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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Void Singer wrote: I had a post recently warned and removed because of a very similar topic... I've got a request for clarification pending, so I'm not going to jump the gun to thinking it means what I think it may have meant. I'm waiting a few days to see what the response is. if it was a simple misunderstanding because my writing wasn't clear enough, then no harm no foul, I'll attempt to be more clear. If not, there will be a very loud and formal complaint from me, to the appropriate parties. and if I can't see any relief from that, then near 6+ years of offering my assistance for free was a good run, and I'll take my goodwill where it's welcome, not for a week, but permanently. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. No one could ever possibly take your place. ...Dres
  2. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: I've stopped answering questions, as well. I'm also boycotting the vamp sub-Forum. I wanted to post a video in Dres's Vampideo thread, but... nah. I will no longer touch it with a ten foot stake and I will also follow Venus' lead by only replying to posts with some idiotic nonsense. ...Dres (Oh wait, that's what I do already.)
  3. I once accidentally bumped into this friend of mine that I had a bit of a crush on. He ended up kissing me, which was surprising considering he had a boyfriend. Two months later, he had me for a boyfriend... so you never know. ...Dres
  4. Pamela Galli wrote: Quite interesting what has developed there. :-) It will be even more interesting to see what becomes of it. Is Rodvik ready to put his money where his mouth is? The suspense is killing me... lol. ...Dres
  5. Ellyn Elan wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Ellyn, I think it is important, for those of us who enjoy discussion, to have a well-moderated place to do that. Many of us here came from very lively forums -- Xstreet or the old LL Forums -- and LL closed those down, to our very great regret. A lot of people went to third party forums at that point, but the lack of moderation there makes them often a pretty unpleasant place. So -- this is it*, esp if you want to discuss SL. The moderation keeps brawling in check -- but as you have observed, it has swerved into the ditch on the other side now. I know it must be difficult to hit the moderation mark every time, but this is not even close. I know I am not alone in being glad you are posting here -- you do contribute positively to to this forum. Too bad the Lindens don't seem able to recognize that. *There is also a new small, well moderated forum, but it is not open membership. Thank you for your response, Pamela. In the spirit of full disclosure I'm a fan of your store but we've never spoken! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: I agree about the need for moderation. I think that is a given to anyone who has participated in any kind of Internet posting for long. In many places the brawling you mention would be the least of it and in my recent wanderings into other third party forums and blogs, I know exactly the kind of unpleasant places to which you are referring. I have no interest in that. Lively discussions, yes. Constructive criticizing yes. Unrestrained, ugly flame fests just because you can--no thanks. If this is it* for a place to discuss SL then I'm back to my question: Would being prevented from doing so here be a bad thing? At this point my answer to this is getting to be a rather bored shrug of the shoulders. Eh. *shrugs his shoulders * ...Dres
  6. Welcome to the forums, Charly. There are many useful things to be learned here and many wonderful people to get to know. My hope is that people that truly care about this platform, voice their opinions about whatever their concerns may be. Rodvik has, graciously, left this line of communication open for us, which shows me that he wants to know what we think and how we feel. Not every CEO is as accessible to their customers... for that, I honestly commend him. I look forward to hearing your voice and getting to know you. ...Dres
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: The positions that some Lindens hold, as I understand it, is a very closely held secret. I find this very odd. Why should this be a secret? Can anyone enlighten me on this? What is to be gained? (And what is to be lost?) They can certainly keep things secret if they so choose, but why give the impression that they want to engage their users in the discussion? Wouldn't transparency be crucial to that discussion? Is it not hypocritical to say you want to communicate with your user base, then, not only keep important information from them, but ostracize them for telling you want they think as well? Inquiring minds would certainly like to know, would they not? ...Dres
  8. May I ask why Elise Linden is modifying the poster known as Linden Lab's posts? Is she the one who's been posting them from the start? Is she actually the Community Manager as it states in her forum profile, or is she still just the Integrated Marketing Manager as it states on her inworld profile? Inquiring minds what to know. ...Dres
  9. Sometimes, people say that it seems as if LL does not listen to what it's residents have to say. I'm not entirely sure this is true. I'm sure there are many ways to contact someone important at LL when something desperately needs to be said. Some people are already using these avenues of communication to their advantage, most don't bother though. A fact that is quite unfortunate... but, there is one avenue of communication which is not very hard to figure out. I, myself, have never bothered to post to Rodvik's SL profile feed until today (from what I hear, he actually pays attention to it). Why haven't I done this before? Did I think that my voice is any less significant than any of the others that do it on a regular basis? Does anyone else feel this way as well? I know he must get a lot of posts, perhaps my voice will get lost in the crowd... does that mean I shouldn't make use of it? Surely, one solitary voice is meaningless, but... what if there are others who are saying the same exact thing I am? Wouldn't that make a difference? Would we, together, actually be able to get a message through? What do you think? Have you ever posted to Rodvik's feed? If not, I certainly encourage you to do so... it can feel quite empowering. Here's the link - Rodvik's feed. Let's make a difference. ...Dres
