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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Clarissa Lowell wrote: I don't want any more merchant spam. I know I haven't clicked to join the subscription group at some of the places that are spamming me. I haven't even bought anything in some of the places that are spamming me. I haven't even been to some of the places that are spamming me. There should be something in TOS against a merchant sending multiple note cards a week, IM announcements, landmarks and demos to someone who isn't interested. There should at least be a way to opt out in every note card or IM announcement that is sent. Not to do so is spam and spam is illegal in the United States. Who's with me? I'll spam you if I damn well please... if you refuse to buy my anti-shark ointment, I will release my man-eating hordes on you. Feel my wrath... Dres
  2. And here I thought, at least in the forum, I'd be safe from pre-Halloween Christmasness. Guess I'll just have to necropost here when I'm ready to face it. Until then, here's the pick I took for my card last year... The tree alone was about 150 prims, but well worth it. ...Dres
  3. Deej Kasshiki wrote: If one cares to go back and look at the pages and pages of comments on the way the Lab chose to implement display names it's not as if many of us didn't warn them of the possible unintended consequences. They chose to ignore our feedback because, once again, the Lab knew best. After they implemented diaplay names (along with a revamp of the whole signup/new user experience) and the numbers of completed signups rose the Lindens were convinced that they were correct after all. Sadly, while the numbers of people finishing the signup process rose, the numbers of people who actually logged in again didn't. I don't blame display names for the fact that concurrency has remained flat (or dropped slightly) in the face of increasing completed signups. There are many reasons for that, IMO and those possible reasons have been raised and discussed on these forums for years. I do know that every single one of the new people I've helped since display names were introduced have at some point in their first weeks of joining have asked, "why can't I have a real last name?" Maybe the top Lindens should hang out more in world talking to their customers or reading various forums and blogs to get a feel for what we really want and need from SL. I won't even get into all the nonsense names brought about by the abuse of Unicode and ASCII characters. Grrr... :smileymad: LL can't be dense enough to not have taken into consideration that a lot of the new signups, right after the change was implemented, was actually people running to sign up single name alts with names they either wanted or didn't want anyone else getting. Why couldn't the user name system be slightly modified to be able to include spaces? Then anyone could have however many names they want... what's the big deal? ...Dres (Then, I could create a new account with the name Eurydice Colette Clytemnestra Dido Bathsheba Rabelais Patricia Cocteau Stone... is that bad?)
  4. Okay so I probably need some sleep, but I was half way through reading this whole thread when I realized I had already read this whole thread back in august when it was still alive. There was another thread just started, about the same exact thing, to which you could have posted instead (link). ...Dres
  5. Melita Magic wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: jennylongview Innovia wrote: Hi's... I got divorced (again) and need some good shaped ideas.. the best of the best please.. Thank you How about a different species? I'm going to buy the Utahraptor avvie as soon as I have the $L850 for it. I'm sickuv being human. Jeanne So what happened to your adamant oath to never spend money in Second Life? Before you know it you will be a land owner as well. ;p From what I remember, I believe she meant she refuses to put RL money into SL. Of course, acquiescing to that very thing could just be a matter of time. ...Dres
  6. Venus Petrov wrote: Void, I *have* reported individual posts. Yesterday and today. Yesterday it took several hours for the problem to be resolved. I am using every means necessary to get attention. However I do not think anyone is reading Forum Feedback. Maybe I need to put this thread over in the Vampire subforum. Someone at LL seems to be interested in it. Perhaps they are just too busy deleting threads left and right from that subforum to be bothered with the incessant spam infestation of subforums that users actually care about. Just a thought. ...Dres
