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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Ceka... a very nice way to wake up. They really are great... they may be playing for change, but I'd at least give them a dollar... lol. ...Dres
  2. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: @Dres...LOL I'm serious... those things were way too fast for me. :matte-motes-crying: ...Dres
  3. Jaikke wrote: Went waterfall hunting. I tried that once but couldn't even get a shot... had to resort to store bought. Talk about disappointing. ...Dres
  4. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Brilliant Idea to move this as it now has ZERO relevance. This was not a general "People Forum" question but one specific to the Adult Content forum. I agree... at first I had no idea what you were talking about in your OP. I'd love to know who thought it would be a good idea to open up the Adult forum at a time when there is no one around to run the forum as a whole. This should have been brought up at a CTUG so that we would have known what was coming and could have helped with the integration. Lexie, or someone able to act in her stead, should be here to address any concerns about this. Moreover, the mods shouldn't be moving content from the Adult sections into the regular sections, period...but especially when those threads are specific to the forum where they were posted, as is the case with this one and the other one that was moved here from there. What a mess ...Dres
  5. ...Dres (Lilliputians are nothing... it's the Mayalilyputians you really have to watch out for.)
  6. Six Igaly wrote: also @ Dresden ..about this alpha glitch bug thingy. There is no longer such thing if you are on one of the 2 latest beta viewers (yes the offical). I was working on a project that supposed to get advantage of the glitch and after an update it was gone. And now latest beta release it still is gone. The viewer handles transparancy perfectly well. Unless of course if it turns out in next update the bug was just bugged. :smileyhappy: If this is, indeed, the case, it's a major accomplishment. I was under the impression that it would take so much processing power to calculate that it would be completely impractical to achieve. Makes me what to check out the latest viewer so I can see it with my own two eyes. ...Dres
  7. Ceera Murakami wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Only if the texture on the prim eyes has an alpha, then you will be affected by the alpha clash bug (there is no fix). There should be no reason, I can see, that a prim eyes texture should need to have alpha channels. If you want to script the prim eyes to have infinitely variable color options, you pretty much have to put a transparent layer with the white of the eye, iris detailing, and the hole in the iris on it over a solid layer that the script can change the color on. The colored layer shows through the detailed image of the rest of the eye. Without that trick, prim eyes can't change color, or can only texture-swap between specific pre-determined non-alpha texture choices. Just tinting the prim won't do, in most cases. I did try once making prim "contact lenses", intended just to cover the iris and not the whites of the eye, and textured so the iris on the prim could be tinted. The result didn't look as good as the two-layer approach. Thank you for the info... I never have worn prim eyes. I just don't see the need to be able to change my eye color on a whim with a script, and therefore wouldn't even think of buying color change prim eyes. Now I understand why someone would make prim eye textures that include an alpha... still, I think it's completely unnecessary, considering the problem with alpha clash. Still, there has to be much better ways of dealing with the issue. ...Dres
  8. Peony Sweetwater wrote: Could it be the eyelashes causing the issues? Even the alpha channel in the system lashes can cause annoying issues with hair. You could try making the lashes shorter if that's the case. The lashes wouldn't cause the eyes to pop out over her hair. System alphas (meaning skin layers) don't clash with inworld alphas... worn prims that include alphas can, but not skin layers, of which system eyes are a part. ...Dres
  9. Bravo! Ceka... you're my hero! ...Dres
  10. Tristizia Demonista wrote: If you wear Primeyes, you're out of luck. This is just the way Prims are handeled by SL. One way to try to fix this would be wearing some kind of different Eyes. Only if the texture on the prim eyes has an alpha, then you will be affected by the alpha clash bug (there is no fix). There should be no reason, I can see, that a prim eyes texture should need to have alpha channels. Usually that leads me to think that the creator doesn't really know what they are doing when processing textures for SL (happens all the time). What sucks is that, when you have carefully chosen your eyes, changing them can seem rather drastic... but, in this case, I see no other way around it. Btw, they have to be prim eyes in order for alpha clash to occur (system eyes won't do that). From what has been described, there's nothing else that it could logically be. Either the OP has to resolve herself to non-alpha hair (which would be ridiculous, if not impossible) or change her eyes. ...Dres
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Venus Petrov Wrote: You would make it all about the penii. You mean that it isn't? Isn't it always? ...Dres
  12. Um... sweety, you need to take a look in a mirror... your insanity is showing. ...Dres
