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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. valerie Inshan wrote: :smileysurprised: Oooooh! I swear I don't get any commission on What Next's sales! (but I wish I could...:matte-motes-evil-invert:) Oh, me too... might help pay for all the stuff I buy there. Between them and L.I.S.P. it's amazing I have any money left at all... lol. ...Dres
  2. Dillon Levenque wrote: One night a bunch of us were singing that whole musical (accompanied by the theatrical sound track; this was long before the movie) and we really got rocking. "Let the Sun Shine In' was one of our faves anyway because there was a guy whose name actually was Claude, so that part of the song was his solo—"I believe in God, and I believe that God believes in Claude, that's me". The people downstairs called the cops, and as usual I was the one picked to go out and talk to them (I like to think it was because of my natural leadership qualities but it was probably because I was more square and less blasted than most). The girl whose apartment it was came with me but hung back. The cops suggested we turn down the volume, and got back in the squad car. They were probably wondering why the neighbors hadn't said something to us first, before calling the police. That's too funny.. it reminds me of the time my, then, boyfriend and I took a long road trip to go to the first Lalapalooza in Chicago with my best friend. On the way, my best friend and I ended up singing the whole soundtrack a capella from memory and in doing so, drove my bf absolutely insane... those were the days... lol. ...Dres
  3. Ellyn Elan wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: I think we need to get to the bottom of this Linden Lab person. That sounds kind of not-PG. And LoL to Dres's remark about bringing some light to where the sun don't shine. Wait. That IS what he said, isn't it? Lol... sumpin' like dat. ...Dres
  4. Venus Petrov wrote: I think we need to get to the bottom of this Linden Lab person. Yes, shine some sunlight on them and see if they shimmer or burst into flames. ...Dres
  5. Perrie Juran wrote: But seriously, I know the original objections to a separate GLBT sub fora but with all the men who play women and all the women who play men maybe we should petition for one of those also! And a Gorean and a Robot and a Faerie and a Neko and a Furry and one for Purple Unicorns. I don't recall objections to a separate GLBT subforum, the objections were that LL wanted it to be adult only and hidden away from anyone else, as if it was something of which to be ashamed. @Venus: You're lucky it wasn't just deleted, like the one I started on the first day. I even asked for it to be moved here in the very last post I made before they locked it. I hate being prematurely optimistic, but perhaps this is what's known as an improvement. ...Dres
  6. You're right, that is very specific... you may very well have to hire someone to create that for you. But, don't expect it to be cheap. Look around for people that makes hair that you like and ask them if they do custom work. Meanwhile, learn how to modify stuff on your own... it may take time, but it's the best thing you can do for yourself. Education is empowerment. Good luck ...Dres
  7. Oh then... maybe you're gay. ...Dres *rolls eyes*
  8. You can tint any hair that is light enough and modifiable without having to have a hud (in fact, I'd advise you to stay far, far away from any hair that's color is modifiable with a hud, that usually means that each prim has a script in it, which will cause you and anyone around you insufferable pain... take my word for it). Tips are a different story, but the same thing applies... if your tips are light enough, the rest is dark enough and the hair is modifiable, just do it manually. If you actually take the time to search, you may be able to come up with something you like. Also, the more information you post here about what you are looking for, the more people will understand what you want and be able to help you. Good luck ...Dres
  9. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Hello Grimhilda...you are gorgeous!!! Just like the rest of us :matte-motes-silly: Come join us, we don't bite. @Dres...you seem to be a big brother, am I correct? Most certainly, and I can be very protective, if the situation calls for it. The thing is, it hardly ever does, Grim knows very well how to take care of herself. ...Dres
  10. I don't, but I certainly hope you are willing to pay a whole hell of a lot. Hair is one of the hardest things to create in SL, and the most time consuming, for sure. Perhaps, if you'll explain further what you want here, someone can point you in the direction of something that is close enough to satisfy your needs, without having to pay through the tooth. You never know. ...Dres
  11. Okay so, Hair came out in the early, ETA: sorry... late seventies, but it was all about the sixties and one of my all-time favorite musicals. This band from the late eighties/early nighties is also a favorite of mine... I had no idea, until today, that they'd covered a song from Hair. May I present to you... ...Dres
  12. Because it has an incredibly, wonderful sense of style and a fabulously, encapsulating ass... next question? ...Dres
  13. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: I predict that all of the people whose feeds are showing up there will appear on Prok's next FIC list. :smileyvery-happy: I assume that's a privately maintained drama engine. It's actually a delusional list of semi-fictional characters. ...Dres
  14. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Ahah.... well known names. That's suggestive of a person or persons unknown picking and choosing what to include in the publicly displayed 'Recent Activity.' I suppose you'd have to set your privacy to let anyone see your feed.... So possibly the reason this small group of people keeps showing up is..... they are the only ones both posting to Feed and set to show it to everyone. I'm leaning toward towards 'someone is selecting' but it's certainly not clear. Yes, only LL knows. Perhaps they'll clear it up within the big November announcement. Strange thing about it is... they are most of the same names that I followed on twitter and that also actually, regularly post to it. I suppose they could be the most frequent posters on the SLum as well... who can say? ...Dres
