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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. Since you are a new user and are probably using a newer viewer I'd suggest adjusting your sky settings. In the topmost pic above, we see the standard ugly shadows on the avatar. If you go to the World settings you can go to the Environment Editor as shown and make a new sky preset. In the Create a New Sky Preset window you choose a name for your preset. I named this example 'No Shadows'. Then click on the box that says Sun/Moon Color and set it to black. This turns off the light from the sun which causes those ugly shadows. Click OK to save the setting. The next step is to click on the Ambient box and choose a fairly bright gray setting (or whatever color you want). This controls the overall light you see in-world. Then click OK to save the ambient setting and choose Make This Preset My New Sky Setting and click save. That should be it. However, if you want to go back and reload that sky preset you go to the Environment Settings as shown above. Where it says Fixed Sky, you can click on the box to the right of it and choose your preset. User created presets are at the very top. Voila! Perfect skin for yourself and for everyone else that you look at.
  2. To say what you did was stupid is too harsh on yourself. Maybe a mild foolishness or a momentary lapse of reason. I agree with Wiked on paying out without expecting anything back but always consider if you can afford to be so generous. There's no shame in not helping someone out in SL. After all, the Lindens won't get involved in monetary disputes between residents.
  3. I guess the windlight and photoshop made my hair darker. Although, the hair did come in a three color pack. Maybe I'm wearing the darkest brown. My Heinlein favorite book? The Puppetmasters or The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. More straightforward stories than Stranger in a Strange Land which did get a bit philosophical at times.
  4. I love boats! I also love that jacket! Hope we see more pics from you Uncommon!
  5. I've read quite a few Heinlein books. I used to frequent used bookstores and bought lots of old paperbacks for less than a buck each. But anyways, here's a behind the scenes pic! Doesn't everyone take pics this way? Hair - Zero Style, Skin - RealSKIN, Jacket - Last Call, Pants - Armidi
  6. Interest in androgyny seems to skew more to men who resemble women. Why don't we see more idolizing women who look like men? I say vive la différence.
  7. I photoshopped the heck out of this profile pic for my alt. Hair - Maitreya, skin - LAQ, undies - Insolence, stockings - Jolbey&Jasper, shoes - GOS.
  8. You got booted by a paranoid. There are hundreds of newbie places out there. You'll probably get through three or four before you suddenly become bored of newbie places and start visiting all the other places in SL of which there are thousands.
  9. This announcement doesn't make much sense. Unused accounts aren't just alt accounts. They could be main accounts of people with one account who just haven't logged in much. There's no way to tell which account is a primary or an alt. Plus the warning is less than one month and so obscure that no one can find it on the official blogs? Plus the word 'cull' is a term used to mean killing off wild animals or livestock which goes against the the customer friendly wording that LL would use.
  10. Just report it through the standard AR channels. I've heard something like it recently in the welcome areas and it certainly sounds wrong to me. My guess is that the troll will simply get bored of it long before LL takes any action.
  11. Well when you think about it, threads on avvy size get created all the time. Why not keep it on an older thread? Maybe the forum software is making it easier to bring up these old threads. But returning to the topic, I used to be very tall for close to a year. I decided one day to recreate the room where my computer was. It would be cool to sit at my computer in SL and look around my room. So I measured out the walls, the table, my chair, etc. and converted everything to meters and started building. Let's just say that my avatar could not fit through the door, my eye level was above the ceiling, I could not sit on such a tiny chair and table! It was a real eye opening moment. I imagined if my avatar were real and in my room. She would not be a tall person but a mythical giant. After I resized my avatar to a realistic height everything looked well. I had to resize all of my attachments but it was surprising that my avatar could look the same on a smaller scale. From there, I eventually grew up to 6ft tall over the years but I'll never go back to anything taller.
  12. I have to mention that this girl isn't me... I saw a LOT of messed up avatars that night. Things seem better tonight.
  13. Poor girl! No arms. No legs even! And wait, her face is missing too! At least she can still see.
  14. Poor girl! No arms. No legs even! And wait, her face is missing too! At least she can still see.
  15. Why can't you just hold the exact same chat with your friends so that you will have the same chat log on your new computer?
  16. I totally agree with you on the profiles. It's pretty bad. I could go into detail but it's basically there for all to see.
  17. I'm currently set to display names only. I think it's the default on the Kirstens Viewer 2. The only problem I have is that people are using special characters and make their names difficult to read.
  18. In 2006, some SL server got hacked for names and addresses. They made us change our passwords as part of the security upgrade.
  19. Hey, I have an i3 and it works great. 4 gb of ram too! I recommend the i3 and you can buy an i5 or i7 later and just drop it in. You should look also into raising your speeds for your internet connection.
  20. Did your feet size change? Or maybe the system shoes that normally come with prim shoes are not loading?
  21. The stage is how we perceive reality. Only things within our immediate senses truly exist. Everything else is backstage. You are both the audience and performer.
  22. Bree Giffen


    If an alt never tells you they're an alt, are they an alt?
  23. I've heard that Gimp is a good free art program. It has layers and allows you to make transparencies in images. You probably need to teach people on how to do various things in Gimp first. You do a lot of texture manipulation and cut & paste. You also need to show how the upper and lower body texture maps translate to the various clothing layers in SL like the infamous inability to texture both arms separately.
  24. Get them a poseball set for a threesome and tell them to IM you when they're ready.
  25. I would love to see a new mesh for our avatars but I've seen requests for new avatars all the time and nothing new has ever come out. I think the main problem is how to retain the old texture mapping with the new mesh. That would break almost every single piece of clothing and skin which is a huge deal. They did actually make a few changes to the mesh a while back but it was just moving things around on the current mesh and not anything new. But even if it is difficult for LL to come up with a new mesh and getting the texture mapping right, if it's not impossible, I think they should work on it. I mean, in the gaming world, if your product looks old people don't want to play it. When I read reviews for MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games) they often cite outdated graphics as a con. But if it is going to be near impossible to make new avatars and keep existing content, then LL needs to launch a new world.
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