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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. Ohh. Rolig is so fast. I was just looking for this youtube video I saw while working. it probably doesn't answer the OP's question.
  2. Kittisaurus Bingo Shibainu Shiro Suki Migrationology Dancing Bacons Travel Thirsty
  3. I walked away at that point. I didn’t want to eavesdrop.
  4. There’s a reddit called r/ChoosingBeggars that’s filled with stories about entitled beggars. It’s quite funny.
  5. Saw a guy use this on a girl at a store in RL. Guy: "Excuse me miss? I think you dropped something." Girl: "Oh, what is it?" Guy: "Your smile." Girl: *smiles* Guy: "Oh, I see you’ve found it."
  6. I’ve got the Oculus Quest which is the wireless all-in-one VR. It’s not as good as the Index or the Oculus Rift but you don’t need a VR ready computer. You just turn it on and play. However, if you do have a VR ready computer, you can link the Quest with a single usb cable and get all the Rift compliant media. I’ve tried it unlinked and linked and both modes work. I have the PSVR too which requires a PS4. For me, wireless play is just amazing and I’d rather play unlinked with lesser performance than linked. The VR on the Index will look good. Really good. It’s probably the best VR for consumers right now. If you want to step down to a lower end, the Quest is the one I’d recommend. I think your simulator requirement might be the deciding factor. You may want to check reviews of simulators with a linked Quest.
  7. You need to turn people off during events. That helps quite a bit. I also turn down graphics to the second lowest preset and set the draw distance to the minimum. I've no idea how to stop sims from being full other than to just wait a few days until the initial crowd goes away.
  8. I’m not trying to help any stalkers but a name change essentially turns a person into a stranger with all the possible danger it implies. You may think, “Oh, I’ll just tell my friends every single time," but there may be people who are outside of your close circle, maybe people you’ve lost touch with, returning friends, or acquaintances. In my case, I may have forgotten what someone said a month prior. Not knowing who a person was before leads to awkward and maybe embarrassing conversations with someone who may be your friend or an actual complete stranger. The introverts of SL are going to love that. How many people are changing their names to stop a stalker? It seems that situation would be very small compared to everyone just trying to figure out who their friends are. In the end, who needs this protection from knowing their former identity? Maybe that guy in witness protection but everything else seems a little unnecessary. Getname and Getkey have already blown secret identities out of the water. A stalker could easily have friended their victim with an alt and gotten informed of the name change. I think old names should just be readily available.
  9. Thoroughly insane babble. Don’t spend another second of thought on it.
  10. Honesty, I'd like that feature to know someone's previous name for social reasons. People could change out their name and then wear a different avatar without any ill intention but friends and associates may feel some anxiety when a stranger suddenly walks in. I thought the plan was to have a list of your prior names in your profile or something. Also, if someone changed their name and you call them their old name... is that deadnaming?
  11. I think they are no longer in the viewer to see but they are sitting somewhere in your computer folder that you can import as an eep object. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Environmental_Enhancement_Project#Importing_existing_Windlight_settings It looks like LL fixed the one big issue I had with EEP which was persistence of personal windlight/eep settings after restart. Thanks! Although, I'm more likely to try checking out a parcel's environment now. If I see a very well designed parcel I would now assume the designer also made their own lighting. There's a 'settings' folder in our inventory now? Nice. It has my test sky object in it. I guess that's where all my eep's will be.
  12. Stores already send out warnings about this scam when you go into the store. I think that’s enough of a warning to stop scammers.
  13. It's everybody buyin' last names! I can't think of any other reason why people would come.
  14. You can see yourself in VR if the viewer was programmed that way. The effect is unlike anything I've seen in in VR and through a flat screen. Where 1st person VR gives you immersion, 3rd person VR gives you a certain kind of eerie reality that can be best described by looking at tilt-shift photographs.
  15. I think that's true. There are people who need higher frame rates. But video card technology becomes faster every few months with each new release. Eventually we'll get to a point where the technology becomes good enough for every single person to use VR. VR also works great from the perspective of looking down on your character. VR games like Astrobot Rescue and Moss both show a separate avatar from the player and are quite amazing to play. SL in 3rd person VR would probably feel like looking at an exquisitely made doll/action figure in a beautiful dollhouse/landscape.
  16. The Oculus Rift and subsequent headsets solved that problem. A VR headset that runs at 60 frames per second was the breakthrough needed to bring the current wave of VR. The problem with SL is that sometimes we can't even get 30 fps on a regular computer.
  17. Open up a command prompt and type: tracert sim10167.agni.lindenlab.com That works for me. I see 12 hops to it. I assume that server is from the help ->about second life menu in your viewer.
  18. All these name changes are so confusing now. I doubt just a simple one thread will fix this! I'd suggest adding a forum signature with your old name in it and keep it there for a few months.
  19. If you run into a normal person who lives in the area, a person who might end up your neighbor if you buy a parcel, the best reply is to explain that you are busy looking at land. Most normal folks who have parcels in SL will understand. You might want to ask them about the day to day sim activity which is normally something you can't see by just being at a parcel for a few minutes.Even if you run into someone making a romantic advance, a non-romantic reply explaining your situation might snap them out of their initial thoughts. In any case, talking to would be neighbors should be part of your parcel evaluation. You don't want any crazy person living next to you.
  20. That was a pretty good story. It was very funny. I can tell there was lot of effort put into it. 👌
  21. I found that having a television in front of you is very distracting when you are trying to do the things you normally do at the office. A few weeks before the outbreak, after waking up early to go to work, I actually had the thought that staying at home all week would be the most awesome thing ever. I do like it a lot but it can be very unproductive.
  22. I thought this was asking to put a Linden employee on sale... Anyways, good explanations from the popcorn gallery.
  23. They went out with a whimper and everyone forgot about them.
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