  15. Here's a pic of the two of us right before Halloween... ...Dres
  16. Thanks Venus, and everyone... I'm always talking about the amazing group of people here in the forum, which has her very interested. I love my sister very much and I love a lot of people here as well. It only makes sense that I would want everyone I love to get together. She has met a number of people from here inworld and thinks the world of them. I think it's time for her to step up and make herself known, but of course, that's up to her. Either way, you guys are great. Thank you for being so very supportive. ...Dres
  17. Thanks everyone... she had to find out herself where that hair was from (she hasn't worn it since last season)... it's called Dakota from Cake. I'm hoping I can get her to post on her own... I appreciate the encouragement. Her name is Grimhilda, btw. ...Dres
  18. I have no idea what makeup it is... I asked her and she said she has no idea who Torley is (I do believe her... there's really no reason why she would)... but she said she'd look up the creator and let you know, because she does like to promote designers that she likes (she was looking over my shoulder, and told me what to say, when I wrote that ETA: well most of that). I only posted these photos in hopes to get her to participate here (and get her over her reservations), because I think she is wonderful and her voice would be a great addition to the forum. She is quite a unique individual, and I'm sure she'd offer a new perspective on things that would be much appreciated. Can't force her though... I'm trying to just be encouraging. She seems interested. ...Dres
  19. Hey guys... I've been talking to my sister about posting here on the forum and she says she would love to give it a try. I told her that she should post to this thread to begin with, but she's seen a lot of the pics posted here and she believes she's just not as gorgeous as the girls that post here (which they certainly are)... she thinks she's more of a plain jane, but I disagree. Here's a couple of close-up pics I've taken of her over time... I think she absolutely gorgeous, but then again... I may be biased, we do have the same genetics... lol. These have not been touched up at all, only cropped a little. ...Dres
  20. At first I wasn't sure what you were talking about, but that's because I'm always already signed in when I go there. After signing out, I got the same thing you did in your picture. I recognize a lot of the names (Crap is a pretty well known SL resident), but I don't get why their, and only their, posts show up. I suppose only LL knows why... unfortunately, I don't think it's very likely that anyone from LL will show up here to explain, so we may never know. ...Dres
  21. Randall Ahren wrote: MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: I think the fact that avatars are pretty much the ideal representation of beauty (as close as you can get with a digital human in an RPG) is kind of a buzz-kill for many cause of course in real life, very few of us are as sexy. Yes, but you would rather have sex in RL with someone who is not nearly as sexy as the digital representation of your online lover or sex in SL? There are a few things that are much more plentiful in RL than in SL, and with good reason... booze, light switches and, for extreme circumstances, paper bags. ...Dres
  22. Pamela Galli wrote: Randall Ahren wrote: Regions are abbreviated as "sims" as a shorter term for "simulations" for a reason. Hence, there are a probably a few people out there that believe SL is a simulation of RL in many respects. Concerning business, I think SL would make a great tool for colleges and universities. At the beginning of the year, all business students are required to start up an enterprise in SL and at the end of the term, report on how profitable it was. It's a lot easier and cheaper to start a business in SL than in RL. Now that is a damned good idea for neophyte business people! I guess it is a good idea for all kinds of ppl who don't know how things work in the RL, for whatever reason. I'm absolutely ignorant as far as dating and loveless copulation goes... what kind of tools do you have to offer? ...Dres ETA: It would make more sense if I wasn't so drunk and knew what I was talking about.
  23. Deej Kasshiki wrote: Dres I'm sure you're right about LL knowing about the numbers. I'm just painting this as how they'd like us to see their number spin doctoring. I think the whole "completed signups" metric is a farce. Who cares? The only number that matters is how many of the people who sign up actually log in and spend time in world? How many stick around after a week? After a month? Six months? I also subscribe to Eve Online. Their registration is pretty simple: you create a login name (only used to sign on to the game or account maintenance and never seen by other players), then you get to create your avatar name. Avatar names can be whatever you like including spaces and punctuation, up to a maximum number of characters. So long as you don't run afoul of the "naughty words filter" and the name's not already in use, you're good to go. Why the Lab didn't go with a flexible system like that for new users I have no idea. I know, and I knew you knew... Somehow bitching for no reason made me feel better for a moment. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity. ...Dres
  24. Well, in RL, there really isn't a place to come to in order to arbitrarily complain about stupid ridiculousness. Most of these little bitches think they own the whole damned world, how horribly mistaken they are when they grow the hell up and realize that no one really gives a crap. ...Dres
  25. Melita Magic wrote: Logged in a little while ago sick as a dog trying to sort through inventory and do some quick meeroo maintenance. Here comes a note card from some random place. Come shop our sale. Come buy my stuff. Blah. I agree...Let's storm the cathedral. What? No wrath? How dare you? ...Dres
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