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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. TuneandLore wrote: i figured it out. when i turned off viewing names, period, it loaded up when i picked a random reigon to log into. feel free to close this I'm glad you figured it out. Seems like a simple work around that I've seen suggested before, but I've never seen confirmation that it actually worked. Thanks for providing it. ...Dres
  2. Sorry, Qwalyphi, my vote for most accurate, rodent soothsayer has to go to rats. They always know when to abandon a sinking ship. ...Dres
  3. Ima Rang wrote: Void Singer wrote: neither, it's not good enough for such names =D It is good for cleaning the grime off of your windsheild though. I have also used it to get rid of the tire marks in my garage. I heard it also makes a good spermicide, which is enough to put me off of it for life. But then there's the taste, which just clinches it. Coke Zero is better, but not by much. ...Dres
  4. Peewee Musytari wrote: A button is not a bad idea. I think Lexie is still open to suggestions on this topic, as the way it is now has proved to be the best solution tried so far but there are still some that don`t like it so its not set in stone. If any threads are started in GD that should be in feedback, the mods have been good at getting them moved here & that seems to be far less work for them then it was when it was the other way around and they had to keep moving dozens out of here. I see someone did still managed to mispost one in here recently. lol A button huh? I wonder where the best place to put a button like that would be. While it's true that what we have now is better than what we had before, I do think there's a way to make it more visible, yet minimize people posting the wrong stuff here. I suggested at some point that when someone hits "Start a thread" a window will pop-up explaining what the Forum Feedback forum is for, with some way for the poster to acknowledge that they've read and understand it before they can post a new thread. Then it would be more viable to make it more visible, which is basically most people's complaint about where it is now. Of course, the easiest, least expensive way of handling it would be to leave it as it is now and who cares if scarcely anyone knows it even exists. ...Dres (Of course, you and I know, so that's all that really matters, right?... lol.)
  5. This is the forum for feedback about the forum. I would've suggested you go to Answers, but considering the fact that you've asked an unanswerable question, I suggest you cut your losses and deal directly with LL to resolve whatever issue you're having... they and/or Paypal are the only ones that can help you. ...Dres
  6. Randall Ahren wrote: I'm a big fan of threesomes, but involving a donkey is going too far. I thought it was gonna be a solo act. ...Dres
  7. Ian Undercroft wrote: I did gain a little inspiration from the thought of making things hard for Dres Yeah... yeah... that's what they all say. ...Dres *nonchalantly walks out the door before awkwardly collapsing to the floor*
  8. Keli Kyrie wrote: I try not to Jo, like I said before... but after 12 hours at the keyboard I find myself falling asleep. But you're gonna have laptop hair when you wake up. ...Dres
  9. Nite Planer wrote: Like I said it was more the view to see if was true.. i just saw someone post the notice in a group I was in.. Today.. it was what i was looking for too.. if was right or not.. nothing more.. as i said it was posted today.. sorry for any inconvienience .. was not intended.. shocked me too.. my apoligies.. No biggie... I got the message in one of my groups as well. My first thought was... no way would LL purposely admit to the fact that so many people have left SL by reducing the amount of "residents" they have in the system... so it had to be a rumor. This is why you can't find any sort of documentation about it... if it can't be verified, it usually isn't true. Now, if you want to discuss whether or not that is something they should actually do, fine... but I don't think you'll find many people who'll actually support such a thing. ...Dres ETA: @Perrie: Lmao!!!
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: At some point somebody needed to decide when to go 'live' with this. It is also true that I have no concept of the programming involved. But with so many other issues that affect our daily Second Life, e.g. borked search, group chat problems, etc, the average resident could ask if whether LL jumped the gun and introduced this too soon? When has LL ever waited until things were "right" to roll them out? I've complained many times before about LL dropping half-baked half-usable crap (V2 for one) onto their user base and expecting us to not only deal with it for the time being, but help them figure out how to fix it, as well. You get to a point where you just have to accept it... I've given up on complaining about it anymore. After all... what good has it ever done? ...Dres (Of course, I'll probably be seen letting off some steam about something or another at some point in the future... with LL's track record, it's practically inevitable.)
