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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. I've added a second alternative "slim" version map, which keeps the most major routes, but isn't as hungry for region resources. Apologies to Zindra and Sharp. My first earlier map is now dubbed the "fat" version.
  2. As I've said in SL many times before, " If you don't ask, you don't get". Nobody seems to be asking. So I have. However, I fully expect LL to say no to my ideas, but at least I will have actually tried to do something about it. And maybe my effort may trigger an idea of their own. As for the straight lines and right angles, I'm not a fan of quick diagonal 3 sim corner hopping, its terrible for smooth sim crossings. I also wanted to recreate the look and feel of a long distance ocean voyage for large ships, which are usually far out at sea. Doing long distance inter-continental voyages tightly pressed up against a short, shallow coastline or river in a Queen Mary sized ocean liner, freighter, warship or oil tanker may prove to be difficult or impossible. As many people will testify, there is very little access to large bodies of water in SL for those who have large ships, while smaller vessels such as sail and motor boats are relatively spoilt for choices. Aircraft too, especially airliners, perform better in long straight uncluttered sim corridors away from skyboxes, parcel security orbs and the general lagginess of populated land. Anyone who has flown up the new long straight remote Jeogoet sea channel recently will agree with this.
  3. I didn't send my proposal to the JIRA in the name of this forum or the SL group, so its incorrect for you to presume that. I did it independently. I'm merely telling you that I had done it, as you seem to share the same interest and goal as I do. I represent no one else, except myself in this proposal.
  4. Hello all. I doodled an imaginary network of sea channels on a map of SL. The Light Blue areas already exist. The Dark Blue don't. Yet... I have been encouraged to submit this idea proposal to the JIRA as a new Feature Request. So I did. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-226642 I hope some good comes of my little doodle.
  5. Done! https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-226642 I hope some good comes of my little doodle.
  6. Hello. I doodled an imaginary network of sea channels on a map of SL. The Light Blue areas already exist. The Dark Blue don't. Yet...
  7. If its in the Hartnell region, it has to be First Doctor ("Doctor Who") related...
  8. Hello again, I've edited a current map, to include the fully completed SSP continent - with an idea proposal: The green area is the full extent of the completed SSP new continent, which measures 16 x 24 regions. The light blue area is the new two region wide north-south sea channel from Jeogoet, whose top eight regions are already placed inside the new continent's completed footprint. The dark blue area is my proposal for an 18 x 26 outer perimeter of protected deep water sea channels for large sea vessels that fully surrounds the completed new continent. This perimeter could form a central hub for further new sea channels to other nearby regions and distant continents in the future. Five pre-existing protected sims (Grand Banks, Lobster Pot, Marianas Trench, Magellan Deep, Albatross Sholls - coloured grey ) could form part of the northern coastal edge of the perimeter regions. What do you think?
  9. Hello all, I have been exploring the various continents of SL for almost 11 years and confidently know my way around the SL grid/map. I was pleased to learn the recent news of the new two region wide inter-continental sea channel which was placed into the grid recently, which would allow direct sea travel between Sansara and Jeogoet continents for the first time without the need of teleporting. But suddenly late last week, a new continent appeared at the channel's top, which now seems to have blocked off hopes of a wide navigable north-south sea route for large vessels between the Sansara and Jeogoet continents, and that has saddened me. It worries and disappoints me that the new continent's coastline now only seems suitable for small sail and motor boats. I would have loved the ability to sail from Jeogoet to Sansara in a larger sea vessel, while avoiding the narrow and crowded confines of harbours, marinas, narrow channels and coastlines of the new continent. I have noticed from the earlier SSP continent design (to the far north of Corsica/Gaeta 1) that it measures 16 x 24 regions in size, a total of 384. Instead, could an additional "outer rim" of border/edge sea regions be placed around the completed new continent, (making it 18x26, a total 468 regions) so that sea travellers who wish to bypass the new continent may do so, without disturbing the new continent's residents, their property and also avoiding the new continents shorter coastlines and marina areas? Could @Patch Linden share any views or news on this please?
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