  13. Venus Petrov wrote: Locking a thread you started just because you think the thread has run its course or it no longer interests you are not, IMHO, good enough reasons for locking it. Locking a thread should be done very sparingly and only if the moderator feels the conversation has gotten too heated and is in 'danger' of flying off the community guidelines cliff. Asking for a lock is d-r-a-m-a (particularly when you post that you will get it locked). My thoughts exactly. @Void: My thoughts exactly. ...Dres
  14. Anaiya Arnold wrote: @Dresden, based on the utter irrelevancy of your post to anything I actually typed, I do not believe it is the most ridiculous thing you've read because it's gosh darned difficult to believe you read it. It seems you've also not read Ariel's posts so allow me to help you out by reposting the quote that my comments in parentheses refer to. If you don't like seeing tall, thin women with long legs, ignore them, or wander elsewhere where there may be more people who meet your own vision of acceptable As to letting people be whatever height they want, what has that got to do with my comments? Perhaps you meant to direct your comments about irrelevancy at yourself? My post contains the quoted text from Ariel where she claims this: That choice is yours. Rant all you want here in the forums, it's not going to chnage until a group of people STOP ranting and actually do something. "I don't like it, grr, argh" doesn't go very far towards making change. Please explain in your own words how this claim is not a claim of ineffectuality. If you cannot infer the implication that the OP and others who come here to express such veiws, are whinging from Ariel's characterization of her comments as "I don't like, grr, argh" then I guess inference is not your area of strength. I have no idea why you think I have a short avatar. Nor do I have any idea why you think I try to make people with tall avatars feel any specific thing. If you ever actually bother to read my post, you might notice the absence of any comment concerned with the height of my avatar, and the absence of any comment regarding my valuation of various avatar heights. Or at least you should notice such things if you have a literacy level that would be passable for a 12 year old. Oh lord... I'm perfect happy to discuss this with you point by point... what I won't do is address someone that, instead of setting forth a well thought out argument on the matter, decides to merely try to belittle me by making claims as to my lack of reading comprehension. By doing so, you have made yourself and any argument you might have had, irrelevant. I see no use in discussing it with you any further... though I will say that I stand by my opinion of the ridiculousness of your previous post. ...Dres (And besides that, I've already said everything I've had to say on the matter.)
  15. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I bring up the list of my posts. I look that over to see if there's been activity. It would help to be able to flag threads as no longer of interest and have them not show up. Oh okay... that's not something I usually do. ...Dres
  16. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: It would be helpful to have the ability to 'delist' threads. Things that have completed from my POV or derailed threads that have become a two person dramafest. What do you mean by delist? ...Dres
  17. You can ask a moderator to lock a thread that you started, so I've been told and have seen in action... I've never done it myself. Personally I see no reason to lock a thread, other than serious derailments and some instances where a thread has devolved into nothing but a flame war. If you just aren't interested in a thread anymore then simply ignore it. If you're subscribed to it, unsubscribe and be done with it... you never know who might have a similar issue that would benefit them to post a reply there, even if it's months later... I've seen that happen as well. ...Dres
  18. Anaiya Arnold wrote: Sure, you're encouraging them by trying to make them feel guilty for making you wonder if something is wrong with you (because for some reason although they could choose to not look at giants, you cannot choose to not read their comments about giants). This is about one of the most ridiculous things I've read in this forum in quite a while. How about letting people be whatever size they choose without trying to make them feel like there's something wrong with them for it? The part in parentheses makes no sense what-so-ever and has nothing to do with anything anyone has said here. Anaiya Arnold also wrote: Yes, how could anyone mistake that for anything but encouraging? It sure does not sound like an attempt to characterize people as a bunch of ineffectual whingers because they come to the forums to express their opinions (those ranters). No one said anything like that either. Then Anaiya Arnold wrote: As for not making any change, at least the minority get to see they are not alone in their shortness which means they might spend less time wondering if something is wrong with them. After all, unlike you, they are in the minority and are the ones getting booted from land, oh and accused of being age players by implication if not publicly accused and remonstrated with in front of other avatars. Oh I get it... you wonder if there's something wrong with yourself because of your choice to have a short avatar... so, to offset that insecurity, you try making people that want to have a taller avatar feel that way instead. Good luck with that. ...Dres
