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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. It is... though, I was leaning more towards before I gave up....Dres
  2. It's been quite a while since I last googled my name. The results were mostly what I expected... lots of SLF stuff, twitter stuff, comments on various people's blogs, different social networking sites I half-remember joining, bloodlines stuff, my own blog, of course... nothing very spectacular really. It dies off at about page eight. One strange thing I found is a couple of sites called despairingly.com and 7a.org, both have exactly the same design and information about me... what was once (quite a long time ago) written on my profile and the pic from my profile during that same time period. I'm thinking it might have something to do with a contest I may have entered back then that puts a public record of people's profiles on the net for some unknown reason, without their knowledge or consent. Other than that, there's only this (link), which could be useful if I ever need to know how to get from my first name to my last name. ...Dres
  3. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Kenbro Utu wrote: I'm not a creep, but I am a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here. I don't belong here. That's my theme song. Mine too, for the longest time. But now, it's been overtaken by this... Yay for dirty, little freak pride. ...Dres
  4. UncommonTruth wrote: Oh awesome! Is that somewhere thats open to the public? It's my sister's place... she decorated it for Halloween. The cornfield is something she got in a hunt, I can't recall which... we're always going on hunts together. @Venus: Thanks... I love my new skin too. The issues I had with the older versions have all been fixed... I just wish he would have come out with the same shade I had before, but oh well. Cool pic, btw... just be careful those birds don't mess up your lovely outfit. Filthy creatures... lol. @Isoldel: Nice pics... I'm happy you've decided to start posting. I lurked for quite a while before I started and I'm glad I finally did... it can be lots of fun. ...Dres
  5. Wacky tin-foil hat theory time: I think Lexie is AWOL because she's on Maternity leave. She didn't "leave" (not like others have left) and folks talk like she's coming back .. and she is taking a while .. so having a baby just seems to fit the conditions. (Gawww .. I hope she's not been in labor this whole time! Yowzers!)
  6. Kenbro Utu wrote: Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: This creepy little redhead takes offense! DX Like... Don't lump all creeps together. Some of us can be funny. =^-^= I'm not a creep, but I am a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here. I don't belong here. You're so f*ckin' special. ...Dres
  7. Jacki Silverfall wrote: I just gave 7 or 8 with no wait. Maybe they fixed it? Could be... Rand did say it'd be easy to do, but it would have to be "approval". If that is the case, I wonder who made that decision and why they haven't replaced Lexie at the CTUGs as a decision maker, for the time being, to keep the flow of conversation and improvements moving forward. ...Dres (As David Bowie said, "...who can bear to be forgotten?")
  8. JessicaMcAdams wrote: Thanks for all the responses but how do i know its legal? Where did you get them from? If you are talking about the basic templets that you get for SL skin and clothing, they are free and legal for anyone to use... but, if you're using someone else's skin designs as a starting point, there may be a problem. It depends on how you acquired them and what the creator's licensing agreement (if any) states at the time. If there is no problem, your best bet is to start slow, as Ceka has suggested... meanwhile, read up in the merchant's forum here and you're sure to get a better picture on what to do once your business starts to take off. ...Dres ETA: Marketplace is the logical place to start selling them.
  9. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: In the interest of equal time - when I see a female looking AV arrive in a welcome area with her lady parts showing I generally IM to see if 'she' is aware. Something like "Hello _____, I thought I should let you know that in my viewer you are not wearing ______ and your ______ is on display." Then if she's new and just having trouble dressing there's no need to AR. If it's the old they see themselves clothed and you see them nakey problem the challenge is convincing them. So I take a few tasteful photos and offer them as proof. I like to be a helpful chipmunk. Nothing to do with the OP topic but on balance I thought I'd throw it in. Oh, if it's intentional it could be ARed. This is exactly what I mean. Male or female, newbie or oldie, transgendered, elf goddess or furry, bisexual skunk... I think these cases should be approached with a healthy skepticism until proven otherwise (well, they don't have to actually be proven... just use your mind and listen to your intuition, instead of automatically jumping the gun). Feces happens... this should be common knowledge to anyone that's spent a little bit of time in SL. ...Dres
