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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: And there was me thinking Maya's quote was not Longfellow at all ... It's astounding, time is fleeting Madness takes its toll But listen closely, not for very much longer I've got to keep control I remember doing the Time Warp Drinking those moments when The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling <== You called, Void? Let's do the time warp again... But it's the pelvic trust that really drives you insane... ...Dres
  2. I can't seem to find anywhere in the documentation that states a specific limit (link), but I have seen someone with about 12 owners. Perhaps you could ask in the Open Collar group inworld (link). Hope this helps ...Dres
  3. Never watch porn at your SL workplace, especially after you've just gotten finished having a voice conference with your boss and forgot to turn off your mic afterwards. ...Dres
  4. Mayalily wrote: I've tried tinting on some things and didn't look good. However, my landlady tinted my stairs a darker brown after I asked her and that was one tinting I saw that looked great! Otherwise, I've had no success with tinting, not yet anyhow. Plus the blue would probably only go black. I don't think I'd like black either. See, I was a painter, and I'm used to mixing very original colors. Or, let me say, I am very picky about colors. I can't stand primary colors, any of them. I like my colors toned down with grey, brown, black... it's hard to explain but I'll try. When I make a pink color I tone it down with brown so it's more of a soft, muted pink rather than a scream in your face pink; some people call that dusty pink or antique pink, etc. I am very picky with colors, that's just me. I'd love to find another antique bed on SL that has colors I love. Or perhaps I'll make that a music room instead of a bath and vanity room like I was planning; something will come about eventually. I can give you some pointers on tinting things... being color blind makes you find ways around things. ...Dres
  5. Mayalily wrote: (Dillon, I owe you a note and an invite to my SLouse because I know you meant well) Now, that's the May I know... welcome back sweety. I'm glad you're feeling better. ...Dres
  6. So, I'm sitting there... relaxing... ...but that damn bird wouldn't leave me alone... Then I figured out it just wanted to take a close up pic with me... ...so everything turned out alright. ...Dres (Btw, these are my first pics with my new updated skin. It's a little darker, but I think I can live with it.)
  7. JeanneAnne wrote: Sheesh Deltango... all that... The only thing that has value is love. Jeanne How much love do you need to pay your rent? ...Dres P.S. Btw... Open Sim. Start your own grid and you can do whatever you want with it.
  8. Deltango Vale wrote: That the book ends in June 2007 is significant. The author missed the huge culture war resulting from Linden Lab's strategic, philosophical, and policy reversals of 2007-2010. Second Life 2003-2007 was a very different world from Second Life 2007-2011. Most interesting to me, therefore, is that the research was conducted precisely when Second Life was in its prime, when it was a model of free-flowing human interaction, unsullied by Linden Lab managers and RL reformers. For that reason alone, the book is probably worth reading. This would probably just make me sad that I missed it. ...Dres
  9. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: Marx's principles didn't result in the collapse of the Soviet Union, Void. That's what the Capitalst sociopaths that control the lamestream media have programmed you to believe. Not so. It was the economics of the Soviet Union that brought on the collapse. Quite simply, they could not sustain their system, could not feed their people, could not continue to compete in the world market. That is a direct result of the Marxist economics that played out for 70 years, crippling an empire that should have been able to forge ahead. But, in reality was mired in stifling Marxist economics. Also, Jeanne...your use of the word "sociopaths" reads like the kind of old USSR ridiculous hyperbole one might find in an outdated Pravda. JeanneAnne wrote: What caused the peaceful dissolution of the USSR (it didn't "collapse") was the totalitarianism, which had nothing to do with Marx's principles, Uh, nope. Totalitarianism, although it is deemed to be an undesirable system for various others reasons, is quite capable of being economically successful. A totalitarian system can be either capitalist or communist (Marxist) . The USSR was not brought down by the totalitarian aspect of governing, it was brought down because they were out spent in the cold war. They literally could not afford to feed people and sustain their other activities. That was a direct result of the Marxist economics. JeanneAnne wrote: But all of that is ancient history. This issue is not ancient history, unless you happen to be a very young person. The collapse of the former USSR is recent history, and was a wake up call for China. China saw the USSR fold, and then looked around the world, and saw that they (China) were still plowing field with yaks while the US, Japan, and western Europe were forging ahead technologically and economically. So, China made a conscious decision to move toward a more Capitalistic system. JeanneAnne wrote: Today, Communist China practically owns the US and is rapidly buying up the rest of the world. Marx is having the last laugh! ) Quite the contrary! It's not "Communist China"...it's "Capitalist China". *laughing* It's Capitalism that's having the last laugh! China has deliberately left Marxist economics and is using Capitalist methods. It's because China embraced Capitalist principals like loaning money and charging interest that has the US and other nations owing them money. It's through China embracing free markets and Capitalist systems that China is forging ahead. JeanneAnne wrote: But it isn't my intention to defend JC, Marx & Lennon against the kind of reactionary rationalization of Capitalist Sociopathocracy those oppressed by it and suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome are all too eager to indulge in. Oh my. With that inflammatory hyperbole, you've identified yourself as a troll. *sigh* I do hope your mind isn't blown simply because a liberal democrat, such as myself, agrees with you point for point for once. Oh wait... there's always tomorrow... lol. ...Dres
  10. JeanneAnne wrote: Ishtara Rothschild wrote: That's a great ideal, but we would first have to realize this utopia in RL. I call for Revolution in RL as much as I do in SL, Ishtara. I already spelled out my ideas on all this in another thread a week or two ago so don't really want to revisit the issue here. All I will say is that the people who actually participate in SL and value it, need to wrest control of SL from its Capitalist LL overlords, and run it as a Marxist utopia. Until Revolution in RL can be accomplished and ownership of the power plants, electrical & information distribbution infrastructure taken back by the People, perhaps for practical purposes a modest fee would have to be collected from all participants in SL, in exchange for the elimination of the $L, of private property and of payment for objects, etc. Only as a temporary transitional compromise, though. But what certainly needs to happen is for the class structure between homeless & broke newbies and a propertied elite be eliminated. Inequality between people is as obscene in SL as it is in RL, and wouldn't a Revolution be exciting?!? Jeanne I have two words for you... Open Sim. ...Dres
  11. Yeah, this is a great thread... too bad we can't get some of the people mentioned in this thread to post how they came up with their names. That would be quite interesting. ...Dres
