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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Gorgeous pics everyone! Since I pulled these out of an old suitcase for a post that got a stake driven into it's heart, I figured I'd post them here. They have to be more than a year old... ...Dres
  2. Mayalily wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Mayalily wrote: In real life I am a fairy. As I revealed in a different thread yesterday... me, too! You wear flowers in your hair in real, too? Let's see the pics. I want evidence! There are no male fairies. You are an elf. Silly men. If you want to be of the order of Fae, you will have to cut your family jewels off as there are no expections to the order of Fae. There are no male witches either. Male witches are called Warlocks. Again, silly men. Sure there are male fairies... they're all over the place where I live. You want picks? Just look up Southern Decadence in Google Images. Also, calling a male witch a warlock is considered an insult in some circles. Maybe you should stick with what you know before you go off being offensive to people. ...Dres
  3. I'd like to see someone from LL explain here what directive the moderators were given concerning the Vampire subforum, specifically... including the reason why it's a lot more likely that posts will be locked, moved or pulled, warnings will be issued for questionable reasons and people will be banned, sometimes permanently, when either they post in that subforum or simply post an opinion concerning something about that subforum, including the moderation process being applied there. Perhaps I should start my own thread about it as to not take focus away from the issues Venus has brought up, though it is related. ...Dres
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: UncommonTruth wrote: That Pep. Since in under-mining and criticism, one can find (if you read between the lines) the most constructive and useful input, he is precious beyond gold. It's not from the converted and contentedly satisfied that one will find stimuli to improve or solutions to the problems, but from pains in the neck like him. That is why I love "trolls" ^^ My favorite people have always fallen in that category. "Trolls" in this business can be infinitely useful. Annoying as hell to fellow forumites, but to the management.... But I see I'm preaching to the converted. At one of my Annual Company sales meetings the Vice President of the company came up to me and said, "Sometimes you are a real pain in the ass." For just a moment I thought the other show as going to drop really hard but then he said, "Keep it up, it keeps us honest up here." Sometimes my complaints weren't valid but sometimes they were. And when they were they either saved or made the company money. I was even more surprised that night when at our banquet I was awarded "Sales Rep of the Year." I was quite honored and yes it came with some nice perks. At the very least, he is an amusing read... ...Dres (...as long as you can take the contents out of your head and be able to rub two brain cells together.)
  5. Perrie Juran wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: Just be nice to us. We're actually (mostly) really decent people. Very well said. I think who ever this Linden Lab person is, they need to figure it out also. And learn how to read. I mentioned it earlier and it is now available to read, today's CTUG meeting transcript. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Community_Tools_User_Group/10-November-2011 There's also an unabridged version posted on someone's boring blog. ...Dres
  6. Linden Lab wrote: What kind of sub-categories would you like to see under People? I believe you've entirely missed the point. ...Dres
  7. Innula Zenovka wrote: Mickey Vandeverre wrote: s - it's similar to an old phrase that has to do with a tree falling in the forest or something.....you know that phrase? I don't have it off top of head right now. Maybe that's wrong example. It's just the visual I get "If a tree falls in the forest but not on top of your head, that's probably just as well" ? Hmmm... a missed opportunity. ...Dres
  8. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Mayalily wrote: In real life I am a fairy. As I revealed in a different thread yesterday... me, too! Damn my neighbor for needing a ride to the doctor this morning or you would never have beaten me to it. :matte-motes-silly: ...Dres
  9. Do what you want. You know there are options, if you decide not to take advantage of them, no one can force you. But I, for one, will no longer bother offering you suggestions if you insist on dismissing them outright, so that you can continue complaining about the same things over and over again. ...Dres
  10. Mayalily wrote: Well, the IM's are at the top now which is a strain on the neck. @ Monitor photos in this thread, that is an old style monitor, so that is a bit outdated as ergonomically correct. I still refuse to pay for anything until some announcement is made when the viewer is coming out of beta and shows us the DONE VERSION. You know, they could have created the viewer THEN asked us to test run for a month or so and give feedback, and then from the feedback, they could have gotten the finished version done. I guess you won't be paying for anything in SL ever again then. There is always gonna be a beta viewer because they are always working on improvements. If you don't like a beta viewer then go back to a version you like or find a TPV that works for you. You mentioned Phoenix earlier... there's no reason why you can't still use Phoenix. In fact, there will soon be a version of Phoenix that supports mesh, if that's a concern. If you don't mind me asking, do you happen to wear bi-focals? I ask this because I can see, immediately, how that would make it more difficult to read massages on the top of your screen. Of course, the solution is still the same... use a viewer you are comfortable using. ...Dres
