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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. I've used a smartphone for two years and I replaced it with a tablet for about a year and half now. A tablet is very useful but it doesn't replace the PC. How to best describe my usage? In the past, before smartphones, I would be in front of a computer about 5 out of 15 hours (a wild estimate) doing 100% of tasks that can normally be done on a computer. With a tablet/smartphone, I can spend 5 of 15 hours in front of a computer doing 100% of tasks on a computer and spend an additional 3 hours on a tablet doing only 30% of tasks that can be done on a computer. Only the 3 hours are spread out over the the 15 hours in small 5 minute increments (which is doing things like checking email, reading the forums, browsing ebay, etc.) Of all the peope I observe and interact with in life, I've never seen anyone go to a phone only option. None. I see a lot of people with smartphones and using them for peripheral activities but when there's serious work and serious play to be done they do it on a PC.
  2. I've seen places like that where there is a green boundary and you are prompted to pay to enter. Then I leave.
  3. Honestly, phones are just too limited to ever replace computers. The only way for phones to ever replace computers is to turn into computers themselves.
  4. Pudgy, if the OP wants to learn Gorean then that's their choice. Didn't know they had Gorean dramas though.
  5. http://www.mermaiddiaries.com/2006/11/build.html Here's a good site with tutorials on how to make hair for SL.
  6. To get to that pose your arms are in, the animation has to have the joints unlocked and the wrist has to be twisted all around. I just tried it. I think it's the pose causing the problem.
  7. It's a good thing I can only log in at night!
  8. I have a trench coat on one of my other avatars. I find that as long as you don't run around or sit down it looks pretty good. I did run into a flasher once in SL which is a bit strange considering all the nude people in the welcome areas.
  9. Have you searched for a mesh trenchcoat? The whole thing about mesh is that it can bend with your avatar. Are you planning to flash someone?
  10. The shirt, pasties, baggy layer and prims, belt, arm warmer, tattoo, bandana, collar, faceplug, piercings and sneakers are sold by this shop called AdN and can be bought at the marketplace for L$99.
  11. This is pretty nice. I've never seen the monetary expectations in SL ever expressed before. As to clothing I'd suggest to avoid re-doing ideas already out there. Be unique. Try to make them as nice as possible in quality and design. And add them to the SL Markeplace. I buy quality items and I hardly look at a creator's pedigree.
  12. I've got to hand it to you. You were able to draw me into posting.
  13. Wow. I just read up on this. It sounds like up to date antivirus software will get rid of the malware but you still have to ensure your dns is no longer pointing to those rogue dns servers (which are now legit and run by the FBI). I guess I need to run that tool to check it.
  14. I've seen that many times before. If you think that's weird then don't look at your shoulder blades. You can try setting the nose tip from pointing down to pointing up, make your upper cheeks less puffy and making your nose larger. For some reason, SL men have to have large noses. I'd also recommend turning up all your light and shadow settings if you can. The basic lights tend to highlight all the flaws.
  15. You know that someone in the Star Trek universe will program a replicator to replicate other replicators pre-programmed to replicate more pre-programmed replicators.
  16. Those 17 inchers are heavy! The size is also hard to pack. They're used as desktop replacements mostly because you don't move them. Expect the computer to run hot when you run SL on any size laptop too. Search online for reviews of those models.
  17. I suppose they don't want you to lessen the perceived value of the sculpted product which could cause other creators to not purchase their sculpts as it is thought of as freebie material. Just guessin'.
  18. I have a niece with a birthday party this weekend. I had to go to Toys R Us at 9 in the morning and the stuffed animals were half off.
  19. This has been happening for many years now. But there are a lot of welcome areas and there are a lot of people who act good there too. Do what you can to help but don't expect things to change much.
  20. I believe the reason why the inner area is drawn is to act as a glitch layer. When posing or standing with hips tilted to one side sometimes the prim will not cover parts of the inner thigh.
  21. How about making a voting booth that randomizes the order of the contestants for every voter? So someone can't tell all their friends to just vote for number 4. Maybe, if you have 10 contestants, each voter would be presented with just a randomly chosen 5 out of the 10.
  22. To get fancy text you should first google 'free fonts' and peruse the websites that come up. They usually show a preview of the fonts available. Then you download and install them to your computer. When you fire up Photoshop and go to the text tool you can select your new font and type with it. You can resize, recolor and all the other stuff. Or just hire Jessica.
  23. Yeah. I think I'll hold off on both shopping and migrating. Hopefully things will get settled in a week.
  24. Well no more worrying about where to stash your magic box now. I hope the system works as intended.
  25. I've been using a Cintiq 12wx recently. Just got it from a relative who was letting it collect dust. I think I have to update my drawing programs though as they are not very compatible. Wacoms are great!
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