  10. My sis had me working in her haunted cornfield the other night... here I am taking a breather... She's a slave driver... lol. ...Dres
  11. This could be added to the CTUG agenda if someone were so inclined. Oh wait... I was unable to make it to the meeting yesterday but just skimmed over the log... I see you already brought it up. What Rand had to say in response was very telling and excruciatingly accurate... "ok let me look into it. Since Lexie is out, these kinds of things have sort of fallen through the cracks." Seems like anything to do with the forums will continue falling through the cracks for the unforeseeable and hopefully, not to distant future. I'm hoping that whatever Lexie is going through atm will be resolved quickly, for her sake and ours... then, we can all get back to the business of improving this platform for the benefit of everyone concerned. ...Dres
  12. Marigold Devin wrote: The creepy ones are hanging around those welcome areas simply because they think they are anonymous in Second Life, or they would be hanging around the school gates in real life. As others have said, anyone who acts inappropriately, to you or to other people, especially on G-rated land, always submit an AR. NEVER call them a creep out loud in open chat, never draw attention to yourself, this would just seem to fire a certain type of creep up even more. I'd also never IM anyone wearing a freenis to advise them they shouldn't be wearing it. Again, I'd simply AR them. No one should be that stupid/naive/young/old/creepy enough to stay at a welcome area wearing inappropriate attachments; they're only doing it for attention. And last piece of advice, to you, and to anyone, move on from the "welcome" areas, go enjoy all the other wonderful places Second Life has to offer, and leave the creeps behind. Have a happy Second Life, baude. It really is as good as you want to make it. I just have to say this... just because a guy's junk is all exposed in SL, doesn't mean he's trying to be a perv. Just the other day I saw this guy who's stuff was all out on display over his quite, tasteful clothing... I IMed him and asked him if he knew this. He said he didn't realize it wasn't hidden, thanked me profusely and was extremely embarrassed about the whole thing. How difficult can it be to send one IM to make sure you're not ARing someone for an innocent mistake or an SL glitch (which happen all the time)? Do you honestly think my ARing this guy without checking first would have been to anyone's benefit? I've never had that done to me (of course, I never wear my dangly bits when I don't need them... the script count on them is ridiculous), but if it did, I'd be seriously pissed off. That's why it disturbs me when people, who could involuntarily find themselves in the same exact situation, take the stance of "shoot first and ask questions later". No... wait... it's not even "ask questions later"... because, who cares if this random, unfortunate gets blocked because someone decided to play sausage police; and, at the same time, clog up the AR process so that true ARable offenses will be more difficult to deal with on a timely basis. On the other hand, sending that type of IM can often lead to a response that will let be known the true, deviant intent of the offender... at which point, I say have at it. ...Dres
  13. Raven1 Short wrote: Thanks so much for the replies. I have no idea who made the skin. It was given to me a long time ago. I will try the ideas you all have given me. Within your inventory, right click the skin and hit properties... you should be able to tell who the creator is in the window that pops up. Finding a new skin that works with your shape can take a while. I have three words for you... demos, demos, demos... just go out and start collecting them. Then take them home (or wherever), get naked, detach everything and go at it. Remember that your eyebrow shape will probably look very different from skin to skin, so don't be afraid to play with it a bit (copy it first so you can easily revert back to your original). Don't get turned off if everything looks alright except for one or two certain parts, the lips for example... that may also be fixable with a slight modification (have a copy of your original shape as well). I have to admit, I'm a bit of a skin demo whore... I'm constantly picking them up just to see what I'd look like in them. Very rarely do I find a skin that I doesn't make me look completely different. So it might take a while to find something just right, but it's something you'll have to go through if you want to retain the approximate appearance to which you've become accustomed. Even then, it won't look exactly the same, so keep your mind open to the change. When you do find the perfect one, you'll know it right away... then you'll fall in love with yourself all over again... lol. ...Dres
  14. RavenEver wrote: Just starting out in SL, but I'm not finding many people around in the areas I've been roaming during European times. Would be nice to find a goth club or something that was kicking Friday nights Euro times. =) Club Demonic is always kicking... look it up. ...Dres ETA: Here's the landmark... (link).
