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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. Back on 23rd December 2002, Patch Linden told me (and others present) that he'd posted a photographic hint in the Bellisseria Citizens group about a new LH theme. He shared that photo (below) with me (and others) too. This feels suspiciously like a prank to me, but I thought I'd share it (again) anyway... ^ A wall, yesterday. Patch's photo shows him wearing a winter Puffa-style jacket inside an undisclosed mystery room which has unevenly textured white walls. He was wearing the same jacket at the place we talked in. Please note that this jacket was just what he was wearing at the time and may NOT actually be anything to do with this theme or its climate. Hmm?! Patch also said "this theme will have a home that has a feature we've never done before, it'll be fun. "
  2. Funnily enough, there's one particular log house design called the "Overlook" which looks like it could easily blend in with the Ranch houses.
  3. On a clear day in Rum Bargain, you can actually "see" it! 😜 ^ South Islandia subcontinent in the distance, part of the greater Sansara mainland continent. These sims are also known as "The Artist Sims", due to their individual names.
  4. @AaronWild1 The issue may be Firestorm itself, rather than your GPU. Firestorm's current minimum GPU requirement is now the Nvidia GTX 750Ti, which is a superior model to your GT 730. Source: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_system_requirements Instead of Firestorm, try using the official SL viewer, or other trusted third party viewers instead. Third Party viewers: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  5. Another nine new Ranch regions are visible on World Map now. Newest Ranch region names are: Top row : Rum Bargain, Schwiegermutter, Kaninhutte. Middle row: Swedes, Greywolf, Dillinger. Bottom row: Lonesome George, Paydirt, Wapiti.
  6. Another nine new Ranch regions are visible on World Map now.
  7. There's another nine new Ranch regions further out to the west. They appeared yesterday, initially without any houses in them, which is why I didn't mention them then to avoid creating over-excitement or disappointment, plus the Moles were busy putting in the houses and doing finishing touches too. But it appears they're ready now as the regions have houses, some of which have already being occupied by Residents. The new regions haven't presently updated into the inworld map yet, so directly teleporting into them won't work yet if you want a Ranch home. Instead, Residents will have to walk in from neighbouring visible sim regions to their east. Here's a map I quickly scribbled yesterday of where to find these newest nine and what their names are. UPDATE: (05:00 SLT 1/7/2023) Region names just appeared on inworld World Map right now.
  8. Ranch theme size isn't that far off from being the same size as the Sakura theme.
  9. Ranch contnent's area size isn't that far off from being the same as Sakura theme.
  10. I'm really hoping they do. And their collective name is Islandia South. There's a similar set to the northeast of Sansara too, called Islandia North.
  11. "Resident" was just a collective surname used to plug a gap in the system left over from when the actual surname selection option was removed from account creation.
  12. Ranch's southeast coastline and the wider strait of sea between Logs and Stilts are both visible on world map now. I noticed from a brief inworld visit there today that Ranch's region-wide black covers are all gone now, but the world map still hasn't updated enough just yet. Hopefully, we'll see all the regions more clearly Soonâ„¢. It's still completely empty in the mysterious Ranch region of Overall, which was the last of the present 28 Ranch regions to appear last week. Overall is still perfectly flat and has not yet been terraformed. Could a Ranch themed community centre be going into Overall, I wonder? Or a small regional aircraft landing strip? Or possibly a Cornfield?! I've just noticed that Overall is not only a Protected Region, but is also a Homestead region with 5000 prim and 20 person limits. Hmm.... No signs of new choo choo tracks in Ranch either. I imagine they'd only appear after more Log north coastline and railway tracks (and bridges?) are created to warrant the need for Ranch tracks just yet.
  13. I hate it when anyone greets me with "Hey!". It's very anti-social. "Hey!" (in my part of the world) is an imported aggressive shouty loud call word (from Scandinavian "Hei!" origins) which would only commonly be used to shout out to someone far away to gain their urgent attention. Similar to our own native "Oi!" word too. Instead of "Hey!", please use "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon" or "Good evening" when in close proximity to someone you wish to greet. Much more polite and it doesn't sound like a lazy single syllable grunt either.
  14. 100% against reintroducing retired surnames for reasons of their occasional rareness. And I'm also against it as it creates an ability to unfairly appropriate these surname's perceived history or status for short-term personal gain, which would cheapen the surname too. Surnames were assigned to user accounts in specific years and seasons within those years. When you presently meet someone who shares the same surname as you, one already knows how old that other person is (in SL age) and when they first joined SL, even without having to talk to them, or by looking at their profile. And that also works with other different surnames assigned to other time periods too. Surnames are part of a user account's personal identity, property and history too. They are a unique part of SL culture and which would be forever ruined if retired surnames became available again. They wouldn't introduce Mole or Linden surnames, so why do it with everyone elses names?
  15. I hope to witness (!) a community of Amish dinkies, tinies or Moles move in and build a barn in record time....
  16. No more American themes please. There is also a 96% "rest of the world" population living outside of the United States. According to this screenshot that I just took from a quick search, non-US visitors to SL.com were 48.21% of it's total traffic too.
  17. People have already started to move into their new Ranch homes! A resident's addition of a barn and horses.
  18. Eight new water regions between Log, Stilt and Ranch themes have also appeared. The Ranch theme, as hoped, has a grassy east coast which is wide enough to lay railway tracks on. These tracks could then link Ranches to Logland to the south and Sakura to the north.
  19. ^ A Ranch House! (House type: "Stable View") ^ Ranch House mailbox thingy. ^ A grain silo! ^ A grain bin! ^ Overhead phone/telegraph wires/lines. ^ Water towers, with SL logo! ^ Rez zone markers! ^ Tractor! ^ Hay bales! 20m surface water levels. So coastlines with rivers are possible here in the Ranch theme! Curiously, the Ranch region named Overall (which was last to appear) is completely empty.... ?!
  20. They're not bungalows (known as "ranch houses" for some reason in the US)! They're literally ranch or farm houses instead. ^ A Ranch House! (House type: "Stable View") ^ Ranch House mailbox thingy. ^ A silo! ^ A grain bin! ^ Overhead phone/telegraph wires/lines. ^ Water towers, with SL logo! ^ Rez zone markers! ^ Tractor! 20m surface water levels. So coastlines with rivers are possible here in the Ranch theme!
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