my viewer since its introduction. The older Windlight system with its superior daylight/night time slider was a far better, easier, more precise and quicker method to change light and shadow conditions than EEP allows.
  5. I'm English. It's our language and no-one elses. We created it. Our ball, our game and our rules. Therefore we win. Always. 😜
  6. @Love Zhaoying Ugh! You should NEVER put a comma just before an "and" in a sentence! The "and" should only be used in place of a comma in the final part of the sentence. Your sentence should correctly read as: "Yes, the standard I remember for ambiguity is the Panda, not allowed in the Western bar because he eats, shoots and leaves." ^ Fixed. 😜
  7. @huanson135 I personally prefer a CPU and separate GPU instead of an APU. APU graphics have never really been on the same level as regular GPU graphics. And then there's the fact if you want to upgrade your graphics later with a GPU, you'll have part of your APU made obsolete and redundant, which seems wasteful to me. Separate graphics cards are cheaper and more available now than they have been in the last couple of years. There's no need to get the absolutely latest GPU though, as that would be overkill for SL and most games. As a benchmark, I would not consider anything lower in scale than an Nvidia GTX 1660 Super (released in 2019) which I would consider the absolute minimum for 2023. The more recent Nvidia RTX 2000 (released in 2018-19) and 3000 series GPUs (released 2020-21) might be a safer middle-level alternative Their prices have plummeted since the current top of the line Nvidia RTX 4000 series first appeared in 2022. You mentioned the AMD Ryzen 5700G APU in the thread title. That is an eight core CPU with onboard AMD graphics. SL only needs a single core to run and AMD graphics don't exactly have a reliable history of running SL smoothly. Perhaps the cheaper six core AMD Ryzen 5600X CPU with a separate Nvidia GPU would be a better choice?
  8. I think "Pathfinder" is more pretentious than "Goddess"... 😜
  9. How much typing should a topic typist type, if a topic typist typed topic type?! 😜
  10. Do they have to be called "Mentors" though? Sounds too much like "Mental". Instead, how about: Advisor, Guide, Counsellor, Consultant, Therapist, Master, Mistress, Guru, Sensei, Teacher, Tutor, Professor, Doctor...
  11. I had a similar idea to that too. If a coastal edge parcel became abandoned and was located in a region without a protected waterway, then that parcel should be restored or retrofitted by the LL maintenance group to include at least a minimal sized protected waterway channel before being auctioned off to potential buyers. Yes, the parcel might be a bit smaller than it originally was afterwards, but the buyer would still have access to the new protected waterway, along with the rest of the SL population. Seems fair to me. That way, over time (possibly years), a whole strip of neighbouring parcels in a region (and neighbouring regions) could gradually "grow" their lost or missing coastlines back, eventually re-establishing a complete continent coastline. This would particularly please the residents of east Sansara and southern Satori which have very poor inaccessible coastlines. Certainly a better way than just keeping the current system which is flawed and unfair.
  12. Go and take a look at Bellisseria on the world map and you will see a huge network of roads inside it. Look more closely inworld at it, and you'll notice there aren't any parked cars, trucks or trains anywhere. Despite all the vehicle rez zones in Bellisseria, not a single person drives vehicles around Bellisseria either. The roads and rails are completely empty, unused, completely redundant and pointless. Even if all the roads there were suddenly removed, I doubt they would even be missed or changed resident's behaviours. Perhaps the roads are merely decorative features instead of actually being used for transport? Why are the roads unused? Because there's nowhere for Bellisseria's residents to actually drive to! There are literally no roads, bridges or tunnels out of Belisseria to get over onto the mainland, with all its mainland Linden Roads, mainland destinations, mainland events and mainland shops. Or just to go out for a long exploratory drive into the wilderness of the mainland! Connecting Bellisseria to mainland with roads bridges and tunnels would undoubtably be beneficial to both areas. So why doesn't LL actually do something about it?
  13. Actually, most of the present Moles don't even have or use an actual mole avatar. Which is a real shame, because they used to.