  11. Venus Petrov wrote: Here is the gown (demo) from Rebel Hope. The demo only comes in 'average' but it appears from the notecard that two sizes are offered in each purchased pack. I had to adjust breast slider on this one but the gown moves and looks as I would expect mesh to behave. My legs never protruded from the gown. YAY! Gorgeous gown, I will definitely be pointing my sister to it once she's decided to update to the newest Firestorm. Like Ceka, she likes to wait until things settle down a bit... I, on the other hand, tend to always download and try the latest thing, then I'll let her know when it's safe. Yes, I'm her Guinean pig... I can live with it. Now, I haven't been using it for very long, but the newest (mesh enabled) Firestorm seems very stable to me... even though they just came out with a patch version. Luckily, the things they had to fix don't effect me so I'm good to go. My big problem is, as with most anything fashion related, there's a scarcity of decent mesh clothing for men. I was able to pick up some free demos of tees to try on and it was great, I wish they had had free demos of the jeans as well. I won't buy them because they were high waisted and I just don't do high waisted anything... if half my crack isn't showing I'm not happy (hey... if you got it, flaunt it... right?... lol). Thanks to all you mesh forum pop-overs... though I do try to spend some time over there, trying, mostly in vain, to wrap my head around what's going on, it's great that you guys could take the time to come over and try to explain some things to us lay-people. Now that mesh has moved into the general population, we need all the help we can get. ...Dres
  12. Perrie Juran wrote: Jo Yardley wrote: I like this subject so much I created a Flickr Group for it; http://www.flickr.com/groups/sleepingavatars/ Join it and add your pictures! Joined and added. I am still wondering if this effect could be accomplished with an A/O. I joined too but I haven't added anything yet... I know I have some, but my hard drive is only slightly less organized than my SL inventory... so it could be a while... lol. ...Dres
  13. Maryanne Solo wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: waves to Ave - hugs girl See you at Lunch hon! Salads today isn't it? *waves What happened to breakfast? I was so put off by the brown sugar fiasco I never made it back. *pouts* ...Dres
  14. Storm Clarence wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: It would certainly have been difficult to fill Suspirias shoes granted, but fortunately there's been a flood of people with far less ablilty who can combine to make up for her loss. Lucky hey? Reminds me of the old joke: how many event coordinators does it take to post a video? ...Dres (Just testing... my coordination may be a bit off.)
  15. Ima Rang wrote: Unused Anus is just OMG funny.:smileyvery-happy: That leaves me out. ...Dres
  16. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Oooh dear. Now you're going to have to define "normal" :matte-motes-agape: No we don't... we can just let Dogboat inform us as to what that is and chastise us when we step out of line. It is what he does best. ...Dres
  17. Ima Rang wrote: Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: JLU () I think Prok may have adopted that topic for the winter :smileyvery-happy: Oh please, Prok is just yammering on about the same old sh*t using JLU as the new backdrop. Though a change of scenery is always nice. ...Dres
  18. Thanks for the heads-up Venus. I haven't tried mesh clothing yet and was actually planning on doing that today... making this very informative and also quite timely. I'll be more careful now, I suppose. ...Dres
  19. This is a known issue and has been for a long time, it seems (link). You can file a ticket with support, but that may take forever. I've heard that people have gotten help with this directly from a Linden, though I wouldn't know which one to direct you to for that. Maybe someone will come along that knows. I remember someone suggesting that, until you can get it fixed, you should create a new folder inside your inventory by the same name as your stuck folder then copy everything from the stuck one into the new one... that way you'll be able to use those items. Hope this helps ...Dres
  20. Okay... today, this site is moving so slow for me that it's almost unusable. Everything else is fine... it's very aggravating. Just saying. ...Dres
  21. Drunk? No way. ...Dres (Fire burns off alcohol rather quickly.)
  22. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: I've found that living on a private island is no guarantee you won't get crazed vehicles flying about.... /me looks accusingly at Dres :smileyvery-happy: It's different when you've invited and subsequently facilitated said crazy with the means to obtain such a vehicle, whether through yourself or other equally incriminated parties. Then, the both of you proceed to let him get behind the wheel, when he told you he didn't know what the hell he was doing in the first place, therefore enabling havoc to be unleashed upon the masses, in total disregard for anyone's safety... shame, shame, shame on you. ...Dres
  23. Storm Clarence wrote: asterianna Shoreland wrote: ...marks january on her calender Asterianna places an asterisk on the date. Go figure. :matte-motes-bored: I prefer goat cheese and walnuts on my dates. Just saying. ...Dres
  24. Aili Panthar wrote: PS: Children including fake ones should be banned from the internet. I hope you will never get your way... to stop real kids from accessing the net would be dampening their ability to learn. And stopping adults that wish to relive their lives as children, would serve no purpose what-so-ever. Go ahead and continue being a judgmental simpleton... freedom will overcome. ...Dres
  25. Penny Patton wrote: Victoria wrote: I have received gifts meant for people whose display name is Victoria, so I know for a fact that display names can mix people up. I've seen similar mix-ups between people with similar, even only vaguely similar, usernames. People can be careless sometimes. I don't think that means we need to childproof the grid. Since usernames default to being visible and many people have been using viewers that don't even support display names, chances are high that the person making this mix-up had usernames displayed on their screen. I haven't used official viewers since the introduction of Firestorm, so I just don't know. But, what does the official viewer default to? Just display names? I refrain from commenting on that until I know for sure what's going on. ...Dres
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