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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Oh, duh at me, I thought kiramanell was asking about the glass and gold table (even though she clearly mentioned pears)! lol
  2. You did the right thing by asking them first. Some people are just jerks.
  3. Evangeline's answer is correct. They almost certainly have banned you individually, presumably because of the earlier conflict, and banning individual avatars is allowed.
  4. They look like the Becky shoe from The Secret Store.
  5. Yeah, it's super easy (I've purchased land this way a few times). Just submit a support ticket with the location info about the abandoned land that you would like to purchase. One of the members of the land team will check it out and if it's available (not going up for auction or set aside for some other reason), they can set it for sale to you at the price Alwin stated. I've always had great experiences dealing with the LL land team. The land that goes up for auction often sells very cheaply as well. That mostly seems to depend upon whether a land flipper is interested in the parcel.
  6. @Marianne Little is like me; my partner calls me a "walking Marketplace". *blushes* I'm going to take a guess here and say that table is from Fancy Decor. Just a guess, though!
  7. I have never used mini map at all, and had no idea you could do this with it. I have a new toy to play with!
  8. What viewer do you use? The names show on the map in Firestorm (and other viewers, I would guess).
  9. I'm thinking that if a dead body doesn't deter someone, a piece of paper has no chance. lol
  10. Oh boy, you really are cruising for it, dude. ETA: Per Lil's wise suggestion.
  11. Ooh I feel the need to start a new group for Bellisseria. "Bellisseria Royalty", perhaps?
  12. Agreed! There are plenty of people who would be very happy with that location. I think it has loads of potential.
  13. Even though I think they are smaller than I might like, the layout is quite a bit like the houseboats and we've seen some really cool decorating jobs done in those. I'm looking forward to seeing what people do with them!
  14. Compare that to the many, many posts by BJoyful and others inviting everyone to join in community events, etc. One post does not = "we all want you go to away".
  15. And I have seen nothing at all like that. Interesting!
  16. If you throw punches at the moles in public, as you did earlier today, it's a bit disingenuous to complain about getting a public response.
  17. Right, because we want to maintain high resale value... oh wait.
  18. Yeah, then someone will start a thread complaining about the ladies strolling the streets... 😎
  19. You have it right. All parcels are the same size and have the same LI allowance. The shapes just sometimes vary.
  20. What I described really happened to me in my early days in SL. I stood there stunned and not knowing what to do, until someone tried to bite me, and that snapped me out of it. lol
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