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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Tapestry of Time is so much fun! I had pretty much forgotten many of the events they have listed, and I enjoyed seeing a few folks that I know in some of the photos, too.
  2. Same! I avoid using it at all costs (luckily, I do not feel the need to use weapons).
  3. You really do not need to stalk the forums, since you can just click the "follow" button on Patch's update thread here, and/or change your settings to get notifications from the SL blog, to have notices of updates delivered to your email.
  4. I meant you rename the final box before you pick it up. ETA: And that is yet another trick that I learned from @Pamela Galli's website.
  5. I reset my camera settings years ago using the instructions from @Pamela Galli's site, and they work great. Still, the trailers are claustrophobic. Camera angle is not the problem; they are just too small for me.
  6. They are still in past group notices for both Bellisseria Community and Bellisseria Citizens.
  7. I admit I know next to nothing about locked collars and such, but have you tried using a different viewer? (You didn't say what viewer you are currently using.)
  8. Speak of the devil, there he is! I was about to go back and get a photo of him. lol
  9. Oops I forgot to snap a pic earlier when I saw the squirrel at SL16B. She was manning the desk at the Bellisseria Community group's exhibit.
  10. Nice! I have only seen one Linden so far, and she's so new she doesn't have a bear yet. lol Also saw a couple of moles dancing at a performance. I should have grabbed a photo of Alotta Mole, the adorable frog!
  11. This, and name that box something descriptive (other than "object") to make it easier to recall what it is.
  12. I wore whatever I have on today (top and shorts from erratic) and have since been seen also sporting a variety of gift hats I have picked up there. Love the balloon hat from Junk Food! I think I'll start trying on some of the gift t shirts next.
  13. Except that they weren't. I didn't know about the first new houses until nine hours after they were released, and easily got one. I abandoned it that same night, and easily got another one. Please stick to facts or no one will take your comments seriously.
  14. What a pity, because I think "Trolly Mole" would be a fine mole name.
  15. It wasn't a secret. It had been talked about in these forums for months, and the announcement was on our Dashboards. I wasn't even reading the forums at the time but saw it on the Dashboard and got one the first night.
  16. I like a pile of prims to use as much as anyone, but I have to say that having just visited the display in person, it would be easy to nicely decorate one of these little campers with only 175 LI to work with. After all, there is only one room to decorate! Having said that, I don't think that I really want one of them. They are adorable (especially the one with the metal ramp), but I like having more room to walk around in. They will be perfect for those who want little holiday spots or, as noted above, to use only 512 of their land allowance.
  17. I highly suggest joining the "pod riders" group run by the owner of the Yavapods. You get updates about new routes, and can access notecards that list them all in the group notices. I believe a main station is at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SL16B Enchant/195/74/23. As for railroad stations, there are lots of tracks running through Heterocera Atoll. There are givers along the way that will give you a free train if you need one. One starting point is in Tuliptree. Happy exploring!
  18. Luckily, you are not required to live in Bellisseria. You may continue trolling the Blake Sea instead.
  19. I did not have to use an autorefresh script, and I got a houseboat in only a couple of days. I did not spend all day at the computer, either, because I have a job in RL. Many others did NOT use a script. In fact, some folks have stated they had better luck NOT using the script. There are no "dregs" to Bellisseria and I don't know why you would think there are. On the contrary, IMO, each new batch of homes that is added is better than the one before. Right now, you are getting exactly the same benefits you have been happy enough to pay for up until now, with the option through this weekend of renewing at the same price for another term. But yes, you do have the choice to not renew if you think it has suddenly become a bad deal because another home option has been added to the package.
  20. SOON. (The trademark is implied because I don't know how to type one...)
  21. I'm puzzled why you can't just abandon and retry until you get a location you like, like everyone else does. I've had Linden homes off and on for the past 9 years, and never found this to be an issue.
  22. Meanwhile, I run out of prims in my (double prim) Bay City home. lol
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