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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. This part doesn't make much sense. How exactly are you triggering the "face finding script?" What does the script even do? The code should not be more complicated than this (and the link finding part I suppose): default { touch_start(integer n) { llOwnerSay((string)llDetectedTouchFace(0)); } } You shouldn't have to be in edit mode at all. Simply left-clicking on any face will give the script enough information to tell which link/face was touched.
  2. I'm upset just thinking about that thread again. 😣 TLDR: An object can always be sat on if it has a free sit target. If the object has no (unoccupied) sit targets, the sim will do a bounding-box check before giving the avatar a nearby surface to sit on. If another bounding box overlaps with where the avatar would sit, a "no room to sit" error will be given.
  3. If you're using BOM, and are able to use a scripted "tattoo applier", then your mesh body has two identical "onion shells" of mesh. The bottom surface has your skin/BOM texture, and the invisible top shell has the tattoo texture. Meanwhile all BOM clothing layers are combined together into a single texture to be displayed on a single surface. The reason why you can't use a BOM tattoo while using a scripted "skin applier" is because the skin texture will either replace the BOM texture (or entirely cover it, if applied to the top shell). BOM tattoos cannot combine with scripted appliers because they just don't work like that.
  4. If you can find it, that'd be pretty cool. While you could feasibly write a static analyzer for LSL, you can't really run tests on a script unless you could actually execute it. That would require someone to write their own LSL compiler/interpreter with extended functionality for triggering events. It seems very unlikely that anyone has or would do that.
  5. Did ChatGPT write this? Oh, or is this for OpenSim? You're probably better off asking in their forum instead.
  6. iDir = iDir >> 1; // divide by two iDir = iDir >> 2; // divide by four... The same works for multiplication. iLen = llStringLength(sInput) << 1; // multiply by two iLen = llStringLength(sInput) << 2; // multiply by four...
  7. You can see it in the activity feed, either in the History/Activity tabs, or All.
  8. Spidey marked it as duplicate of WENG-9476, which is probably an internal ticket number.
  9. That's what I meant, sorry for the shorthand. 😋 If you were to put Jenna's function into a script and check llGetUsedMemory/llGetFreeMemory (without calling the function at all), then put the function through the optimizer before checking llGetUsedMemory/llGetFreeMemory again, there will be no difference in output despite the memory optimizations. But once you call the optimized function as _("", 0); to minimize memory usage from the function call, you'll notice that 1024 bytes are reserved by the user-function. While Mono won't reserve 512 bytes for every call, it will reserve at least 512 bytes if it has no pre-allocated memory block to use. That block will then stay in use for the script (not just by that user function I imagine), until it either fills up or gets cleaned up by garbage collection.
  10. Based on everything people have been saying, you'd now get the old results with "1 AND prim AND piano" - 91 results. As a small side-note, the search looks at more than just tags (as before). The description and "works with" field is also matched.
  11. Would there even be packets involved if the communication is purely object-to-object, since the process stays on the simulator the whole time? (I genuinely don't know.)
  12. If the goal is absolutely minimal script memory usage, you could run it through @Sei Lisa's LSL PyOptimizer. I'm not sure if there are any benefits in doing that since this is a user function, which should use a minimum 512 byte block of memory.
  13. BOM exists on the same surface as applier skins. They replace each other, because they cannot exist on the same surface at the same time. Applier skins also work the same way as BOM skins. They're both just a texture. They cannot hide neck seams if it's caused by mismatching mesh. Using a different skin will only fix a neck seam if the previous skin's textures were poorly matched (or you switch to a darker skin where the seam is just harder to see).
  14. The second part would happen before as well - if your query had multiple words, any product that matched any of the words would be included as a result. The yellow instructions popup used to only talk about the AND/OR/NOT part. The quotes and asterisk is new and really nice.
  15. If you do things too fast in the script (like just calling llSLPPF twice), no object update will be sent to any viewer because nothing will have changed during that server-frame. You should llSleep for 1/45th of a second between llSLPPF calls to make sure the changes can appear, or use a non-looping texture animation if you want a shorter period for the texture to appear (assuming you had both images in one texture). People with low framerates will either not see the change at all, or see it for much longer than others.
  16. It seems to be caused by network confusion. There's a few recent threads on the forum discussing it (eg. this), and this Jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-233107
  17. Skin is a specific type of inventory item. Creators will often put skin textures into tattoo layers, which can be taken off.
  18. Sometimes I wonder whether these tricky shortcuts/optimizations belong to wiki examples or if they should be replaced by simpler examples. A single symbol requires 4-5 lines of explanation, and even more to explain why it won't work in this context.
  19. What does "cannot set up correctly and record friends voices" mean? What isn't working about it or what does it hear? How do your friends talk to you? If you're using OBS, you should have Desktop Audio input in the Audio Mixer section. That will have sound input from everything you can hear, including Second Life and Discord. Once you figure that part out, I can give you more advanced instructions for isolating audio so that you can choose which specific programs to record.
  20. LL has said they won't bring back old names, so sadly there's no hope in waiting to get lucky. You could use Display Names instead, though. They're free, and you can change it once every week, so they're not permanent (or unique).
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