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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. The maximum texture size in SL is 1024x1024, even if you managed to upload a larger texture. If you stretch that texture to cover an area of 10 meters, you only get about 100² pixels per meter, which is... not a lot. A small leaf would only get a few pixels to itself. Your smallest leaves look like they're occupying about 6x6 pixels... That's why you should consider creating multiple reusable leaf patterns and applying those to individual planes which cover a decent area. That's the way to balance resolution vs topology in this case. (Not that 1400 vertices are anything to be concerned about.)
  2. That's true, if the difference between tall and medium was the same as medium and short, you'd only need three (to five) pairs of animations.
  3. I think what she's going for is using llDie in a rezzed object. That would permanently delete the (no-copy) rezzed voucher, but won't do anything in attachments.
  4. For a single pose where two people have three height choices, you'd probably have to create up to 18 animations (9 pairs). Tall to Tall Tall to Medium Tall to Short Medium to Tall Medium to Medium Medium to Short Short to Tall Short to Medium Short to Short Depending on what the subjects are doing, you might get away without the redundant Tall-to-Medium, Medium-to-Tall, etc. That would still leave you with 12 animations (6 pairs). You'd essentially increase the animation count 6x (with all the notecard setup and script usage that goes with that). Even with some streamlined animation process and being able to set it up with AV Sitter, it'd still be a pretty imperfect system and I have to wonder who would think that's worth the effort.
  5. llList2Json's second parameter must be a list. You've given it a string. Do this instead: string json = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [ "content", message ]); llHTTPRequest(WEBHOOK_URL, [ // headers ], json); Oh also, don't "return" values from events, they don't have return types.
  6. Yes it is a new thing, and it should have been a thing. When people started to rig for mesh bodies. My point is, I find I am saving money when it is sold by the body. I mean good example, one store sells their fatpacks by body at 300L and generally sells all the bodies in that fatpack at 1200L. With that creator and I love her stuff, I am saving 900L. I feel like its a win win and I can afford to buy more outfits than before. I don't think you understood what Coffee was saying. The 300L item would've included a version for all bodies and there was no more expensive fatpack at all.
  7. There's two sides to the problem. When an animation is uploaded, it will always and only move the specific avatar bones that the creator defined. There's no way to change the animation without uploading a new version. If the tail you're using is not rigged to the same avatar bones, the tail will not be affected by that animation. (There's multiple ways to create mermaid tails, so not all creators may use the same bone-setup. The animator has to choose one for reference and can't make one animation work for all tails.) The tail you're using may be scripted with its own animation overrider. Whenever you sit on an object (scripted or not, and whether or not it animates your avatar), the AO in your tail will start a sitting animation, which is what you saw. Depending on the priority of the tail's sitting animation (and the dance animation), it may replace part of the dance anim when they're both using the same bones. It might not be possible to disable the sitting anim, but it could be stopped manually (by finding the sitting animation in the contents of your tail/HUD) or by a separate script.
  8. More likely, the objects were simply returned to your inventory as a grouped object. The inventory icon looks like a stack of cubes (or a "broken cube" if you squint at it). If you drag one of those back into the world, you'll end up rezzing a bunch of separate objects that you had returned. If they were no-copy and actually deleted, you can try contacting SL support with a timestamp of when you returned the items.
  9. Your avatar has a hairbase texture applied to the mesh head. This isn't a shape issue.
  10. I checked on 6.6.8 and the option exists there too. It does affect all friends regardless of who you right-click on, you even get a little warning in case you have a lot of friends: I'm not sure why you wouldn't be seeing those options.
  11. At least on the previous version of Firestorm (6.6.3): When you right click anyone in the friend list there's an option called "Online status for friends visible", which toggles that online status from each person. I also recall seeing the option in a different place, but I can't find it right now. The official viewer doesn't seem to have this option.
  12. In your contact list, there's three columns about different permissions to each person. One of them is about your online status (eye icon), which you can turn off to appear offline to that person. If a person messages you while you're appearing offline, they will not get an automatic "this message will be delivered later" notification. If a script requests for your online status, it will always know the truth. There is no way to hide your online status from scripts.
  13. When writing abuse reports, make sure you give as much information as possible. If all you do is report each account with "this person is stalking me," it may be harder for LL to prevent future abuse. Keep a list of previous accounts, and mention at least a few of them in each report. This'll make it a lot easier for them to see that it's the case of a single person creating accounts. There will always be a way around any ban, but there are a few things LL can do to make it harder. The quick and easy solution would of course be to move to a new account, at least temporarily (read: months).
  14. Sure you can. Did you know there's an RLVa console where you can type in the commands and see the results? (The restrictions set in the console are cleared when the console is closed.) (I used channel 0 for the output so it can be seen in the console itself.)
  15. A more technical answer is that SL uses forward-kinematic (FK) animations. To have animations line up for avatars of different sizes, we'd need inverse-kinematic (IK) animations. The below video will explain the difference in about 20 seconds, at 1:28. With IK animations, we could define where we want the extremities of our avatars' limbs to be, and not worry about where the shoulder begins. With FK animations, the shoulder position necessarily determines where the hand will be. The SL animation system is capable of handling IK animations, but it only works for internal animations (when you turn your AO off). Stuff like the avatar's head turning towards your cursor, or your feet adjusting to the ground surface is done with IK. LL is working on a Puppetry project which should expand on this system, but I don't know how it's gonna affect regular animations (if at all).
  16. No harm in making your own thread to ask them all. 🙂 It's gonna be a mainstay in SL building/texturing, so this forum is as good as any.
  17. You can register multiple SL accounts under the same email address.
  18. If the "wear" option was removed from objects so that they could only be "added," the two options could be renamed to the same thing. You wouldn't even know there were two kinds of "wear" actions. This can even be done right now, in any viewer based on LL's code. All of the viewer menus are configured in plain-text. You can remove/rename them how ever you like.
  19. For future reference, gifts arrive the same way as buying for yourself - they should arrive within a few seconds under normal circumstances. Anything longer than a minute is an indicator that something's up. The problem might not be MP, but something.
  20. I wasn't able to find any way to change the edit axis location in the SL viewer. Maybe it's just not possible. I checked all preferences and advanced/developer/debug menus.
  21. Nope, sim restarts only trigger the Changed event.
  22. It's an option in the edit window. You can have the selection centered at root, or the center of the whole object/linkset.
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