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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. IBM didn't invent the PC, Commodore did. The Commodore PET 2001 was released in 1977, it was particularly popular in US schools. PET stood for Personal Electronic Transactor, which most people regarded as a "personal computer", which gave IBM the idea to actually name their later computer "PC".
  2. I'd also like to point out that Blofeld and Klebb regions in Satori continent both have fully protected west coastlines and are worthy of being connected to wider sea regions too. This in turn could prompt private parcel owners in regions to their south to cooperate, redesign and rearrange parcels as communal water areas which allow vessels to move between Satori's coastal regions, such as they currently are, using Blofeld and Klebb as an exit/entry point to elsewhere. However, should LL be in a particularly generous mood, they should fill the entire void between Satori and Bellisseria with sea regions instead, which should help reduce the anticipated amount of inter-parcel and inter-region arguing and disputes between Satori's landlocked inhabitants about water travel rights. 😜
  3. The latest group of sixteen regions have appeared on the inworld SL map. They are from top left: SSPCurrent Sea, SSPShell Yeah, SSPTiedown Inlet, SSPSteelhead Shoal, SSPBlack Dog Island, SSPNightwind, SSPBluebottle SSPTwin Coves, SSPSolomon Reef, SSPSriracha, SSPClear Day, SSPSlushy, SSPThunder Quay, SSPManatee Wharf, SSPRhonda Beach, SSPRum Deal,
  4. "we" = a resident who was born in one of those 13 colonies? "we" = a resident who was born in one of the other 37 States that never took part in 1776-1784 and whose State was bought, stolen or ceded from other nations or indigenous peoples? Your actual true Independence Day is 14th January 1784, when the Treaty of Paris (signed on 3rd September 1783), which officially ended the war and granted official nation status to the US, was ratified into law.
  5. Peeve: Citizens of other countries who don't even know their own history! Bzzzz! Wrong year. Try 14th January 1784! Then read up on 24th August 1814. How's that white paint looking 208 years later?! 😜
  6. There's a replica of the James Bond villain Karl Stromberg's secret underwater lair (called Atlantis) hidden in SL. But unlike in the film, it's not underwater. It's inside a huge volcano found in the final level stage sim of the Linden Realms game regions! Try not to steal Magellan's whisky if you find it....
  7. From the official SL Map website... https://maps.secondlife.com/index.php?q=Stromberg Stromberg: "I've been expecting you, Mr Bond!" SSPTiedown Inlet: "Eh? Err, I'm not James Bond and how the hell did you find me?" Stromberg: "By using my Super Secret Pointy-clicky (SSP) SL Map machine!" SSPTiedown Inlet: "Oh okaaaaay.... err, nice to meet you?!" Stromberg: "And I see you've brought fifteen other spies too!" SSPTiedown Inlet: "Are you feeling quite alright, Mr Stromberg?! It can't be easy being stuck out here alone for so very long." Stromberg: "But Mr Bond! I am not alone! *manic laughter* This continent is full of other SPECTRE Agent named sims!" SSPTiedown Inlet: *blinks* 😜
  8. Duplicates of the actual oldest First Prim can be found in the oldest original sixteen sims of SL, the "San Francisco" regions. But I'm not telling you exactly where! These historic prims are actually older than the lucky avatars that own and closely guard them, they're also older than the sims they're found in, and are even older than Second Life itself! Should you actually find one, please keep it a secret. These special prims all have the exact same time and date of creation, 20:46:40 SLT on 25th January 2002. The original First Prim was created before Second Life even existed, as it originated in an earlier Alpha Test incarnation of SL that was called Linden World, which was superceded by the Beta Test version of Second Life on 1st November 2002. Interestingly, the oldest prim has no creator name, as no such creator database existed at the time of the first prim's creation. It's highly likely that the very first prim was created by the man who invented primatives, an Avi Bar-Zeev, a colleague and friend of Philip Rosedale. And if you look around Sansara continent carefully enough, you might also find duplicates of the very first textured object ever created, a replica of a US five cent "Nickel" coin, that was also created in Linden World, not long after the First Prim was.
  9. This particular prim was only the first public prim rezzed in the Nova Albion sims, on 26 March 2004. I know of prims that are well over two years older than that elsewhere.