  7. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: On the pages that show a box of 'Additonal Links' it's the bottom selection. You can also select 'Float this board to the Top' in Board Options to make it show up. Oh. *laughing* Thank you Q! Never noticed that before. Hmm, the Lab keeps the "feedback" section somewhat hidden. Interesting. Wonder if anyone at the Lab or their worker-bees actually sees this? I'm quite sure that, at one point, things were actually paid attention to here. I'm also quite sure that this is no longer the case. ...Dres
  8. I simple adore that song Hippie. And yes... let's get together... ...Dres
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: If you truly want to have your avatar act in a unique manner, don't buy a preloaded AO. Your avi will just move like thousands of others. Buy each animation separately and only those that express 'yourself' then buy a empty HUD or get a free Zhao to put them in to use. Personally I use a Huddles that I set up with several 'sets' of animations I bought separately and choose which set to use that reflects my mood or what I'm doing. I have a set for business, once for casual socializing, a flirty set and some specialized ones for certain roleplay or avatars. All these are in one HUD that I can just click a button to tell it which set to load and play. The HUD also holds all my dances, which can also set up by musical genre or mood. This approach requires a bit of extra work, but is well worth the effort. You can also buy a decent preloaded AO then add other animations that you like to it, in order to individualize it. Individual animations can add up very quickly and you could easily end up spending a lot more money putting together an AO from scratch than you might if you bought a set. I found this out when I put together one for my alt... my main has a preloaded set that I've added to and works very well, but it isn't as nearly as nice as the one I put together for my alt, piece by piece. A warning: when I was purchasing the individual animations for my alt, I noticed that some animations that were included in more expensive sets were exactly the same as ones found in cheaper sets by the same creator; therefore they were also cheaper when bought individually. So, it pays to research thoroughly before you make the actual purchase. Also, I use viewers with built in AOs and find it much easier than having to add animations to a hud. Plus, that's one less hud you have to wear and hud AOs are usually very heavily scripted... which is something that should be avoided if at all possible. ...Dres
  10. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Void Singer wrote: Ellyn Elan wrote: [...] I saw the old forum and it had its problems too, including spamming, but I don't see how they improved anything. I'm betting that this post gets yanked before the spam.[...] I sincerely miss the days of PIOF only forums... for multiple reasons. ^ This ^ Has LL ever been known to rescind a decision? On rare occasion, but I wouldn't count on this being one of them. Us useless users are actually useful for at least one thing... acting as LL's unpaid support slaves. The ones that need the help the most are the ones that don't have PIOF. ...Dres
  11. Knowl is so wonderful that prims miss him and, therefore, he should have his own region... free of charge. ...Dres
  12. junique Tigerfish wrote: I have enjoyued many of the sims in sl.There are some places that really stand out for me.Some places by the beauty of the design and creativity,some because of the welcoming atmosphere and friendly employees.These are the venues that become my picks.I am not a rich person and I hope in some small way my show of support for what I consider a job very well done will help these sims be successful for a long time to come.And yes,my choices are mine just as yours are your own,not everyone will agree. I have respect for any sim I visit.I cause no problem for anyone, anywhere I go.I am an adult and I do visit adult themed venues.I visit lots of places actually and I spend money out of my rl pocket in a lot of stores.I also am one of the nicest people you will meet. I stumbled into a sim yesterday,ended up there by accident.I opened my search window to redirect myself.I noticed on the chat window someone was asking me if Iwas an escort.The area had not rezzed,I couldn't see who was talking to me,I answered no,was told that because of my picks I had to be one,and what was I doing there.Then this owner or manager,I am assuming also commented that I was an escort cus my **bleep** bounce and then made fun of my profile,how could I be shy and an escort.And I do understand about looking out for the best interests of your spot,after all it is yours.But,I honestly did not mean any harm,I was just lost. I did tell her that she was very opinionated and should not draw conclusions about people and I got the heck out of there.I really do not think I deserved to be treated this way. There should be a list for last picks,this spot would get my vote. Now I am super paranoid that my body is bouncing in a sleazy way and I really am not the upbeat person that I usually am in world. