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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. What are you talking about? It seems to me that May was upset because she's just learned a great deal about her lack of privacy in SL... which is a very good lesson to learn. If this thread is what it took to give her that knowledge, how could it possibly be seen as a bad thing? I saw no one within this thread that was acting with anything even close to malicious intent. Sure, some may have had a bit of fun at what some might perceive as being at her expense, but, in reality, she invited that upon herself by refusing to take anyone's word and demanding to be shown the truth. What you're doing is blaming the messengers for the message. May is responsible for her own actions and her own emotions, no one else. I'm sure once she gets past this little episode, she'll be fine and having a great time in SL once again... if not, she'll only have herself to blame. ...Dres
  2. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Jumping on the bandwagon...(and your rocking chair!). This reminds me of the Rainy Alley thread! That was a great thread... I seriously thought about creating one like it for my skybox. But then I thought about all of my "equipment" and decided the pics might get out of hand, so I refrained. ...Dres (This is a PG forum after all.)
  3. Stella Carver wrote: Does anyone besides me think that once Maya learns to cam she may find her opinion changing about whether it's a good thing? Maybe so. I've search for a video to better illustrate how one cams through walls in SL, but unfortunately, I can't find one. If I knew how to shoot video in SL I would make one for her, but there's things even I still don't know about. I find May's naivety about this rather endearing. I was just as naive when I got here, not having had a lot of gaming experience; it was a long time before I realized I could use the alt mouse click thing to cam around. Unlike May, I was excited to know I could cam to things far away and look into places without having to move my avatar there. So she doesn't "get it" quite yet... so what? Eventually she will, then move on to her next shocking discovery, which I look forward to hearing about and helping her figure out. ...Dres ETA: Oh good, leyna posted one... guess I just wasn't diligent enough in my search. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  4. Mayalily wrote: @ Myself Talking to yourself in the forum now? ...Dres (at least Maddy has the decency to use an alt... lol.)
  5. You are the only one assuming anything. Here's something constructive for you... before you decide to post something claiming that a viewer is responsible for messing up your computer, have some proof to back it up. Otherwise, you are the one who is showing your ignorance by not listening to what people, who are much more knowledgeable than you, are telling you. If I thought for one second that it would do any good at all to tell someone that was so dense the same thing that has been stated already over again, I would. Obviously, you will choose to believe what you want and cut down anyone that tells you differently... that is your choice. Deal with it. Have a nice day ...Dres
  6. Void Singer wrote: don't stick it out unless you are going to use it.... in fact just don't do it, I really don't wanna know what you are going to use it for... PS I'm fine with you being queen of the forum, as long as you remember that I'm Empress Regent =) I hasten to even guess what you would think I was sticking out and/or for what I would use it. ...Dres PS. Good, after all, I am just a figurehead.
  7. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: :-( I was going to send you one but thought I'm bound to get AR'd (again) for it if I do and probably have the FBI visiting too :-( You're right... and, in fact, I'm on the phone with the thought police as I type this. Be expecting a visit. :matte-motes-silly: ...Dres
  8. Conifer Dada wrote: What LL should do, though, is revert Premium accounts to Basic if they go for a year without logging in (but only after sending several warning messages, both in-world and as emails) I don't understand what would be the incentive to do this. As long as people continue paying for premium membership, there's no reason to revert them and, if they stop paying for it, their account would be blocked... as would any account that owes LL money, whether they are premium or not. This leaves their fate in their own hands... which is the way it should be, as far as I'm concerned. Of course, the way LL handles non-payment could be improved, but that's a completely different issue. ...Dres
  9. Thank you, Darrius... it's so purdy. ...Dres *sticks his tongue out at Void*
  10. Awww... I miss out on all the good money making opportunities. ...Dres
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: Nice post Mayalily. but this is the VaNiTy ThReAd......let's see the vanity! Maybe she's enamored by just the back of her head? ...Dres
  12. Peewee Musytari wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: No way... I WILL be queen of the forum one day... this is an inevitability... lol. ...Dres Err..what do you mean "one day"? Um... until I get my crown I shall not be satiated. Meanwhile, I'll just have to wear my old prom queen crown... ...Dres (What... you thought I'd pass up the opportunity to post this ridiculous picture again? Ha ha.)
