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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. Correct. A lot of people have very tall avatars. Most people are unaware.
  2. $24.40 US dollars a month? How about http://www.cloudcrowd.com
  3. I think question would be more relevant a few years back when big businesses were actually looking to make a virtual presence here in SL. Now, I don't think it's really all that important.
  4. Defriending them may make it even worse.
  5. My tradition at Thanksgiving is to go to my relative's house and enjoy a meal with family. I'm thankful that I don't have to cook! Whenever I have a lot of food to choose from I always pick a small amount of each, eat, and then get seconds of whatever I enjoyed most. On Christmas I make gift baskets with whatever strange giftable food I can find at stores, like bottles of hot sauce, wedges of cheese, pretzels, chocolate covered raisins, etc.There is usually a large get together on Christmas as well with much of the same people I see on Thanksgiving. I love this time of year. Everything gets so festive.
  6. I think most of the large skin stores have at least one or two asian skins.Curio, Laq, Redgrave. But here are a few I recall... May Skins http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aquel%20sim/219/219/24 Issigonis http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hector/149/122/301 There are a lot more asian skin stores out there.
  7. The Skoal is free right? But I'm still in their database as being 'safe' and that is still annoying.
  8. I want one of the interactions to be, "throws bag of seeds on the ground", as Vampires have a compulsive need to count things.
  9. Do you know what I hate about the Umpire community? All the Baselines players. I mean you teleport into a welcome area and some Baselines player comes up to you and shouts, "You're out!" Come on. I was safe!
  10. I believe strollers are either scripted like vehicles or as an attachment. To add a baby to a stroller you need to rez the stroller to the ground, then rez the baby, go to the build menu and drag that baby into the stroller, click on the baby then the stroller and press ctrl L to link the baby to the stroller. Are the baby and stroller from the same store? If so, they might have special instructions on how to link them.
  11. I don't see any coupons in my browser. I have never seen any kind of advertising in the forums. I don't think the lithium forum software is set to even show ads. It sounds you have something like a toolbar or add-on that is throwing up ads. What browser do you have?
  12. Ooh. I watched the entire Gantz series. I must say that the stories and ideas in it would never ever appear in a show made in America. The ending is kind of a let down though. I hope there is a second series. I also like Azumanga Daioh and K-On! And the last series I saw was called Working!! I don't know why the titles have exclamation points in them.
  13. Omg, the creator of The Sims? I think his joining is a good thing. I hope he gives SL a good long look and understands how different SL is from other worlds. Hopefully, we'll see changes for the better.
  14. You really have to avoid trailer parks, even in SL. But it looks fun!
  15. What a pretty magazine! It's just like a fashion mag.
  16. Just make a 'tall shape' of yourself. Take some time to make it look good then save it and keep it in your inventory for when you are at that club. It just takes a few seconds to change shapes. Switch back to regular size when you leave. There's really not much more you can do about it .
  17. It is pretty much trial and error. Once you figure out the distance your hands need to be in poser to look correct in SL you can use that knowledge on other anims. Keep in mind that avatar size settings will affect how far the avatar's hands are apart. So you'll never get it right for all users. You should also log in to the beta grid to test your anims. You get free lindens to use for uploading anims. Then you upload your final product on the main grid. I think some third party viewers have an animation preview as well. So you can preview but not upload until you are satisfied.
  18. Wait. How can we occupy anything when LL has banned camping? Bring camping back!
  19. Obviously the op likens the urban planning done in China to the linden homes allocated to newbies by Linden Lab. Thus avoiding the 'slumlike situation' so common on the mainland. Perhaps more control over parcels by the Lindens will result in a well ordered mainland.
  20. I sort of forgot about this! Lots of pics now and everybody looks really good.
  21. I believe your problem is the offset of those animations you have in your AO. Furniture sit anims sometimes have an offset built in so that you sit a certain distance from the poseball. AO sits need a zero offset so you sit where you click. Sometimes you can override the offset in the script. I know furniture scripts can do this. You may want to read your AOs instructions to see if you can manually enter a new offset for each sit. You may have to buy a new ao sit anim. There are lots available that you can buy and toss into the AO.
  22. Yeah, I've seen the random body parts getting large before. I had an issue with my torso muscles going to 100 back in '07. I used to see people with their heads getting large and growing over their hair. Going to the sliders and adjusting it worked for the current session. Rebaking also helped. The only permanent fix was to create a new shape and rebuild from scratch.
  23. I actually had the opposite experience once when I was shopping for a new skin. I was browsing the skins on the wall and I had already grabbed demos of the ones that appealed to me. There was a new skin where my overall reaction was 'meh..' as it looked rather underwhelming but I got the demo because it was new and demos are free. I went home and tried all the demos I liked and was disappointed by all but when I tried the new skin demo I was amazed at how well it looked. It looked completely different on my shape compared to what it looked like at the store. Anyways, I ended up buying it. So I guess the lesson here is to get all the demos even if they don't look that great on the wall. Wall posters sell the demo but the demo sells the skin.
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