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this. What sucks is that people will judge you by your appearance and by what is written in your profile. I haven't seen your appearance so I cannot tell you my opinion of it. But I have seen your profile, and if I was to be so preoccupied with someone that I felt I would need to judge them on their profile alone, I'm sorry to say so, but I would think that you are an escort. I don't care whether you are or not... but if you don't want people to look at your profile and automatically think you're a whore, then change it... how simple is that? ...Dres
  13. Ariel Vuissent wrote: Maybe next time you should wear the AO, then start drinking... You're a genius! I'll get started right away. ...Dres
  14. Tamara Artis wrote: Wooho! Thank you all for your replies:) I'm going to try it all lol Planning to be an old drunk lady haha Ha ha... that's great... I have a drunk AO which is hilarious. The strange thing is... when I'm drunken SLing I never think to wear it... consequently, if I'm wearing it, I'm almost invariably sober. Go figure. ...Dres
  15. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: I don't think so, Dres....FFS, how hard is it to filter out episode, season and whatever that third word is Because, what if one of us should want to use those words? Plus, they'll just start spelling them ep isode and se ason and such. ...Dres
  16. I believe LL have made some attempt to filter some of the more commonly used words in these posts... that's why "versus" was blocked for a while. Last time I tried typing P.r.o.j.e.c.t R.u.n.w.a.y it was also blocked... actually it still is (hence, the periods). But these things are easy for them to get around... there has to be a better way for LL to combat this. There have been discussions about this at CTUGs, but I don't believe a consensus was ever reached as to what should be done. For just about every proposition that was thought of, it was quickly realized that there would be definite negative consequences for normal users. Perhaps we should start a discussion about what we think can be done to tackle this in the Forum Feedback subforum, weigh the pros and cons and bring it up again at a future CTUG. Meanwhile, I've noticed that these posts usually don't last too long, thankfully. ...Dres *will keep diligently RICing the bitches* ETA: I meant to reply to the OP... oh well.
  17. Well, that's easy... link. And it is boring... who the * wants to hang out with a bunch of * adults? ...Dres
  18. Void Singer wrote: people that say ridiculous (but popular with some) things, have been haunting Mr. Santorum for a long time now.... but to be fair, he started it. I actually read the word santorum used in context correctly the other day. Don't ask what I was reading... I don't wanna scare you. ...Dres
  19. Jadyn Kyrie wrote: Yea, I've been around awhile I just seem to have lost my friends since I've been off for a few months. I need to change that ASAP so if you need friends let me know maybe we'll click.....Hope you like gay guys ^.^ Lol!! SN: Yay for my first post!! Lmao. Hello Jadyn, welcome to the forum. IM me if you wish. I do like gay guys, but only if they like me back... lol. ...Dres
  20. Pamela Galli wrote: It comes to us all. Yes, all. Even rock stars. http://izismile.com/2010/07/07/how_rock_stars_have_changed_49_pics.html Funny, Iggy doesn't look all that different. And they forgot to mention Pete Burns... Now, that's how you grow old gracefully. ...Dres
  21. I converse in IM so that I can make fun of you without you ever knowing. Also, it's fun to randomly switch from local to IM and back when there is only one person around... especially if that person is a noob. ...Dres
  22. Lee Ponzu wrote: The tool I always imagined... Create an object inworld, using prims. Click a button and it is converted to a similar object made from sculties/meshes You own it, of course, so you can then download and work on with whatever outworld tools you want. I own a product that does this for sculpties. But there are major constraints: a. The prims have to be created by the owner and, consequently, full perm. b. It can only process prims of certain shapes (off the top of my head... squares, cylinders and, I believe, spheres; plus, they can't be cut, hollowed, tapered or skewed). c. It can only merge 16 prims at a time into one sculpty. So, as you can imagine, it's uses are rather limited. But, for what it does, it does it rather well... especially for someone who, at the time, had never successfully created a sculpty before. Just saying. ...Dres
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