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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Remember that usernames can change. Even if you use the full name of an avatar, you're reintroducing the old problem of systems relying on data that doesn't constantly identify the same avatar. Compressing or shortening the key is the way to ensure that the item doesn't change/break when someone changes their name.
  2. Paying for a mobile viewer is all well and good, but charging money for a viewer in the same state as shown in the video would be a really fast way to upset a lot of people. 🙂
  3. There's no way an internet connection could cause all of the graphical glitches listed in the OP. Been following this thread since the beginning and it seems bizarre. The only thing I can think of is not just the PC's power supply, but the local power grid (including wiring in the house) being absolutely terrible, but OP would know if that was the case. It can't be that general of a problem because these things ONLY happen in SL.
  4. What you've shown (and what the video is about) is a custom shader. Second Life doesn't support these things at all. Since you mentioned an "outline," you're probably thinking of this effect. Essentially, this is done by creating a duplicate (slightly larger) mesh "shell" with inverted normals (face direction). No need to touch materials in Blender unless you're doing something more complex than single-color-outline.
  5. It can be a little confusing. If you want to remove your display name, just click Save while leaving both text fields empty.
  6. Don't overlap multiple textures with Alpha Blending. It's the same problem as with hair/lashes/clothing/etc. Either make sure everything is set to Alpha Masking (or that they have no alpha channel), or at least make sure the bottom texture doesn't have Alpha Blending.
  7. They 100% have at least one. No doubt about it. It makes no sense to work in the "production environment." Developers write code on their own computers, so they need a way to run the software locally to make sure their code even does anything. Every developer has their own personal copy of the store, probably with some smaller set of products. (Their code changes are then sent to some central location where the work of every dev is collected, and the code is then deployed somewhere.) With modern tech, it's trivially easy to host multiple environments of your software/store. The code that gets sent to The Real Marketplace™️ can just as easily be sent to a "testing environment." I even recall Lindens talking about this environment in the past, before any of the current issues. Edit: It's not public as far as I know.
  8. Do you have another account with which you could look at yourself, by logging in with both avatars at once? It may be that the problem is not you, but them.
  9. If you're only dealing with a small set of avatars, you can pretty safely just truncate the key to the length you want. Sure, it's possible that another avatar (or multiple) have the exact same key for the first 8 characters, but the likelihood of both of those people interacting with the same object is very, very small.
  10. Do you have any mesh bodies already? Like Rowan said, most human bodies will work. "LL UV" means any body that uses the same texture mapping as the system body by Linden Lab. Kemono won't work, Regalia won't work, a few male bodies like Kuroo or that really muscular body won't work.
  11. Those settings can also be found in normal preferences, at least in Firestorm.
  12. Instead of calling llTextBox and llDialog during the same event, you should only call one of them and add a condition for the second one. KT's example does exactly that. llTextBox is called first, and then llDialog is called only if the previous/current input came from the text box. Once the second input is processed, nothing is opened again. (You could open a third dialog or text box there if you wanted.) Using separate channels for each input is a pretty simple and clean way to process things. If you were to have a longer sequence of inputs (like 5+), it might be preferable to use a single channel/listener and a global variable (integer) to track how many inputs have been processed. It's mainly just an efficiency thing.
  13. Just extend the model with some extra geometry, so that the "geometric center" in Blender is where you want the "center of rotation" to be in SL. My old comment has a video example: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/454526-smooth-rotation-of-a-linked-prim-about-an-axis-that-does-not-intersect-the-prims-origin/#comment-2115268
  14. Considering it's Linden Lab, I think they'll make it open source. But LGPL doesn't mean you *must* release any proprietary code.
  15. Daylight Savings? I would trust the calendar over whatever page you're reading. It's always been correct for me so far.
  16. Because when you search something by quotes, you will only get products with that exact sequence of words. "hourglass top" is not the same as "top hourglass" or "hourglass blue top"
  17. If the store name is in the product name, it will be matched. Special characters are also ignored for search (besides asterisk, which now has its own meaning). Do you have an example of a search that doesn't find a specific product? (with a link to the product that should be found)
  18. That's not a problem with the "Low to High" sorting option. That's the general problem with how keywords work for any search.
  19. It's been Jira'd and the fix will come. The problem with product search currently is that it'll show you products that include any of your search terms by default, unlike before where all search terms had to match. Edit: Special characters are ignored in product searches. It doesn't matter if a product is named something obnoxious like ~{*Cool+Product*}~, you can find it by searching for "cool product" (quoted or not... after the fix).
  20. I'm so confused. Patch hasn't posted anything since Tuesday. And what video? The blog posts talks about an upcoming video for Friday, but you've already seen it?
  21. Or maybe they're just hiring more people to work on the Marketplace, and the fee increase is there to boost their development budget. Not nearly as exciting though.
  22. You said their blog post showed they aren't listening to complaints, but the blog post mentions upcoming fixes to the three main things people are complaining about. I'm just wondering if there's something you know that isn't getting a fix.
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