  12. ROFLMAO!!!! ...Dres *is speechless* (You could have warned me so I'd have a speech prepared.)
  13. ...and my second name I chose because I thought it sounded like the name of the season four ProjectRunway (which I couldn't include with the separation... damn spammers) winner, Christian Siriano, whom I loved. So, I guess that makes me a coin-operated, tranny, hot mess. ...Dres (Fierce!)
  14. Mayalily wrote: The entire General Discussion forum is grounded in ridiculous discourse. It sure is, but mired in a muck of meanness, libel, lies, jealousy, hate speech, defaming. You name it. This forum's got it. @ Dillon, Thanks a bunch Dillon for being such a jerk! NOT! If the dunce cap fits Dillon, please do wear it. I'd love to see those pics. ETA: And, at Dillon, what part of a person writing they are exhausted like they have never been before don't you understand? You don't kick people when they are down, Dillon. But, that is exactly how you made me feel, Dillon. Perhaps read a whole thread before spouting idiocy. You should have seen the old forum. Honestly, this forum is rather calm compared to most others. I have to say I'm surprised you're behaving in such a way, May. Sure, you've had your moments, but I've never seen you lash out at anyone in this fashion and if I hadn't seen it for myself, I don't think I'd have believed it. What concerns me most, is that I honestly don't think you'd be doing this if you weren't genuinely distressed by this situation. I hope you think of my as a friend, because I know I think of you as one and, from one friend to another, I'm telling you, you need to let it go. It'll do you no good to worry so much about something you have no control over and getting into arguments with people here isn't going to help. Step back, take a breath, get some rest and come back when you're feeling better. Things are just not as bad as they seem at the moment. I'm begging you, just take care of yourself and give yourself some time to get over this. Then, when you come back, refreshed, you'll, hopefully, be able to gain some perspective and be able to enjoy your time here once again. Ask yourself if continuing this fight is worth it. My hope is that no will be your answer to yourself and you can move on to bigger and better things... I know you have it in you. PM me if you need to talk ...Dres
  15. Ian Undercroft wrote: I'm sat here trying to work out what's keeping the top of your dress up, Kylie! Magic, of course. ...Dres
  16. Stella Carver wrote: Trust is broken here with SL for me. I'm sitting here wondering what other things I don't know or wasn't told? Maya, I'm glad you stayed :-). As for the question above, I've been in SL almost four years and there are endless things I don't know about. I'd venture to guess that even for those who have been here since Beta, there are new surprises occasionally. It's a large and complex platform, no one could possibly tell you everything you want or need to know in six months. As for your home, I've been in my current one for almost a year and I'm nowhere close to 80% finished. Like with almost everything in either life, it's the getting there that's the fun anyway. You've gotten some sincere and very kind offers of help in this thread. Take them. Then relax and try to enjoy your journey. Two very good points that I would have made myself, only I was too tired to write all that out last time I was here. It usually takes me forever to decorate a place when I first move in... not only do I find getting there where the fun is, but once I'm there, I don't know what to do with myself anymore. The place I have now, I've decided to change up for every season, hoping that I won't get bored and tear it down to start all over again, which is what I usually do. Which reminds me, I really need to get cracking on my autumn look... what am I doing here? ...Dres *runs to sign on and go shopping* (...my favorite)
  17. Mayalily wrote: But, in conclusion, I'm not so sure once these privacy settings are turned on, that I would be able to verify that the privacy works Easy... just invite everyone back to have another look. :matte-motes-silly: ...Dres
  18. Venus Petrov wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Laurin Sorbet wrote: Loved the outfit though, Venus :-) Argyle? Seriously?... lol. ...Dres @Dres: Seriously! @May: Seriously... you can't take anything Rudi says seriously. ...Dres
  19. Aloralie wrote: Thank you! Now I just need to look for a place to rez items! It's also possible to wear the item, right click it, go into edit, go to the content tab and extract the items from there. That way you won't need a place to rez it. Hope this helps ...Dres
  20. Laurin Sorbet wrote: I expect if anyone gets a spanking over this little incident it'll be me.:matte-motes-oh-rly: Damn, I miss out on all the fun. ...Dres
  21. Laurin Sorbet wrote: Don't disparage naughty librarians. Do I get a spanking for it? ...Dres (Where's Storm when you need him?... lol.)
  22. Faustus Flux wrote: However, I do admire that at least you have a less limited vocabulary then the rest of your kindred. This coming from the person who just wrote, "LOLOL, what ever simp". ...Dres
  23. Laurin Sorbet wrote: She pulled it off with those shoelaces, Dresden. As long as she doesn't go pulling it off around me I'm fine. ...Dres
  24. Laurin Sorbet wrote: Loved the outfit though, Venus :-) Argyle? Seriously?... lol. ...Dres
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