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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. It's somewhere in the forums a linden once posted how many they have stacked.
  2. ah okay, yeah those are stacked 4 or 8 per core now too. so it still holds weight hehe. thank you for clarification.
  3. I have a friend in kowloon and a family member out in central china, They can not access SL directly, so I would not see SL being a thing for those people.
  4. openspace sims are 32 sims per core, so if it's that, which I doubt because the servers are over built to handle any loads, the SL of old has been gone for years, physical performance hit's on the physical server side does not exist. when a region, openspace, homestead gets tackles, typically it's within that sim agent time is 23ms, and the script time is 33.0 ms. 11k scripts too on that region, which I did not think was possible, but could be including the avatar.
  5. okay simply put, 12 years in SL right now, almost 13 for me, there is NO way to fake the debit permission window, it's big, it's scary and it's ugly. LSL can not override it, you have to accept it for it to take money, otherwise it's not taking money.
  6. It used to be homesteads were 16 sims to a core on the cpu, and limited to either 512mb of ram or 1gb of ram. I know they stack them still, but not sure if the ram usage changed or not.
  7. I've noticed this issue when using bing and trying to find a few SL links for the marketplace. I end up dropping back to google or yahoo to find the right path at times, I'm pretty good with search engines bing drives me bonkers though at times.
  8. well the link looks right, might be a caching issues with your browser? does it just goto a white page and stop? or blank if you want to call it that. if so, try a ctrl f5 to see if that will force it to reload instead of making it pull from it's cache.
  9. Also I have 3 screens, I want to be able to drag those to the other monitors, firestorm once show cased a viewer that worked like that but no one ever picked it up.
  10. Get rid of Chui and I go back to the SL viewer. Make as simplistic as I have it now and it's very useable.
  11. I have zero problems and cpu never breaks 31c under load either. I wish windows would stop saying it was at stock clock, it's not. okay I'm done lol, but just saying what I build has no issues, I know others will not be able to afford most of it, but just throwing out what I did to just get SL to be playable and this thing plays every AAA game without issue.
  12. I recommended what could be easily affordable, I know some of the thigns are a few generations old, but I have no issues with any games or SL.
  13. No more vampires! Vote for Cats! we need more cats! hail the cat king!
  14. 16gb ram minimum, 980 GTX minimum (you can swap this with an amd gpu if your budget does not allow) i7 5820k or better (or what ever amd has that will work) and ssd 256/512gb You just want to make sure you have enough for windows and SL to run at the same time and other tasks.
  15. The option will be a name change with a premium account plus 40 usd per name change. it's been covered in one of the topics in the general discussion are I believe.
  16. Cinder Blocks forked the project and kept the using the name after he died.
  17. I looked at our xenforo forum a bit back and we are unable to even block them. I'm not sure it was ever thought of when forum software was being developed.
  18. I use it and I'll vouch for ya Niran. if it would of caused me issues, I'd be stupid vocal on the forums.
  19. Yeah I saw it once in the trek sim I used to be at all the time, dj lost their cool and demanded in an manner that people were to tip more than 500L and they should be doing so for each and every song, that party ended right quick when the sim owner declared the party over and banned the dj.
  20. last time I had account maintance they replaced some items with IP replacement items. check for those.
  21. I'm looking for his and her's outfits that fit the slink bodies, I'm not sure what phrasing to use. but it's what I'm after. any help I'd appreciate it guys
  22. Sometimes there is a manual approval process that has to happen too, so if can take a few days or such to get into paypal.
  23. Reason the forums work is they are a different product, they are Powered by Invision Community So the forums are not LL scripted or hosted.
  24. M. Linden came up with this thrilling idea, If I remember it right it was to make the expierence more "friendly" to new people, but he also laid off 100+ staff and a bunch of other things, he's about the only ceo that's not talked to me on a normal basis too.
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