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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Randall Ahren wrote: What about the important rites that everyone is studiously failing to mention, aka, the elephants in the room: 1. First slex. 2. First slex done correctly. 3. First time getting caught trespassing while using their adult furniture. 4. First threesome. I was wondering if I was going to have to be the first one to say losing my SL virginity. But of course, that passage is bigger for some than it is for others. :matte-motes-wink-tongue: ...Dres
  2. ChristineAngelHart wrote: WHY did they do away with what was called VIEWER 2? I KNOW, they left viewer 123, but I have never used it,because I never really liked it. All well, at least they left the beta viewer,and it was like viewer 2,but still. This subforum is only for feedback about the forum itself. Perhaps you were looking for this subforum. ...Dres
  3. Ziggy21 Slade wrote: Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Wow! That is almost the exact same script I heard when I contacted Live Support for a completely unrelated topic. They also didn't answer my question. I got a response and solution faster from a friend on SLums. I was then able to pass the answer to Live Support for the next time that issue came up. Somehow, that seems a little backwards. Just to try and return this to the more central topic... Yup and me, almost exactly the same script for another issue and its been the same every time I use the service. This is supposed to be one of the perks of being premium and yet without fail they tell you to raise a ticket. I would like to hear from anyone who has actually had an issue fixed via live chat, anyone?, anyone at all? I got a sim restarted once when I was ghosted... lol. ...Dres (It did work.)
  4. Venus Petrov wrote: I suppose flaming is kind of like porn; you know it when you see it. 'That' threads OP deftly illustrated a point. What may appear as sockpuppetting can be just a simple mistake. What may appear as trolling can be sharp wit poked even at oneself. How something like '....crickets...' can be considered flaming is curious. It was posted to cause a pause in the dialogue. There can be more than one way to interpret intent of a poster. Why automatically consider the negative one? Because, then you can beat them about the face and neck and justify your reasoning for it? ...Dres
  5. Well, I'm glad we got that settled. And with that said... I'm going to sleep... it's way, way past my bedtime... lol. ...Dres
  6. Ann Otoole wrote: No. I am saying there needs to be a social comms group type that is never tied to land. Therefore regions never have to even look at the comms groups at all. I.e.; as is, every step you take in a region has to be examined by the region to see if you are in the proper group. Please extrapolate on this fact of simulator life. And all I'm saying is that groups shouldn't be tied to land at all... but the solution isn't that there should be separate social groups, but a different mechanism, entirely separate from groups, for dictating the distribution of land. Connecting land ownership with groups was a mistake from the start. Somehow, I get the feeling that we are both saying the same thing from different points of view. ...Dres
  7. Pannie Paperdoll wrote: Ok.... the group being abused or not issue that Ann has aside.. what is live help actually supposed to do?? Restart sims? ...Dres
  8. Ann Otoole wrote: gets confusing eh? 1. open a jira to make people ejected from a land group get immediately ejected so they cannot keep being a problem. Solves the issue at hand. 2. Open a jira for a social group type that is not tied to land. It is a communication group and will be like twitter/plurk and optimized accordingly. Make sense? eta: the amount of work done for land groups is incredible. Everyone entering an area has to be checked etc. Think about it please. There needs to be a seperate social group type not connected to land. I have two land groups.. I have thirty-two others that are not tied to any land at all. Are you saying that I should get rid of the other thirty-two because they are not being used for their intended purpose? ...Dres
  9. Sy Beck wrote: What's the point of this, seriously? Didn't you read the title of the thread?... lol. ...Dres
  10. Ann Otoole wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Ann Otoole wrote: You can eject an account from a group. However that account will remain connected to the group until that account logs off. This is why it is critical one does not use SL groups for anything except land management and people make sure they never allow strangers into their goups. Groups in SL are not currently meant for social networking and it is not LL's fault people are abusing groups. But then, why would you want land managed by a group if you are having a problem with a group member? How much damage could someone do to what's on a piece of property, simply because they can't be kicked out of a group right away? The system is screwed up and has been that way since it's conception. ...Dres How much damage? Well back in the days of yore before you were apparently around there were only owner and everyone roles. Back then all the scammer ring (to this day still in operation in SL) had to do was gain confidence into a land group as officers. Then AR party the owner and while the owner was suspended the con artists would sell the land to themselves for L$0 and wipe out the legit land owner. Then LL established the group owner role that cut this common scam off. Never use land groups for anything except land management. If you want social groups then rerquest them via jira. Short of that absolutely zero is going to happen so don't waste your time. ...Dres *hopes were dashed*