  11. Mayalily wrote: See that number 78 in the upper right corner? That's where we'd have to talk in IM and receive our notices. My neck hurts from just using for it just one hour as I have a large LCD screen and I'm not a giraffe who can crane my neck that high, nor do I have eyes that pop up like antenae out of the top of my head. Frankly, I am sick of this and these viewers. I've gone through at least 20 viewers since March, and I am having a very hard time believing that LL cannot find someone who can build a workable viewer in all these months. I find this so unprofessional... I'm beginning to doubt LL's sanity. Just hire someone and get it done already! What is the problem? How hard can that be? There are probably thousands of people who could have been hired and gotten this job of a workable viewer done months ago? What is wrong with LL? They don't seem to understand business very well if you ask me. This is NUTZ with all these viewers. I'm pretty sick of it right now as it recked my last machine. Now I have a new machine, and still no properly working viewer? Sorry, for ranting, but I've never seen a business so poorly run in my entire life. Congratulations, May... you are finally getting the picture. I knew you'd come around. ...Dres
  12. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Your profile inbox. https://my.secondlife.com/inbox/messages Oh great... we needed another place to be able to receive spam. I do like the customization aspect though. Also, I know you are now able to include pics in your forum feed somehow... exactly how, I have no idea, but that could be fun. ...Dres
  13. What are you talking about? If you had bothered to read the content of any single post here, you'd have realize how very off topic your post actually was before you even posted it. Just saying. ...Dres
  14. Caitlin Tobias wrote: Just stick it in there, I am sure they will be happy to bite it off ...Dres
  15. Caitlin Tobias wrote: Just stick it in there, I am sure they will be happy to bite it off ...Dres
  16. ...to be able to block/mute a whole subforum. ...Dres
  17. You do realize that there is no actual bestiality going on in SL, right? Just saying ...Dres
  18. You do realize that there is no actual bestiality going on in SL, right? Just saying ...Dres
  19. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: Welcome back! I had no idea people were getting banned o.0 I didn't see the articles which caused it either. That's our Dres, always fighting the good fight! Thank you! I kind of expected Dres to reply to my "be careful" warning, but what I did not expect was his gallant and immediate reaction, which ultimately led to a full-on effort by many, to get me reinstated. I've sent Dres a PM on the SLum, and have yet to see or hear from him. I can only hope that his account is safe and intact. I'm intact... can't say the same thing for my brain, though. It's been a long, hard, emotionally trying day for me in RL... I can't tell you how pleased I am to be able to come home to such great news. As far as what I did, it was only what I would hope someone would do for me, should something so unfortunate befall me. My contribution was quite small when compared to the cumulative, considerable effort and sacrifice made by so many others. That this is true, is a testament to the level of respect and appreciation you have garnered during your participation here. There's more I'd like to say, unfortunately, this post took the last of my emotional energy to write. So I will go get some sleep now and come back rested with my guns blazing... I have a feeling I'll need them. ...Dres
  20. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: Welcome back! I had no idea people were getting banned o.0 I didn't see the articles which caused it either. That's our Dres, always fighting the good fight! Thank you! I kind of expected Dres to reply to my "be careful" warning, but what I did not expect was his gallant and immediate reaction, which ultimately led to a full-on effort by many, to get me reinstated. I've sent Dres a PM on the SLum, and have yet to see or hear from him. I can only hope that his account is safe and intact. I'm intact... can't say the same thing for my brain, though. It's been a long, hard, emotionally trying day for me in RL... I can't tell you how pleased I am to be able to come home to such great news. As far as what I did, it was only what I would hope someone would do for me, should something so unfortunate befall me. My contribution was quite small when compared to the cumulative, considerable effort and sacrifice made by so many others. That this is true, is a testament to the level of respect and appreciation you have garnered during your participation here. There's more I'd like to say, unfortunately, this post took the last of my emotional energy to write. So I will go get some sleep now and come back rested with my guns blazing... I have a feeling I'll need them. ...Dres
  21. Sammantha Koppel wrote: I posted to his feed...and it did feel good Thanks for the link! You are quite welcome... I aim to please. :matte-motes-big-grin: ...Dres
  22. Mayalily wrote: Dres's sig says 'something' to give a hint. What my sig says is very true... my blog is very boring. But, Rodvik's SL profile feed is another story. ...Dres
  23. If you're gonna list Rod's Tweeter feed, why not list his SL profile feed as well? ...Dres
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