  15. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I'm trying to share in you optomism. So here's hoping that todays Commerce Team post explaining that the best ways to get in touch with them were to '(a) Submit a Ticket or (b) File a JIRA' isn't the direction the rest of LL is going. ...Dres *plugs his ears*
  16. The way it seemed to me, is that Lexie was a place holder for whomever they would chose to hire to take over Amanda's position, which they have yet to do. I think Lexie is great... don't get me wrong... but, she seemed to be more comfortable being second in command... nothing wrong with that. My main point is that it seems like things are up in the air right now. The last thing I want to think is that LL is backtracking on their objective to have better communication with their users (crosses his fingers). I'm hoping that this is an isolated incident and will soon be resolved. This, of course, remains to be seen. ...Dres
  17. My guess is Lexie hasn't returned yet and I have to wonder if she ever will. I was late to the last meeting and there were three people there, including two Lindens (I believe Rand and Jeremy). They were talking about some artist, so I figured it was over or had been canceled all together. I left without saying a word. I've missed the last few meetings before that because without Lexie, nothing could get done. Tbh, I've pretty much given up on doing anything to address issues here since it looks like no one is around in a position to address them with us. It saddens me because we seemed to have gotten a lot done while Amanda was around... we were actually being listened to for a change. My hope is that once someone is hired to take over her job, we'll get that line of communication back... in other words, this may be a transition issue more so than a fallback to old non-listening ways. ...Dres *at least tries to be optimistic*
  18. True... the same could be said of marriage licenses... lol. ...Dres
  19. Maryanne Solo wrote: Yes I used that about three times within the old phoenix. But did it work from sim to sim? I never tried that. It only works when you're in the same sim. ...Dres
  20. 16 wrote: Mayalily wrote: Stella Carver wrote: ... a sign I saw once in someone's office which said just the opposite: "Give a man a fish, he knows where to come for fish. Teach a man to fish and you've just destroyed your marketbase." I read it and laughed and said something like, "nice sign". He went into a ten minute spiel, breaking down the original,"Teach a man to fish", idiom and explained to me why that attitude was " bad for the country". Scary, scary guy. The exact quote is "give a man a fish, you've fed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you've fed him for a lifetime." I think the guy with the sign was prob making the point that when everyone goes fishing the rivers and oceans soon run out of fish. So we introduce quotas and licensing to stop this happening. Downside is that if you cant get a license then you cant go fishing even if you know how. I wouldn't have thought to take it so literally. My take on it was that it's a metaphor for keeping people ignorant in order to keep them from figuring out how to provide the service or product, which you provide to them, for themselves. ...Dres
  21. Void Singer wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: So what you're saying is that a script, such as the one in an Open Collar device, which enables you to tell region changes, therefore pointing out someone's location, has nothing to do with RLV? If so, this is, indeed, counter to what I believed. [...] hate to be the bearer of bad news but yup... it actually predates RLV (and was popular in much of the gear back in the day) there's a vague possibility that an old technique for beating map-to being turned off is back in play... it was fixed LONG ago, but with all that legacy server code floating around, who knows... Well, it's not necessarily bad news, I just didn't know. Now that I think about it, the spy features menu was separate from the RLV menu, so I don't know where I got that idea. I didn't remember that before because I rarely use it anymore. What do you mean by "legacy server code floating around"? Are you saying that new server versions may have, inadvertently, opened up old loopholes that old scripts can once again use? ...Dres *knows next to nothing about scripting*
  22. Sassy Romano wrote: RLV itself offers NO tracking or stalking functions. All a script has to do is pick up the change event for region change and then get the current region and IM it to someone (or us a timer event and do the same). It's trival, please lets not attach any misaligned accusations in the direction of a very innocent and functional RLV feature set, it already suffers enough from misinformation. So what you're saying is that a script, such as the one in an Open Collar device, which enables you to tell region changes, therefore pointing out someone's location, has nothing to do with RLV? If so, this is, indeed, counter to what I believed. Though I must say my experience with both is not extensive and I had assumed that feature required RLV to operate. I do know that you have to set up the collar a specific way for someone to be able to do it and, of course, you'd have to be wearing it at the time. Obviously, she'd know if she was wearing something with an Open Collar script, so that can't be what's going on anyway. I've heard of such a thing happening before, from someone very reliable. It was my sister and roommate in RL, on an old account of her's. I know for a fact that she didn't have RLV enabled (I know more about how her viewer is set up than she does... lol) nor was she wearing any suspicious scripts. Nevertheless, she claimed that this guy she had just met, who didn't know where her house was, just one day, TPed in on top of her in her living room. I thought it was strange. Then she told me that an RL friend of ours, whom we'd drug into SL, had done it to her a few times, at different places, as well and she didn't know how. We never figured it out and, since it stopped happening, didn't think much about it anymore. We never even thought to ask our friend how she did it, though I wish we would have. Maybe, this person should do that and, at the same time, tell the guy to knock it off. Then, if he doesn't, unfriend, block and AR him, if necessary. ...Dres
  23. AeroGuardian wrote: I just want to place a star on the beginning and end of my name really, nothing fancy. Simple, just find someone with a star in their name or profile then copy and paste it... that's what I'd do. ...Dres
  24. Storm Clarence wrote: Jumpman Lane wrote: ew just EWWWWWWWWWW hehehehehe I just didn't have the courage, but this^^ ETA Dres, the hair is all wrong! Oh I know... that hair is horrible... it was a last minute buy and as close as I could get given the time constraints. Still I won best costume. I keep meaning to go back and buy this hair I saw once at Truth that was perfect, but who knows if I'll ever dress up like that again. During the almost three years I've been in SL, that was the only party I was ever invited to that had a R.H.P.S. theme. ...Dres (The shoes sucked as well.)
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