  14. @Patch Linden, @Derrick Linden, @Quartz Mole Dear LL. Please... 1. Complete all uncompleted mainland continents (Sansara, Gaeta I, Zindra). 2. Give all mainland continents fully navigable protected coastlines for sea traffic. 3. Connect Bellisseria and mainland continents to each other with permanant road and rail bridges or tunnels, so that Residents and "Bellidents" (Bellisseria Residents) might actually start to move around the rest of the world with their cars, trucks, bicycles, boats and trains without feeling like they're trapped in individual continents. 4. Invent some kind of new separate localised physical water layer, or a boat lifting system like canal locks, so that transferring boats from higher to lower water surface levels (and vice-versa) becomes possible and practible. This way, boats could then travel through continents like Sansara without becoming trapped by mountain ranges, different level water levels and dams. 5. Place snow permanantly on top of SL's tallest mountain range in Campion region. Because SL's tallest mountains without snow on them look really stupid, especially as smaller sized mountains and molehills further south in the Snowlands and Sakura are covered in the stuff! 6. Create a permanant and official SL history museum inworld in the original Sansara continent. A museum which doesn't only exist temporarily during annual SLB events.
  15. I think the Moles are best suited to the role of Mentor. Afterall, they don't just build and maintain stuff inworld, some of them also moderate these forums. And they're already required to use the LL viewer too.
  16. There's a very good ageing kit called "Age Yourself" by @Izzie Button at Izzies. (<LM) It works with a regular mesh Bento avatar and buying a specialist "older avatar" is not necessary. Age Yourself is available for LeLutka, Catwa and Genus Bento heads. Izzie also sells other accessories for other body areas. Demos are free to try. Izzie's attention to detail is superb. Highly recommended.
  17. SL used to have official Mentors at Help Island sim. And elsewhere. But despite the name of the sim, the mentors were often not much or of any help, to me at least. The old Mentors sometimes lacked the proper communication skills, patience, the attention span, the technical knowledge of the SL Viewer or an ability to help multiple people, as it was often a very busy place. Sometimes there were very few or no Mentors available either. Help Island also unfortunately acquired the feel of a public hangout area too, cliques or groups of "gatekeeping" residents congregated there and sometimes interfered with advice given from the official Mentors. In my earliest days in SL, I went there quite often, hoping to learn to fix problems that I encountered. But most times I did not get any or fully the help that I needed. So through trial and error, I taught myself to fix my own viewer issues instead.
  18. I've done lots of voluntary advice-giving at the various Social Island sims in my free time in SL. At first, it was easy, fun and it gives you a nice warm nostalgic feeling as you imagine yourself in the shoes of a fresh-off-Orientation-Island noob again. And theres also the satisfaction of making someones first days in SL a happy one. But, the repetitiveness of the role quickly gets to you after a while. You start to realise that you keep getting asked the same old questions. After a while, it gets boring and enthusiasm and motivation for the role quickly fades. Sometimes, there's also the trouble makers, griefing attacks and you lack any real powers to do anything about it. And then theres noobs begging for money, freebies and demands of more time and forced friendships. Often, you don't even get even thanked by the noobs either as they teleport away, crash or log out. With my considerable SL experience and skills, I'm more than capable of fulfilling all that's asked for the role of Mentor. But I shall not be volunteering. Especially not with such poor compensation and terms from LL.
  19. I hope Help Island will be used again for mentoring, I think it would be the perfect place to do it. There, or at the various Social Island and Portal Park regions. However, please do NOT revamp or remodel the Help Island sim as that place is important in SL's history and should be kept preserved as it is.
  20. 1. Does the screen flickering only occur when using SL? 2. Does the whole screen flicker, or only in certain smaller areas? 3. Describe the flickering. Are there any discoloured graphical glitches (called "artifacts") on the screen? 4. Are your graphics card drivers currently up to date? 5. Has the flickering only started occuring since a recent graphics card driver update? Try reinstalling the driver, or perhaps an earlier version of it. 6. Check monitor cables and connections. 7. What type of monitor screen do you use? How old is the monitor screen?
  21. I don't get it. Please describe a single valid reason for anyone anywhere to use Second Life on a battery-powered handheld wi-fi device with a microscopic screen covered in greasy fingerprints. Nope.
  22. SL is already well over 20 years old. In fact, SL right now is actually closer to being 21 years old than 20. The annual SLB anniversaries only mark the anniversary of the full public access launch day of SL on 23rd June 2003. But this is not actually SL's real "birthday". "Second Life" as a thing, name and brand actually originated earlier than that on 1st November 2002, not 23rd June 2003. In November 2002, an earlier prototype precursor Alpha test version of SL called "Linden World" was switched off and was replaced by a newer closed access Beta test version and was officially branded as "Second Life" then too. How else do you think there are objects, places, residents and Lindens who have avatars that are older than SL itself? And that's not even including the even earlier "Linden World" Alpha version of Second Life that go back as far as 2001.
  23. A Monkey Island ?! Hmm... There's already a region called Woodchuck on the Log continent!
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