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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. I have had long term rentals for a few different 512 parcels over the years. Entirely with in-world earnings btw. Always a skybox in the form of an apartment. I stopped a year ago because I'm focusing more on clothing than shelter.
  2. "You may also not post regarding subjects that do not relate to Second Life except in the General forum discussion board." Whoah... did I just read that in the guidelines?
  3. I check the forums every day on my phone and on my computer at night. Reasons? It’s a nice forum. I’ve been to other forums and the conversation can be shallow like a group of strangers in a room. Other places are filled with teens trying to make the smartest quips. And some are so focused on a topic that you don’t want to interfere. I just feel comfortable here I suppose.
  4. My thoughts are gravitating to the need for a mobile viewer. It'd be nice to be able to do activities like shopping and trying on demos. I'd love to be able to teleport to a shopping event and browse the vendors. I would even go to events that I normally don't visit. Or simply going to the SL Marketplace and receiving items into the mobile viewer received items folder would be fun. All I'd need on the viewer is just my avatar and a good way to look at my inventory The ad copy for a mobile viewer would be, "Dress up your avatar on your phone! Chat with friends! When you're ready, get on your computer and meet up to have fun inside a virtual world! Second Life!"
  5. I was reading an article on Fortnite written many months ago. It was a much longer piece on how the game was multi platform, monetized thru cosmetic appearance items, and had a huge player base. It then went into the whole possibility of a Metaverse and also mentioned SL. Different author. It seems the CEO of Fortnite mentioned Metaverse building some time back. I honestly don't mind if this happens.
  6. I read they are an invasive species so it seems that a die off is actually a good thing. People are eating them too! Yuck.
  7. How does heart taste? What's the texture compared to just regular cut of beef? I just saw beef heart for sale at the grocery store and was surprised by how large it was.
  8. Now that I have access to places with pizza by the slice, I've discovered other toppings like shrimp and artichokes or chicken with barbecue sauce are quite good. I've never actually had pineapple and anchovies together but it sounds like it would work. 🍕
  9. Also, close any programs running in the background. I just slow way down when crossing sims in a vehicle. Roads are also prims and riding off-road on bare linden land might help.
  10. I like pineapple on pizza too! With anchovies.
  11. Hey all, let's post our potentially unpopular opinions! What could go wrong? Anyways, my opinion is that there are too many beautiful avatars and it dilutes the beauty in SL. I think most people need to make themselves more plain looking or ugly so that my avatar will be the fairest of all. 🥴
  12. I agree on attributing to the artist. I was about to add sentence for that. Thanks for mentioning it.
  13. I think it's fine. You're not selling it right? People put song lyrics in their profiles all the time.
  14. I have it in the bottom corner of my screen. Mostly it's to show where avatars are when I first arrive at a location and everyone is either invisible or loading. I tend to walk out of the landing zone right away and I don't want to bump into people so I walk around the green dots on the mini-map. It's also useful in showing where people are above or below you.
  15. I just tried an air fryer and the fried chicken was amazing. It turns out more like a pan fried chicken because it's not a completely "fried" all over. Definitely closer to a fried chicken than a baked chicken.
  16. Awesome, another mention of Second Life! Are we on a roll?
  17. I had dim sum recently. They had so many kinds of dumplings and buns. I think most restaurants serve up Western style Chinese food because that is what customers want. You can try asking for the "other" menu if they have one. It's probably in Chinese.
  18. Someone tell the Lindens that they should switch to developing for Android first because ios is lousy. Once they get a full mobile app with graphics up and running they can go back to working with that other phone system.
  19. McDonald's breakfast always seems artificial to me like airline food or a frozen dinner. The fries changed because they stopped frying with beef tallow.
  20. Has anyone actually encountered a problem with people knowing their IP address? I haven't heard of anyone actually having trouble with it being discovered. Personally, my IP has always pointed to the wrong city.
  21. Everyone is so polite here! Or maybe no one will admit to being mean. I just pretend that something came up in real life. It's the perfect alibi unless the other person lives in your house.
  22. Choosing colors on clothing demos has made me realize that I like shades of blue, yellow and brown. In housing, I go to greens and purples.
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