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Conifer Dada

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Everything posted by Conifer Dada

  1. How does one get EEP? It's not included on my current LL viewer and I do get automatic updates whenever they are issued. I looked at the list of release candidate viewers and none of them look like they are EEP. I did try the EEP test viewer some months ago and found that it worked well for the environment but gave poor lighting of avatars, no matter what I did with the settings.
  2. Would this be the same Dance Island as I've just visited today?
  3. As I said above, I thought it was amazing. I came back to say It reminds me there was series of short films about a newbie's dark journey through SL made many years ago by Molotov Alva.
  4. I just watched the whole thing - amazingly clever.
  5. Letting people visit your standalone looks pretty difficult as you need to change lots of settings on your computer, it seems. I had no trouble setting up my standalone and subsequently developing it but when I looked into making it accessible online, I gave up when I saw the instructions!
  6. Congratulations! I just realised I too recently passed the thousand post landmark but without noticing at the time.
  7. Improvements to the 'system' avatar that do not upset texturing. A few more sliders and the ability to apply textures to one arm or one foot would be useful. A built-in land rental system. The ability to produce mesh shapes in 'build' mode. Better performance in busy places - less lag and quicker rezzing.
  8. People can put forward theories that the universe is a computer simulation but as far as I can see, there's no evidence whatsoever to back that theory up. . . .But then one has to start asking questions like "what exactly is meant by computer?" and "what exactly is meant by simulation?" 😁
  9. Recently I witnessed a vicious and truly nasty spat between a club owner and a DJ in the club's group chat. I was actually quite shocked even though it was difficult to work out what the row was actually about.
  10. I think everyone should be scared, even those of us who are not in the highest risk groups.
  11. How six bakers cut eight cakes with straight razors.
  12. Taking that as the most recent mutation of the original . . . here's my very creative response . . . Eight beavers with six humans cut how much straws?
  13. Re privacy . . . It occurred to me that notecards can be a pretty secure means of communication. If two residents are known to each other in RL and agree in RL to communicate any sensitive information via their SL accounts using notecards, nobody is ever likely to find out. In theory LL might have the means of checking notecards, I don't know. But the chances of anyone ever checking an individual's notecards is infinitesimal. Anyway that's really an aside, I just want to wish everyone well and hope we all stay safe. We're all having the same worries about coronavirus wherever we are.
  14. I like to think that the SL grid is a small part of the surface of a round planet. So although the planet is round, the grid is such a small part of it that it's almost flat but ever so slightly convex although we don't notice that from ground level. A bit like Earth, really, except we don't know anything about the geography of the rest of the planet beyond the grid. Presumably the various OpenSim grids are somewhere on this imaginary planet too.
  15. In Second Life, where "bizzarre" became the "new normal" a long time ago, I was once stood on a piece of mainland watching a human-sized full-bright snoopy avatar building a bungalow.
  16. Yes, that too. The same workaround would still apply though, just make a prim HUD and stretch it to fill the second screen to form a plain background.
  17. I came to SL in late September 2006. This was probably at the early stage of the surge in popularity. So I saw the unbelievable surge in land prices, followed by the creation of new continents and then about a year later came the great land price crash when the typical price of the cheapest land halved in a day or two. I do think SL could regain the popularity of those days, but not in the same boom and bust way. The key to this is performance. If people could TP to a fairly busy club and see everything and everybody fully rezzed within a few seconds, with no lag and smooth movement, that would boost the appeal of virtual clubbing, which is a big part of SL. Improving the system avatar's mesh and adding extra sliders so you could adjust things like knee position (thigh-to-calf ratio) and basic stance (before adding an AO) would be a help. A good incentive to go Premium would be an initial gift of an LL- approved starter pack of copy/mod mesh clothing and hair. With a bit of tweaking, SL could become attractive to some corporate organisations again and could become a natural home for architects to create impressions of their projects and for 3D graphic novelists to create their scenes.
  18. Ah, but that's so you can have more windows open if need be! ☺️ A busy SLer could run out of screen real-estate without any difficulty! I'm not claiming its anything more than a workaround and I can't see myself using it very much but it gives an idea of what could be done if the in-world view could be 'windowed' within a full-screen client.
  19. After realising that the HUD window above prevents you clicking on things in-world, I've just made another version out of 4 prims instead of a textured single prim. This one you can click through to work things in-world. If you enlarge this picture you'll see there's a thin strip of in-world view on the right-hand edge. That was just because I was in a hurry - that's now been rectified. And if you really feel the need to colour match your border . . .
  20. I mentioned the idea of having the in-world view in a panel in the middle of the screen with all the pop-ups displayed on grey areas to the side. It is possible to do that as a workaround by making an HUD that's textured, say, dark grey, with a square 'alpha' window in the middle. You wear this HUD and stretch to fit the screen. To make this permanent it needs to be added to every outfit. One disadvantage is that you can't click on objects to make them work - like opening doors for example. If you try to do that, you're simply clicking on the HUD, so it's not really a case of "fit and forget".
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