  11. Ann Otoole wrote: I respectfully disagree. I have never had group issues because I use them solely for land management as intended. If you want social networking groups then request them via jira. You disagree, yet offer no rational reason for doing so. If you think groups should only be used for land management, then you file a JIRA. ...Dres
  12. Ann Otoole wrote: It is absolutelty certain groups in SL were primarily intended for land management purpose and work flawlessly in that regard. If customers want a seperate type of group for social networking then they need to enter a jira feature request for a social networking group type that is not connected to land rights. LL's failure with groups was their idea to connect them to property rights in the first place. Groups should have been exclusively social to begin with and land rights should have been able to be given to whomever a person chooses, no matter what group they happen to belong to. The fact that one single person has to create a whole group to share one single piece of land with one other single person is completely ludicrous. Certainly, with hindsight, LL would not have set the system up that way. ...Dres
  13. There could be an explanation as to why your "bot" was not automatically ejected from your group. I've seen, with my own two eyes, where someone (my sister) was ejected from a group, but because they (my sister) were wearing the group tag at the time, were still able to post to the group. I won't get into the fact that the reason why my sister was ejected from that group was because they were a hypersensitive bunch of nitwits that couldn't deal with someone (my sister) telling them like it is and where to get off. But suffice it to say that if someone, bot or not, is in a group and wearing the group tab when they get ejected from that group, they will still be able to post to it. This is something that the live chat idiots would never have known. You'd have been better off coming here, to the forum, to get advice on what's really going on. Something LL should honestly take into consideration. They can pay people that don't know a damn thing about what's really going on inworld or support the very people that help their fellow residents, all the time, here in the forums. It's not hard to understand which investment would pay off the most. Are you listening Rodvik? ...Dres
  14. Void Singer wrote: .... any name would do... Let's all go as Rodvik. Oh hell... someone might see this and take me seriously. Please almighty moderators, spare me the rod, I's was only jokin'... really I was. Praise be to the supreme, omnipotent Rodvik, you are our light and our savior. Glory be to Rod. ...Dresmend (Rod Saves!!)
  15. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: I would never think to question moderation... Ever.... In a million years... Over my banned body... Really... Maybe this is a new tactic. I don't like where this is going so I'm locking the thread and closing it down. I have decided that no one else has anything to learn or express, so I'm locking this thread. I have decided it's my way or the highway. Isn't that a song? AND we still don't have a COMMUNITY manager that we can COMMUNICATE with. Darn. My feedback is that I would like to have someone to talk to when I don't understand why an action has been taken. Well, of course, I think that only a troll would question the reasoning behind the moderation process, am I right? I mean, isn't this just the sort of behavior that sucks the fun out of forum life for everyone involved? ...Dres
  16. How an honest discussion about what the difference is between disagreements and flaming, could be considered unhelpful, is beyond me. You may have a definition that is different than mine... perhaps you'd like to explain exactly what yours entails, then we can discuss it. Who knows... we may even agree. ...Dres
  17. Roseysun Galicia wrote: At the end it comes down to what LL decides to do when the Display name is reported. This is as true in this instance as it is for any other given violation, meaning very. @the OP: It would seem to me that if the Lindens really want to support something that has garnered as much critical backlash as display names have, they'd choose to use them, by default, in their own viewers. Which means their local chat, when copied from their viewers themselves, would only include display names. I only point this out as a possible explanation. ...Dres
  18. Very true... but if the issue I brought up was corrected, what you brought up wouldn't even be an issue. ...Dres