  10. Now that's very interesting, I never realised until now that there are protected boat channels along the coasts of Blofeld and Klebb. I'll have to go looking for more! EDIT: I've just finished looking around all the 19 sims south of Stromberg and have confirmed Blofeld, Klebb and a tiny southwest corner area of Khan are the only sims with protected coastlines.
  11. In an ideal virtual world where south-west Satori had a wider coastline, I would hope to see the respective parcel owners in these numerous regions being a lot more cooperative with each other and organising communal water space areas in each sim, creating harbours and boat channels to allow boats to sail in (and out) from the wider grid.
  12. There is a little mystery surrounding The Man statue. Specifically, it's head! Although the majority of The Man statue was created on 19th July 2002, not all of him was! You may not know, but the head was created several months later on 9th October 2002! Which raises various questions, such as did The Man even originally have a head? There are NO known photos of The Man statue in the Linden World test sims of 2002 to prove it either! But if The Man did have a head back then, was it somehow lost during the statue's transfer from Linden World to Second Life grids? Perhaps the statue's creator forgot to link the original head to the rest of the statue and so created a replacement head for the lost one later on 9th October 2002? That is just my own theory, but it would seem to fit, as Natoma (The Man's home sim) and the other 15 sims opened to Beta Testing on 1st November 2002, only a couple of weeks after the creation of the statues present head.
  13. I'm still looking for a map or plan of the original Linden World Alpha Test grid of early 2002. I'm not even certain if one was ever created or still exists! But I do know that this earlier Linden World grid had up to nine regions and they didn't have sim names. This earlier Linden World grid is very important to SL history as these places were where The Man Statue, The Governor's Mansion and Steller's Beanstalk were all created. And that 25 closed Alpha Test volunteers including Steller Sunshine, along with the earliest Linden's were involved in this closed Alpha Test era After Linden World Alpha testing was completed, the Beta testing grid (Agni) took over in November 2002 under the new name of "Second Life", along with more volunteers in a closed Beta Testing era. Some elements of Linden World were thankfully saved and transferred into sixteen new sim regions with San Francisco street names, such as Da Boom and Natoma. SL opened to public Beta testing in April 2003, then went to full public release on 23rd June 2003.
  14. Through my own and other people's various Feature Request JIRA proposals to LL.
  15. So you want a two region wide Satori coastal boat channel from Imelza up to Stromberg? This would be a total of 38 water sim regions. Who pays for these 38 regions? They aren't "free" just because they're empty water spaces. They would need space on the AWS servers, all of which need to be paid for each day/week/month/year. I also once had similar hopes for that same route, but "only" using 19 regions, which was ultimately rejected because I was told 19 new water regions would be too expensive. And you want 38 of them, plus possibly an additional 11 more north of Stromberg too because you're too much of a "sailing purist" to ride along some sim border edges?! 🤣
  16. I disagree. New water sims north of Stromberg are not needed. I was able to sail HMS Dragon (10m wide and 120m long) from Atanua southwards through the narrow protected water channel in Chloris and Atira to the new pier in Chiffre. And it was easy. All you need to do is ride along the outer border edge of these sims at a low speed. As long as the root/physics prim of your vessel stays in the water channel, it's quite an easy manoeuvre. Also, the wider water which lays between Satori proper and these coastal parcels is also fully navigable, although one parcel has a 45 second timer that will kick you home. Using your minimap Property Lines filter to show parcel boundaries helps with navigation too.
  17. @Trippie Littlepaws A VAT style tax in England existed before we joined the EEC(EU) in 1973, it was formerly known as the Purchase Tax and was introduced in 1940 before Value Added Tax (VAT) replaced it in 1973 as part of the UK joining the EEC(EU). Since exiting the EU, England and the rest of the UK has merely reverted back to it's own sales tax system, but has chosen not to rename it.
  18. It looks like theres a proper 20 metre deep boat channel running down the east region borders too!
  19. Twenty more regions north of SSPKermits Green! Six more regions to Stromberg! (Or seven to Smythe!)
  20. Twenty more regions north of SSPKermits Green! Six more regions to Stromberg! There appears to be a 20 metre deep boat channel running along the east regions edges.
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