  19. greek Wingtips wrote: sorry Dresden, but you statement is flawed, first and formost if I could take my own actions , what you think I would not? come on man, live in the real world, I have my hands tied as to how to deal with cowards who hide behide av's and feel they can do anything to anyone because the know they cannot be hurt in anyway, Number 2: I pay for this service that means and I desevere some sort of protection from LL's from bum wipes who feel they here to cause grief, as I cannot take the law into my own hands. this statment you make Take some responsibility for your own actions instead of relying on LL to make draconian changes just to suit your needs you havin a laugh, apart from muting, blocking reporting them, what else you think I can do if they keep creating new av's and griefing me, if you have any great sugestions please feel free to share, them, but plz dopnt make bold statements unless you have expranced grief, and please Iam not a push over, what I would give to meet this people rl would be a god send, What makes you think I haven't dealt with griefers? The difference between me and you is that I know how to **bleep** (n.i.p is censored? jeez) it in the bud by ignoring the fools until they get bored and stop. I'm not concerned about winning an argument with them or with you... so, after this reply, I'll gladly use my further interaction with you as a working example of what you should be doing. ...Dres
  20. greek Wingtips wrote: LL can do something, ands thats to verfiey duplicate account creators, if you wanted to create another Avatar, the account should ask for some proof IE paypal details, last 4 numbers with the name of the credit card,or even an adress that can be verfiley to a credit card, anything that would make it easy for LL to check agaist known accounts , that way if a griefer choosing to create another Av for the sole purpose of grefing and he gets reported, its easy for LL to check that account with any exsisting accounts and if its found reports have been made with the other av to the same person, bann him., done its easy. You say this as though it isn't easy as hell for a determined person to circumvent, while at the same time making it nearly impossible for a large number of regular residents to retain access. How is that a solution? Next you'll be asking LL to enforce a restraining order against anyone with the particular IP address of someone that you, rightly or wrongly, claim is griefing you. Take some responsibility for your own actions instead of relying on LL to make draconian changes just to suit your needs... it's not gonna happen. Ignore them and they'll eventually stop... it won't be instant and might require a little resolve on your part, but, besides leaving SL or creating a new account, it's the only choice you've got. ...Dres
  21. Verena Vuckovic wrote: It's nonsense to suggest all those 8 foot women are 8 foot because they WANT to be. They are 8 foot because their friends are 8 foot......and their friends are 8 foot because the men are 9 foot, and also because avatar shops sell ludicrous sized avatars in the first place. And the avatar shops sell ludicrous sized avatars because they think that is the average size in SL. When you really think about it, taller avatars are the average size in SL. Verena Vuckovic also wrote: If...on the other hand....a woman joining SL for the first time was asked ' Would you like your avatar to be 8 foot tall ?'.....99.999% would say NO. ...until they realize that's the average avatar height. I'm not saying I think this should be... Penny makes an incredible argument for adhering to scale (link) and I tend to agree with most of what she says about it. The trend is slowly turning toward shorter avatars which may or may not become the norm in the future. But, it does little good to bitch at people for having tall avatars, just as you might feel bad about being attacked for being short, so will tall avatars feel bad about being attacked for being tall. What good does it do to automatically put people on the defensive? Do you really think that will lead anyone to try harder to understand your position or just shut you out completely? A little education may go much further to serve your purpose than vitriolic rants will. ...Dres
  22. greek Wingtips wrote: if anyone knows of a police force in SL that can help, please forward me the details, as I do not have any faith in LL so any help would be great Be very careful what you wish for... "police" forces can end up being as bad as the griefers themselves. In fact, there is little they could do, besides griefing them back, which only serves to perpetuate the drama. You have no control over the behavior of others, only yourself. Could be that you are feeding them exactly what they want through your reaction to what they're doing to you... continuing to do that will only strengthen their resolve. If you are vigilant in not engaging with them in any way, shape or form, eventually they will lose interest and move on. Don't converse with them at all... just ban, block and AR them... nothing else. Good luck ...Dres
  23. There's a difference between accepting change and accepting substandard customer service. The fact that SLX was able to do it means that it is possible to do... there's no good reason why LL couldn't do it as well. How a person handles their personal finances has nothing to do with it... yeah, because LL can't get their act together, you had to adjust, but why should you have had to? Why should anyone have to? LL should be trying to make things easier for their users, not more difficult. ...Dres
  24. Um... what do you have against praying mantises? ...Dres
  25. Marianne Little wrote: It may not be so easy. Many older skins show up with "Creator unknown". Especially demos that's been around for a while. True... but it's the only way I know of and worth a shot. ...Dres
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