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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. See, there you go with the not-so-veiled insults toward others again. You are not winning anyone over to your way of thinking here. File a bug report and move on.
  2. Perhaps, but that doesn't change the point that the priority must be getting homes to residents. No one but you is demanding that they fix the roads this minute.
  3. You are not going to sway people to your point of view using loaded words like "ignorant". I happen to agree with @Beth Macbain. The new priority should be building homes as long as there are still so many residents waiting for one. You can wait in line behind them for your road tweaks.
  4. Some of those names sound campground-ish.
  5. I am going to need a spreadsheet to keep up with what is not acceptable.
  6. Luckily, you can derender/block all the things that offend you so that you won't see them .
  7. How cool! I wouldn't mind seeing Godzilla wander through, for that matter. It's not griefing IMO if someone is merely BIG. We don't have to all look alike.
  8. There has been a LDPW Mole Fan Club group in existence for years, as well. The Moles are very popular in Bay City, where Mole Day is celebrated every February (right around Groundhog Day) with a big party that is usually well-attended by Moles.
  9. Nah, I'd shoot the owner. 😎
  10. It's great seeing so many Moles pop up in here, so we know THEY know we appreciate them and their creations.
  11. I confess I went there, looked at the nuke, tried to activate it, then tried to pull his finger. I can't help it, I have to click things!
  12. Yeah, and then the usage count has a lot to do with it, too. For instance, the link I posted sorts the names by usage. There are/were 77,776 Aeons vs only 998 Tamalyns! Not surprisingly, a lot of the names I see on that first page are the ones I've seen the most in world.
  13. You're welcome! According to that list, there were 998 residents with the last name Tamalyn, yet I have only encountered two others in the past 9 years.
  14. Here you go, some interesting data on last names from back then: SL Name Watch
  15. Hmm, trying to remember. I do know I had a choice of last names, the ones that were in the rotation at the moment. Back when we had last names, they would offer each name for a specific length of time, then remove it from the rotation. You can figure out how long an avatar has been in SL if you know the period their last name was issued. I *think* it was a box where you just kept refreshing until a name popped up that you liked, as opposed to a dropdown box. I don't know how many names they offered at a time, since I stopped looking once I chose my own. ETA: The name choice was done during the sign up process itself, not later on by using Dashboard or whatever.
  16. I really need to try that trick sometime. I always use the "make it all CH then link" trick (when it doesn't backfire), but saving even more LI would be great. Especially in my restaurants where I want loads of little details (....like food lol).
  17. So would you prefer they not roll any out until they have 100? 200? What's the magic number? This way, some people are not having to wait so long; the alternative is that EVERYONE waits. Why is that better?
  18. I can't do any of that while I'm at work, though, because I have no access to SL there. So when people include maps in their forum posts, it's helpful.
  19. It's nice to see it shown on the map as well, particularly for those of us who don't have the SSPE region names memorized.
  20. I suppose if you need testing done, you could request it via support ticket. That sounds less harsh. lol
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