  10. Ellyn Elan wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Ellyn Elan wrote: Ummmmm... I just checked my email and I had a message from an inworld person that I don't know telling me it was BS... No fair... I never got one of those... I miss out on all the fun stuff. Next time I'm inworld I will IM you Dres with all sorts of silly rants. Will that help? I'm happy to do it! :matte-motes-evil-invert: Sweety, you can rant sillily at me in IM all you wish. ...Dres
  11. Venus Petrov wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: Edited to add: Anyone going to the Community Tools User Group scheduled for this Thursday?  I sent a PM to Rodvik. Yes, I will attend the CTUG *IF* there is a Linden attending who can explain some things and take decisions. Jeremy and Rand are nice fellas but they are not in roles where they can do what might be asked. ETA: NOTE: The CTUG time has been changed to 11AM SLT and there will be a 'special Linden' attending. Yes, I will be there. I have added an agenda topic. I'm making a point to be there, though I wouldn't be surprised at all if this "special Linden guest" takes up the whole meeting talking instead of listening. ...Dres
  12. Ellyn Elan wrote: Ummmmm... I just checked my email and I had a message from an inworld person that I don't know telling me it was BS that I didn't know who Celestial is and accusing me of being some person I've never heard of. It is the stranger's mention of the banned poster Celestial in the inworld rant that brings me to post an exclamatory post in this thread. Yeah yeah, I muted the idiot but gee whiz. Welcome to the Forum, I guess. No fair... I never got one of those... I miss out on all the fun stuff. ...Dres
  13. How come I feel like I've been encouraging my sister to start posting in the forum at the worst time? ...Dres
  14. Pamela Galli wrote: Maybe the forum feedback forum would be a good place to inquire further? I would like to know, for example, what kind of offenses are considered bannable, and esp permabannable. I assume the latter would be completely beyond the pale, right? One can only surmise. LL certainly wouldn't perma-ban someone for something frivolous. ...Dres
  15. Does anyone know what course of action someone should take when they have been permanently banned from participation in the forum? ...Dres
  16. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I am really impressed with what you have done. Your advice can really be useful to almost any resident. A tiny suggestion though - possibly you could find someone to post your items for you. It adds an air of detachment and mystery that's so popular in these times. Me too, though I would further the suggestion, by suggesting you add some substantive links to some suggestive stuff then post something subjective on Facebook suggesting this thread. ..Dres
  17. It's making that whole subforum completely unusable. Any actual discussions are being buried by that nonsense. This Linden Lab obviously knows little to nothing about forum etiquette. They're even starting new threads for follow up discussions, that were even being discussed in the first place. How ignorant is that? ...Dres
  18. Yes... this is getting ridiculous. Plus, if Mr. or Ms. Lab knew anything about forum etiquette, they'd know better than to start new threads for follow ups on the same topics. How can anyone actually follow a particular conversation when it's spread over two or more threads? @Linden Lab: Your ignorance is showing. ...Dres
  19. Caitlin Tobias wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: That new subforum is being spammed. Not enough or not good enough, reading this question overthere.... Funny you point this out... I was about to say how sad I think it is that there are people that have been drawn there to ask questions and when they do no one's there to answer them. Here's another. ...Dres
  20. Venus Petrov wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: I'm thinking Linden Lab is not one particular Linden employee, but is merely a Linden account which can be used to post here in the forum without revealing whichever particular Linden's identity that wishes to use it. Why this would be necessary, I have no idea. ...Dres I do not want to let them off any hook. Why not have a name like all of the other Lindens that work here? Heck, remember when Amanda/Lexie finally got around to admitting that Genn, Joanna, Mike, etc, while Moderators were also Lindens? That was a painful experience. /me puts a plate with a selection of cheeses, veggies, and crackers out for Mr. Lab to tell us who he is Um, why are you trying to drag Suella into this?... lol. Having just read the last CTUG notes, I see that Lexie is supposed to be at the "*next*" meeting (what the asterisks are for, I have no idea). Maybe she will finally shed some light on the subject... you think we should add that to the agenda? :matte-motes-silly: ...Dres
  21. Storm Clarence wrote: The Linden Lab poster has the title: "community manager" You're right, I've never been bothered to even look at that. It makes little sense though, unless the meaning of the word manager has been somehow replaced with the meaning of the portmanteau word spampire and no one told me. ...Dres
  22. Sy Beck wrote: That's just ridiculous, 16/28 threads authored by a Linden and most in the past 48 hrs. Well done for exposing it to the glare of sunlight Venus, maybe that will kill 'em off. :smileytongue: Unless, of course, they are fortunate enough to have one of those magic rings that makes them able to withstand sunlight. Which would mean they probably have a witch in their employ as well... we really need to be careful. ...Dres
  23. I'm thinking Linden Lab is not one particular Linden employee, but is merely a Linden account which can be used to post here in the forum without revealing whichever particular Linden's identity that wishes to use it. Why this would be necessary, I have no idea. ...Dres
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