  19. Coby Foden wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: I keep my typing animation turned off, myself. ...Dres So you want to make believe that you are a tummy speaker, eh? :smileywink: Turning typing animation off equates to if in RL you stare in the distance and don't move you mouth at all when speaking with somebody. :matte-motes-bored: Personally I like to keep typing animation on. It gives feedback is the the person typing or not. It's nice to know that the other person is actually producing text especially in laggy situations. Typing animation is not some "noob" feature that we should turn off and be ashamed of. It's a nice feedback feature, IMO. :matte-motes-tongue: PS. I also like when chatting with somebody that the avatar actually looks at me. Lots of animations have the neck locked so that the head is not free to turn. Then some intentionally turn the feature off so that the avatar does not look at the target. Arrgghhh... silly communication! :matte-motes-dont-cry: Turning off typing animation and not looking at the avatar sends a message "Couldn't care less what you're saying, yawn". It feels like chatting with a zombie! This is how I see it. Others might feel differently though. :matte-motes-wink: To be quite honest, If I'm talking to someone that doesn't have the imagination it takes to realize I'm interested in what they have to say, simply because my avatar doesn't look them in the eye, that's probably not a person I really want to be speaking to in the first place. As far as knowing whether a person is typing or not, I spelled out, explicitly, how I go about dealing with that. How someone else chooses to set their viewer is of no concern to me, what-so-ever. If they have a problem with the way I choose to set mine... so be it. So far, I haven't run into any difficulties. ...Dres
  20. Faye Feldragonne wrote: I always use typing animations in local. Do you know how many people seem it's their job to tell me I can "turn it off?" LOL. Erm, I say, "I know that... But I like it." I like to know someone is going to speak. I think it is polite in public/local. Yay for typing animations! i can't remember where I got all mine. I pick them up here and there. AKEYO for sure, tho. I used to tell people that, but only if they were really new... not so much anymore. I've recently started using the bubble chat option and find I like it a lot. I have my viewer set to show names temporarily, that way names only show up when someone starts typing something. I've just started doing this but, so far, it seems to be working well. I keep my typing animation turned off, myself. ...Dres
  21. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: I also have a pair of hand puppets. They're not made of socks are they? ...Dres
  22. Lynda Klossovsky wrote: Maybe they dont want these "new buyers" to see them.. hmm maybe i said a bit too much ? Oh come on... inquiring minds what to know. ...Dres
  23. Venus Petrov wrote: Posts or OPs? I cannot keep track..... It's hard to keep track of things that aren't there... when you're sane anyway. ...Dres
  24. Roseysun Galicia wrote: They could add in: Winter in Second Life Spring in Second Life Summer in Second Life Fall in Second Life Leave them up so it fits all year for people around the world. It also fits people who when they have a pile of snow and ice wish it was summer. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: But that's just it... there are no seasons in SL. Why separate seasons forums should be created at all, is beyond me. Pretty soon there will be so many subforums, we'll be going insane trying to figure out where to post things and where to look for things that have been posted. Then someone will come along, realize this and have to go through the process of consolidation once again. And the person creating them now will be the one to blame for it, but they'll probably be long gone by then. ...Dres
  25. Derek Torvalar wrote: wiked Anton wrote: So in your opinion, anyone who doesn't have the ability to put into words that satisfy your assumption of intelligence doesn't have a valid argument and you intend to inform them of this. Everybody has valid thoughts , opinions and arguments, only some may not have the educational back ground ( intellectual thumb up their ears) to be able to " sound as smart as y'all" but their arguments are just as valid. This whole discussion sounds like and intellectual wank a thon. ( and yes, i used spell check here to make sure i didn't offend anyone) No, everybody does not have valid thoughts, opinions or arguments and your post is evidence of that. Your premise is false therfore your argument is invalid. If people are going to present their stupidity as a substitution to rational and reasoned argument then they should expect others who know the difference to point out their deficiencies and inadequacies. If they are unable to confront their stupidity, which they have themselves put on public display, and then have it subsequently pointed out for everyone to see, then they should not be posting on the forum. They should not be filing inappropriate AR's confusing the mods as to what is authentic and what is merely egocentric whingeing and faux butthurt looking for dysfunctional sympathy from the pretentious. What happens here on the forum is demonstrative as to what happens to the boy who says the emperor has no clothes. He is slapped down and banned. Outrageous. Damn, you put it so much better than I... glad you're back. ...Dres
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