  13. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: A button to revert your rank back to resident, I'd be interested in that. No way... I WILL be queen of the forum one day... this is an inevitability... lol. ...Dres I mean a button to revert a residents own rank. Reverting someone elses rank - dat would be drama city. Oh no! And know you know my true intent. ...Dres
  14. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: A button to revert your rank back to resident, I'd be interested in that. No way... I WILL be queen of the forum one day... this is an inevitability... lol. ...Dres
  15. Peewee Musytari wrote: The theory that no two people are the same is as true in SL as it is in RL, even if they "appear" to be more the same in SL. You ain't kiddin'. Though it hasn't happen to me all that often, every now and then someone will say to me, you look just like so-and-so. My first thought is, "Damn them," ; my second is, "Are they single?" ... lol. ...Dres
  16. Peewee Musytari wrote: I agree with Dres, you should start another thread about badge issues or bump your old one, as they do need to be on the agenda. Is it still true that if you have ever selected one of the preset themes you cannot go back to the default one? Unfortunately, yes... which makes no sense what-so-ever. All they'd have to do is add a little button that says remove badge theme or something... at least until they get some more decent themes. The ones we have are atrocious and they all cover up parts of your badge pics... which is the only way to have a decent avatar since, in their infinite wisdom, they decided to make our avatars miniscule. At least I can remove most of the text and useless badges with Cerise's style scripts. Oh lord... am I ranting? I'll stop now... lol. ...Dres
  17. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote: ....at Omega Point after a long time for a walk. I don't know what I'm more impressed by... your outfit or your surroundings. Together, they make for a stunning picture. Bravo! ...Dres
  18. UncommonTruth wrote: "As for me, well, my avatar is the epitome of what I'm most attracted to... I figure I'll be looking at myself more than anyone else so why not enjoy it (being gay does come in handy in this instance). I never set out to make my avatar look like myself, but strangely enough, it ended up that he's got the same coloring as me in RL, dark hair and blue eyes. It kind of just evolved that way.... sometimes your avatar can seem to have a mind of it's own... lol." I couldn't help but laugh along with you here...and applaud your confidence and love of self :smileyvery-happy: Thanks, but, I think you're confusing love of self with love of avatar... lol. And believe me, Dresden's the one with the confidence. Though I might be a little more confident in RL if I had his looks... alas, I shall never know. ...Dres
  19. Deltango Vale wrote: I presume LL has now walked away from the fora. I suppose the thinking is that it works reasonably well and no further improvements are necessary. It's a shame, because there is always room for improvement. Anyway, I wrote plenty on this forum to no avail. No point sticking around. Lexie has been away for a while, so yeah, nothing has been getting done lately. Once she comes back, I'm sure she'll have a lot of issues to deal with... which should be very soon. I, personally, look forward to helping improve our experience here, once she does. Deltango Vale wrote: Several months ago, I suggested this forum be connected to the main fora structure rather than pinned off to the side. Several months before that, I suggested we needed new and better badge templates. Tonight, I thought maybe I'd update my badge, but nothing has changed; the old, limited, badge templates remain. I then figured maybe I'd see what was happening in this forum since it is no longer on the radar - and came across this thread. I fail to remember if your suggestion for this forum was ever brought up at a CTUG, but I do remember discussing it in this forum. Though I think it's not the best option, I understand why they've put it where it is. I have my own suggestions as to what should be done and look forward to having that discussion in the CTUG, where maybe something can get done about it. I missed your suggestion about the badges and I agree they leave a whole hell of a lot to be desired. Maybe it's time to bring it up again... I know I'd be interested to hear your ideas on it. ...Dres
  20. adriannesuz McMinnar wrote: My question is, in what kind of RL job can I apply these skills? I suppose the skills you learn can be helpful in a number of fields, but you can't really put that on a resume. You'd do better spending the time you put into SL going to school for something you'd really be interested in doing. ...Dres
  21. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: You might want to point out that this is a study that you're conducting, rather than just another Forum thread started by just another resident of SL, if indeed it is part of your research. Yes, there's your signature, which might tip some people off... and your name... but... To not do so wouldn't be very ethical, would it? Lol... that's rich. ...Dres
  22. Welcome to Second Life and the forum, Clark. Yes, the choices can be a bit overwhelming. The beauty of SL is that you have the freedom to make yourself into anything you want, but that also means you have to figure out what that is. I suggest trying different things until it just feels "right" to you, you'll know when that happens. And even then, you can always change again, every few minutes if you want to, so deciding on something isn't permanent at all... that should take some of the pressure off. As for me, well, my avatar is the epitome of what I'm most attracted to... I figure I'll be looking at myself more than anyone else so why not enjoy it (being gay does come in handy in this instance). I never set out to make my avatar look like myself, but strangely enough, it ended up that he's got the same coloring as me in RL, dark hair and blue eyes. It kind of just evolved that way.... sometimes your avatar can seem to have a mind of it's own... lol. ...Dres
  23. Chat lag can sometimes make communicating in groups difficult. Then again, maybe what you're saying just isn't all that interesting... try saying something excessively vulgar and see what happens. ...Dres
  24. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: I cannot wait for your next OP -- perhaps moose vs squirrel? I am a bit nervous about posting something similar cuz it's nearly but really is not an interpersonal dispute. Also - I'd read you couldn't post anything with vs in it due to the 'watch this' spam. It's time to go to hyber nation soon so I'm trying to post some stuffs. I suppose you can now... versus... vs... yep... that's good to know. ...Dres
  25. How can it be considered third-party spam when it's been posted by LL? I do agree it's spam, just not third-party. Of course, I would have never paid attention to it if you hadn't have brought it up here, so pat yourself on the back for helping spread the word. ...Dres
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