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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Ah... coming on the heels of what you and Blush were saying about timers, I assumed that was still the topic being discussed.
  2. It's not always about PATIENCE. Some of us literally do not have the time to devote to squatting at an event waiting for a gift to drop.
  3. Same! That feature is so helpful! Now if I could get a similar warning while shopping in world...
  4. I don't think that your particular approach is going to convince anyone to do what you want. Insults are usually not the best strategy.
  5. I like to explore while in cat form. It's fun to poke around under bushes and hide in flower beds.
  6. The loveseat is from hive, and I think it is just called "loveseat". I love that store. I just clicked on the MP link and it says I bought those water maps (for free) in 2014. I have never tried them and forgot I had them! (This is how I wind up with duplicate purchases lol)
  7. Have you tried changing the number in the rotation section of the edit box to force it to flip around?
  8. Thank you! The windlight in that photo is Annan Adored-Morning Dream with default water.
  9. I can't see much at all in the dark, so that narrows my WL choices. lol (Alas, it also means that I can't see the details in dark photos, but I'm sure your decor is awesome!)
  10. I leave my LOD set at 4, and I like it that way. It used to be a necessity because most older products did require it, and whether or not they do now, I still leave it set because frankly i can't be bothered to fiddle with that setting all the time. Isn't nice that there are no LOD Police and we can all do our settings as we please? And because this is a photo thread...
  11. Palmer Lake is right next door to it.
  12. My first thought was to want to close the blinds, then make sure there was something realllllly good in there for the peepers to see. (And by good, I mean very, very bad.)
  13. This ^^. I almost never use a dark WL; my go to is Nacon's Afternoon. When decorating, I try to remember to check for full bright things that might blind others, but I probably miss a few now and then since I don't see them the way others do. Derender is the best answer.
  14. I don't think I have ever used the phrase "linden dollars" or anything similar. Context usually makes it obvious when people are discussing money vs. THE Lindens.
  15. As far as I know, there is no way to retrieve a chat you have not already logged. However, if the person *accepted* those friend requests, you would have a calling card added to your inventory each time the request was accepted. You can right click on each calling card and look at Properties to see when it was acquired, and that should be the date they accepted the friend request.
  16. And that is why I cam from a safe distance! lol
  17. Now I'm going to have to take another look! I cammed down there earlier today and checked out your furniture while I was at it. lol (Great job, btw!)
  18. I like the compromise that I've seen where the clothing has color change HUDs, but only a few colors in each, so that you can choose from four or so different HUD sets to buy. This means I don't have to buy the equivalent of a fat pack just to get a few colors. I suppose it's OK for me to name an example here since I have no association with the store; I'm thinking about the way neve does their HUDs. Mostly I like a HUD because I am lazy and like clicking the HUD to change color then I can claim I have on a new outfit.
  19. In RL (or at least, in my house) the difference between those two words is debated among native English speakers as well.
  20. Ah, I see. I think my mind just assumed you would use a nice looking prim! As an aside, I just took a look around at the many Windlasses near my houseboat, and saw that the blinds would cover over half of that glass side if closed... and one person has hung up drapes that cover the glass and look very nice. So it's down to is it OK to use a crappy looking prim, and all I can say there is that I sometimes wish we could outlaw bad taste because I'd go to town in my own houseboat neighborhood. 😂
  21. It would be even nicer if they held them at a time when working USA people could attend.
  22. To be fair, I was confused by what you meant. It sounded like you were saying putting up a prim to cover a window from the inside would be forbidden. I actually almost typed a reply asking you why that would be different from closing the blinds. I'm still not sure what you were describing but as I don't have a Windlass, it's not necessary that I know.
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